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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第八集 S08E08 The One with the Stripper / 脱衣舞娘

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第八集 S08E08 The One with the Stripper / 脱衣舞娘

Chandler finds out that Monica had a bacholerette party with stripper even though they promised not to have bachelor/bachelorette parties. Rachel takes Phoebe to have dinner with Rachel's dad because she is afraid her dad will be really angry when Rachel tells him she's pregnant. Mr Green is delighted to hear he will be grandfather but freaks out when he finds out that Rachel isn't getting married so she just tells him Ross won't marry her. Monica feels bad about having had a bachelorette party so she organizes a bachelor party including a stripper for Chandler. Joey ... 钱德发现摩妮卡有bacholerette方汽提塔虽然他们答应不单身聚会。瑞秋把菲比和瑞秋的爸爸吃饭,因为她怕她爸爸会很生气,当瑞秋告诉他,她怀孕了。格林先生很高兴听到他将爷爷可是吓坏了当他发现瑞秋没有结婚,所以她只是告诉他,罗斯不会和她结婚。莫妮卡感到难过,有一个单身聚会,她组织了一个单身派对包括汽提塔钱德勒。乔伊…


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I'm having dinner with my dad tomorrow night, do you wanna come?
明晚我要跟我爸一起吃饭 你要来吗?

Sure, yeah, he's kind of sexy.
好啊 他很性感

Oh, no, I'll be there too.
不 我也会去

Okay so, we'll just come up with some kind of signal if it's going well you can take off.
那么我们得想个暗号 如果一切进行的很顺利 你可以离开

No Phoebe! I just need you there for support. I haven't told him I'm pregnant yet.
不 我要你去那里支持我 我还没有告诉他我怀孕了

Oh. Why not?

Cause I know he's gonna flip out and I hate it when he's angry.
因为我知道他会气炸了 我讨厌让他生气

Oh, Rachel. This is all so "Papa Don't Preach."
瑞秋 这好像 "爸爸别说教"

No, Pheeb, wait, he's a scary guy. I mean, one time he caught me smoking.
不 菲比 等一下 他是个可怕的人 有次他抓到我抽烟

He said if he ever saw me doing that again, he would make me eat the entire pack.
他说如果他再看到我抽烟 他会逼我吃下一整盒烟

- Wow. Well, I will be there.

Gosh, I'm not gonna let that man make you eat your baby.
天啊 我不会让那个男人 逼你吃掉你的宝宝

Oh. Hey, who is that guy? I think I know him.
那个家伙是谁? 我想我认识他

- No, you don't. - No, you don't.
- 才怪 - 才怪

Oh, my God. Monica, he's the stripper from your bachelorette party.
天啊 摩妮卡 他是你单身女郎派对上的脱衣舞男

Her what?

Your secret bachelorette party.

- You had a bachelorette party? - She untied his G-string with her teeth.
- 你办了单身女郎派对? - 她用牙齿解开他的丁字裤

Somebody stop me.

I thought we weren't gonna have bachelor/bachelorette parties! Y'know, we agreed that it was a silly tradition.
我们不办单身汉或单身女郎派对 我们都同意那是愚蠢的传统

It's a grand tradition.

I'm sorry. They surprised me. There was nothing I could do.
抱歉 她们给我一个大惊喜 我真的没有办法

Well, you could have untied it with your hands.

This is so unfair.The one thing I wanted to do was throw my best friend a bachelor party...
这太不公平了 我想帮我最好的朋友办单身汉派对...

...but, oh, I wasn't allowed to. All we got was a stupid steak dinner.
却不能那么做 我们只能一起去吃牛排

You went home with the waitress.

Oh yeah, that was a pretty good night.
对 那一晚真的很美妙

I can't believe you didn't tell me.

You know that the two pillars of marriage are openness and honesty.
你知道在婚姻里 开放跟诚实是很重要的

Ugh. I knew giving you that book was gonna come back and bite me in the ass.
我就知道送你那本书 有一天我一定会被报应

How about I order everyone the Moroccan chicken?-Oh, I don't eat meat.
- 我帮大家点了摩洛哥鸡肉 - 我不吃肉

It's chicken.

- Yeah, I don't eat that either. - I'll never understand you lesbians.
- 我也不吃那个 - 我- 直都搞不懂女同志

- So, baby, tell me, what is new with you? - Well, actually, um...
- 宝贝 告诉我你有什么事 - 事实上...

- Ahem. Your '74 Lafite, sir. - Seventy-four?
- 你的74年拉费红酒 - 74年?

I ordered the '75. That's a magnificent wine. The '74 is sewage.
我点的是75年的红酒 它的味道很棒 74年的酒烂透了

Why would you bring me sewage?

Is that a hard question? Are you an idiot? Is that why you're a waiter?
那是个难题吗?你是白痴吗? 所以你才会来当服务生吗?

This is why I told the manager I wouldn't wait on you tonight.
那就是为什么我告诉经理 我不想为你服务的原因

Oh, come on. Don't be such a baby.
少来了 别那么幼雅

In case you didn't notice, that is a scary man.
你应该注意到了 他真的很可怕

He's right, though. The '74 is absolute piss.
但他说的对 74年的酒真的很难喝

This was such a huge mistake. I can't tell him, Phoebe. I can't.
这是个天大的错误 菲比 我不敢告诉他

- Rachel - No, it's okay.This is what's gonna happen.
- 瑞秋 - 这样

I'm gonna wait a couple of years and then the baby will tell him.
我得等上几年 然后宝宝会告诉他

- Why? So he can get mad at the baby? - Hey, that is the baby's problem.
- 为什么?让他可以对宝宝生气? - 那是宝宝的问题

- Oh. Everything okay with the waiter? - I have no idea. I went to the bathroom.
- 服务生没问题吧? - 我不知道 我去了洗手间

So, sweetie, you were starting to tell me what is, uh...? What is new with you?
甜心 你得告诉我 你有什么事

I got TiVo.

- What's TiVo? - It's slang for "pregnant."
- 什么是有了 - 就是怀孕的意思


Are you really pregnant?

Well, uh, yes and no.

Except, not no.

So to sum it up, yeah.
总而言之 对

Who is the father? Oh, no. Please don't tell me it's her.
孩子的爸爸是谁? 不 拜托 别告诉就是她

No, it's Ross. It's Ross. You like Ross.
不 是罗斯 你喜欢罗斯

Oh, Daddy, I hope you're okay with all this.
爸爸 我希望你能接受这件事

I mean, think about it, this is a good thing. This is your first grandchild.
想一想 这是件好事 这是你第一个外孙

You're gonna be a poppy.

That's true. I'm a poppy.
没错 我要当外公了

I'm gonna be a poppy.

- So when is the wedding? - The who?
- 婚礼什么时候举行? - 谁的婚礼?

The wedding. There's going to be a wedding.
婚礼 你们得举行婚礼

Young lady, don't you sit there and tell me my first grandchild is going to be a bastard!
小姑娘 你休想坐在那里告诉我 我的第一个外孙会是个私生子

-Rachel Karen Green, tell me there's gonna be a wedding. -February 2nd.
- 告诉我你们会举行婚礼 - 二月二日

So it was really cool seeing you lecture today.

Oh, thanks. Although it seemed like you were falling asleep there a little.
谢谢 虽然我觉得 你看起来像是睡着了

Oh, no, I had my eyes closed so I could concentrate and take it all in.
不 我闭上了眼睛 要专心听你说话

Yeah, a lot of my students do that.

- So, um, I gotta get going. - Okay, I'll see you tonight?
- 我得走了 - 今晚见?

Oh, hey, thanks again for showing me your semi-precious stone collection.It was amazing.
谢谢你让我参观你收集的半宝石 它真的很棒

My God, you must be good in bed.
天啊 你的床上功夫一定很厉害

So you and Mona. It's been a while now. How's it going?
你跟蒙娜交往了一阵子 情况如何?

Uh, it's good. It's going good.

I mean, we get along great. She's so...
我们处得很好 她很...

- Hot? - Well, I was gonna say sweet, but yeah.
- 辣? - 我本来说很温柔 但你答对了

And she's okay with Rachel and the baby?

Well, I haven't actually told her yet. I don't wanna scare her off.
我还没有告诉她 我不想吓跑她

Well, you have to be honest with her,otherwise you may think that you're going down the same path...
你得老实说 不然的话 你以为你们的方向一样...

...but you're really going down different ones.
事实上你们在走 不一样的路

I'm gonna take that book and I'm gonna beat you to death with it.
我会拿那本书 把你打死

Oh, my God, you are gonna love me so much.
天啊 你一定会爱死我了

I felt really bad about the whole bachelorette party thing, so tonight...
好吧 关于单身女郎派对的事 我真的很难过...'re gonna have a bachelor party.
所以今晚 你要办单身汉派对

- What?

Yeah, I got this number from this guy at work and I hired a stripper to come dance for you.
我在餐厅的同事给我这个电话号码 我雇了一个脱衣舞娘来跳舞给你看

Am I going in the wife hall of fame or what?

Honey, that's crazy, I don't you to get me a stripper. -Will you let the lady talk?
- 甜心 这太疯狂了 我不要脱衣舞娘 - 你能让她说完吗?

Come on. Come on, it'll be fun. It'll make me feel so much better.
来吧 一定会很好玩的 它会让我觉得好过一点

Look, I appreciate it, but, uh, it's a little creepy, you know?I'm not a bachelor anymore.
听着 我很感激 但它有点可怕 我已经不是单身汉了

So don't think of it as a bachelor party.Think of it as a two-month anniversary present.
别把它当成是单身汉派对 把它当成是结婚两个月的礼物

Sure. One year is paper, but two months is lap dance.
当然 结婚一年是纸婚 两个月的话可以看热舞

Please, I feel so bad. Just watch the hot woman get naked.
拜托 我觉得好难过 去看看那个辣妹脱光衣服吧

- Fine, but I'm only doing this for you. - Yeah.
- 好吧 但我这么做是为了你 - 太帅了

And Joey.

Thank you. Now, who else do you wanna invite?-Uh, no, no, no. Just Ross and Joey is embarrassing enough.
- 谢谢 你还想邀请谁? - 光罗斯跟乔伊就够丢脸了

Uh, actually, sorry, I can't even make it. I'm seeing Mona again tonight.
抱歉 我没办法去 今晚我跟蒙娜有约

I understand. Who would cancel an actual date just to go to a fake bachelor party?
谁会为了假单身汉派对 取消真正的约会?

I'm sorry. I gotta cancel tonight, baby.
抱歉 我得取消今晚的约会 宝贝

I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your imaginary wedding,but I'm really busy that day.
抱歉我无法参加你想像出来的婚礼 那天我很忙

I already have a unicorn baptism and a leprechaun bar mitzvah.
我得参加独角兽受洗礼 跟小精灵的戒酒会

I know, I know. I panicked. I panicked.
我知道 我乱了方寸

I didn't want him to start yelling at me like I was some '74 Latour.
我不要他对着我大叫 把我当成74年拉飞红酒

It's Lafite.

The '74 Latour is actually drinking quite nicely.
74年拉飞红酒 喝起来真的很不错

All right, here he comes. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna be strong.
好吧 他来了 我得告诉他 我得很坚强

- I just called a friend of mine.

I think I may be able to book the Plaza on short notice.
我想或许我可以 在这么短的时间内订到广场饭店


The Plaza?

Oh, Daddy.

- Right. Daddy, I need to talk to you. Please, sit down.- What is it, sweetie?
- 爸爸 我得跟你谈- 谈 - 什么事?宝贝

There's not gonna be a wedding. Ross and I are not getting married.
我们不会举行婚礼 罗斯跟我不会结婚

- I'm sorry, Daddy. - I don't believe this.
- 对不起 爸爸 - 我不敢相信

Daddy, stay calm, please.-Stay calm? How do you expect me to stay calm?
- 爸爸 请保持冷静 - 你怎么能要我保持冷静?

This is unacceptable, Rachel. And I wanna know why.
我完全无法接受 瑞秋 我要知道为什么

Is it because that punk Ross won't marry you?That's it.
因为那个混蛋 不愿意娶你吗?

- Is that it? - Yes. He says I'm damaged goods.
- 是那样吗? - 对 他说我是瑕疵品

So, you, uh, nervous about getting married?

What are you doing?

Look, let's pretend it's a real bachelor party, okay?You know, before your wedding. It'll be more fun.
我们假装这是你结婚前的 单身汉派对 那样比较好玩

All right. I can't believe tomorrow's the big day.
好吧 我不敢相信 明天是我的大喜之日

How's it feel knowing you're never gonna be with another woman again, huh?
知道你永远无法跟别的女人在一起 你有什么咸觉?

Knowing you're gonna have to wake up to the same face every day...
知道你每天醒过来 都会看到同一张脸...

...until you finally have the sweet release of death.
直到死神 来拯救你

You're right. This is more fun.
你说的对 这样比较好玩

That's her. Okay, come on.
她来了 快点

- Hi. - Hi.
- 嗨 - 嗨

So which one of you lucky boys is Chandler?

Uh, that's me.

That's me.

Joey Tribbiani. Big fan.
乔伊崔比亚尼 你的头号仰慕者

- So is that a bedroom? - Yeah, yeah, right over there.
- 那是卧房吗? - 对 就在那边

All right. Whenever you're ready.
好吧 你准备好就进来

That was weird.

- Why would she go in the bedroom? - I'm waiting.
- 她为什么要到卧房去? - 我在等着

- So she's a... - Yep, that's one naked hooker.
- 她是... - 她是脱光衣服的妓女

I love your place. Where is this guy from?
我喜欢你家 这玩意从哪里来的?

Uh, that's an 18th-century Indian artifact from Calcutta.
那是在加尔各答买的 18世纪印度工艺品

Oh. Wow.

So you're more than just dinosaurs.

- So much more. - Mm.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I am so sorry.
天啊 我很抱歉

Ah, forget it. It's from Pier 1.
算了 那是在一号码头商店买的


You think you can knock up my daughter and then not marry her?
你以为你可以搞大我女儿的肚子 然后不娶她吗?

I ought to kill you.

You know, this is actually not a great time for me.
事实上 我现在真的很不方便

So come on. Explain yourself, Geller.
快一点 解释给我听 盖勒

- First you get my Rachel pregnant... - You got Rachel pregnant?
- 你先让我的瑞秋怀孕 - 你让瑞秋怀孕?

- Who did? - You did!
- 谁干的? - 就是你

Yes, yes, I did, but it was just a one-night thing. It meant nothing.
没错 但那是一夜情 那毫无意义

Oh? Really? That's what my daughter means to you, nothing?
真的吗? 我女儿对你来说毫无意义?

No, no, sir. Um, she means a lot to me. I mean, I love Rachel.
不是的 她对我来说意义重大 我在乎...我爱瑞秋

- What? - Oh, but not in that way. Heh.
- 什么? - 但不是那样的

I mean, I'm not in love with her. I love her like a friend.
我没有爱上她 我把她当成朋友

- Oh, really? That's how you treat a friend?You get her in trouble and then you refuse to marry her?
你就是那样对待朋友的吗? 你搞大她的肚子又不肯娶她?

- Hey, I offered to marry her.But I didn't want to.
我有跟她求婚 但我不想那么做

Well, why not? So you could spend your time with this tramp?
为什么? 因为你想跟这个荡妇鬼混?


I'm sorry. Dr. Green, Mona. Mona, Dr. Green.
抱歉 葛林医生 蒙娜 蒙娜 葛林医生

I can't believe there is a naked hooker in there.
我不敢相信 里面有个脱光衣服的妓女

Wait, wait. Maybe she's a hooker and a stripper...
或许她是妓女 兼脱衣舞娘...

...but she got confused about what she's supposed to do.

Could be. I mean, technically, she did strip. We just missed it.
有可能 技术上来说她脱光了衣服 只是我们没看到


Are you also a stripper?

Uh, no, but I could pretend to strip.But that's gonna cost extra.
不是 但我可以假装 那得另外收钱

Okay, here's the extras: Handcuffs, spanking...
这是另外收钱的项目 手铐 鞭打...

Maybe Monica's playing a joke on you.

You know, getting her own husband a hooker. That's pretty funny.
帮自己老公找妓女 那真的很好笑

That is funny. Maybe for my birthday she'll murder someone.
那很好笑 或许我生日的时候 她会去杀人

I bet Ross was in on it too. I mean, he was conveniently busy.
我敢说罗斯也知情 他"刚好"很忙

Do you mind if I smoke in here? - Oh, actually, I'd rather...
- 你不介意我抽烟吧? - 事实上我想...

Yeah, go ahead. We're gonna have to burn that room down anyway.
抽吧 反正 我们会烧掉那个房间

How could you have kept all of this from me?- I was going to tell you, but...
- 你为什么一直没有告诉我? - 我打算告诉你 但是...

- But what?! You figured you'd get what you wanted and then dump her like you dumped Rachel!
你以为你可以得到你要的 然后像甩了瑞秋一样甩掉她

Hey, I did not dump Rachel. Nor are we still together.
我没有甩掉瑞秋 我们也没有在一起

Can I...?

Why don't we just let the machine get that?

Hey, Ross, it's Joey. There's a hooker over here.
罗斯 我是乔伊 这里有个妓女...

We thought maybe you'd know something about it.

No. No. No.

No. No.

I need to lie down.

So tonight's the night of the big bachelor party?

Yeah, hey, thanks for giving me that girl's number.-No problem. So who's the party for?
- 谢谢你给我那个女孩的电话号码 - 别客气 谁要办派对?

- My husband. - You hired your husband a hooker?
- 我老公 - 你帮你老公雇了一个妓女?

- She's a stripper. - No, she's a hooker.
- 她是脱衣舞娘 - 不 她是妓女

- Is that what they call strippers sometimes? - When they're hookers.
- 他们不是有时这样称呼脱衣舞娘? - 因为她们是妓女

Oh, my God, Stu, I can't believe you did this.
天啊 史都 我不敢相信你会这么做

You're absolutely sure she's a hooker?

Either that, or she's just the best, most expensive date I ever had.
如果不是的话 她是我约过最棒跟最贵的女孩

- Maybe she meant to get you a hooker.

- Why would she do that?

Maybe she wants you to learn something.

Is there anything you're really bad at, you know, sexually?

This is the worst bachelor party ever.

What's taking you boys so long? - In a minute.
- 你们怎么那么久? - 再一分钟就好

In a minute? What's gonna happen in a minute?
"一分钟"? 一分钟内会发生什么事?

All right, all right. Maybe you should just ask her to leave.
好吧 或许你该去请她离开

- Why me? - Hey, it's your bachelor party.
- 为什么是我? - 这是你的单身汉派对

- Which is why you should do it. - I don't want to. You do it.
- 所以应该是你去说 - 我不要 你去

- You do it. - You do it.
- 你去 - 你去

All right, rock, paper, scissors for who has to tell the whore to leave.
好吧 剪刀石头布 决定谁去请那个妓女离开

- What? - I miss this.
- 什么? - 我想念这个

I don't think we've actually done this before.
我想我们以前 没有这么做过

No, I miss hanging out with you.
不 我想念跟你鬼混的日子

- Well, we still hang out. - Not like we used to.
- 我们还是混在一起 - 跟以前不一样了

Remember? You and me used to be inseparable.
还记得吗?你跟我 我们以前老是黏在一起

Well, now it's like things are different.

Well, you know, things are different. I'm married now.
一切的确不一样了 我结婚了

Yeah, sure. And, hey, don't get me wrong, I am so happy for you guys.
别误会我 我为你们感到高兴

But I just miss hanging out. Just us, you know?
我只是想念我们一起 鬼混的日子 你知道吗?

Yeah, I miss that too.

I'll tell you what, from now on, we'll make time to hang out with each other.
听我说 从现在开始 我们找时间一起出去

You got it. Come here.
你说的对 过来

Oh, God.

Listen, I am this close to robbing you guys.
听着 我差一点就要洗劫你们了

She's a hooker! She's a hooker! She's a...!
她是妓女 她是...

Hi. Uh, we spoke on the phone.
嗨 我们通过电话

So your dad dropped by.

He's a pleasant man.

- Oh, no. - I better go.
- 不 - 我得走了

Just over here. I don't wanna miss the fight.
我只是要到这里来 我不想错过吵架场面

Ross, I am so sorry.
罗斯 我很抱歉

Okay, I promise I will straighten this out with him tomorrow in person.
我发誓明天我会亲自 跟他把事情讲清楚

Or via e-mail.

I don't care about your dad. I care about Mona.She was there and now she's totally freaked out.
我不在乎你爸 我在乎蒙娜 当时她在场 她气疯了

Ugh, okay, I'll fix that too. What's her e-mail address?
好吧 我也会跟她解释 告诉我她的电子邮件信箱


All right, I promise, I'll fix this. I swear I'll talk to her.
我发誓我会解决的 我发誓我会跟她说

- Okay. Thank you.
好吧 谢谢你

That's it? You call that a fight? Come on.
就那样? 你们说那是吵架?

"We were on a break." "No we weren't." What happened to you two?
"我们要分手了" "不 我们没有" 你们两个是怎么了?

Thank you so much for coming back over.

Oh, good. You're here.
很好 你在这里

Yeah, and I was worried that it was going to be uncomfortable.
我很担心 这会是个不愉快的经验

I know. Mona, just hear me out.
不 蒙娜 听我说

First of all, I am so sorry about my father yelling at you.
首先我很抱歉 我爸对你大叫

But I heard that you totally held your own.You're gonna have to tell me how you did that.
但我听说你控制住自己的脾气 你得告诉我你是怎么做的

- Focus. - Okay. Um...
- 说重点 - 好吧

Okay, yes, Ross and I used to date.

And yes, we are gonna have a baby.

But we are definitely not getting back together.
但我们绝对 不可能复合

- How can I be sure of that? - Oh, because we drove each other crazy.
- 我怎么能相信你的话? - 因为我们把彼此逼疯了

I mean, he was possessive, he was jealous. He could never just let the little things go.
他占有欲很强 爱吃醋 他从来不会忘了那些小事

- Trying to date this woman. - Right.

But none of that compared to how kind and gentle...
但那都比不上 他的温柔体贴...

...and thoughtful he is.

You probably shouldn't touch me.

You know, I just don't wanna get in the middle of something so complicated.
我不想介入 这么复杂的事

I get it. But, Mona, what relationship is not complicated?
我明白 但是蒙娜 哪段感情不复杂呢?

We all have our baggage. You must too.
我们都有自己的包袱 你也一样

Why else would you still be single?

I'm so gonna leave right now.

Should I leave this open for you too?

I'm not sure yet. Why didn't you just tell me about all this?
我还不确定 你为什么不告诉我?

Because what's going on with Rachel has nothing to do with how I feel about you.
因为那跟我对你的感觉 没有关系

- Well, you still should have told me. - I know, and I was going to...
- 你还是应该告诉我 - 我知道 我打算那么做...

...but I thought it was better that you heard it from Rachel's father.
但我想最好 还是让瑞秋的爸爸来告诉你

Look, I made a mistake...

...but it's only because I really, really like you. Really.
但那是因为 我真的很喜欢你 真的

Okay. I guess you can close the door now.
好吧 我想 你可以把门关上了

Forgot my purse. Oh, you guys made up.
我忘了拿皮包 你们和好了

He's a good kisser, isn't he?I'm going.
他是接吻高手 对吧? 我要走了

I swear I didn't know she was a hooker. I mean...

Did you let her smoke in here?

Her ass-print is still on your grandmother's quilt.Do you really want to talk about smoking?
你奶奶的被单上还有她的屁股印子 你真的想谈抽烟的事?

You know what? I'm gonna make this up to you.
你知道吗? 我要补偿你

I promised you a stripper...

and you're gonna get a stripper.

- Monica, wait. - What?
- 摩妮卡 等一下 - 什么?

Carry on.

If I had to give you up It's only been a year

Now, I got my foot through the door And I ain't going nowhere

It took a while to get me in And I'm gonna take my time

Ooh. These tennis shoes are so tight.

- I think I'll take them off. - Could you not narrate?
- 我想把它们脱掉 - 麻烦你别说话

Gotcha, sailor.
知道了 师哥

Just because you're not in love with the guy...

- Oh, you told your dad the truth. - About an hour ago.
- 你跟你爸说实话了 - 大约是一小时前

- Wanna go see a movie? - Yes.
- 你想去看电影吗? - 好

Bye, Dad.
再见 爸爸

It's unacceptable, Rachel. What the hell does love have to do with it?
我无法接受 爱跟这件事有什么关系?

There are more important things in a marriage than love.
还有比爱 更重要的事

You have to think about the consequences of your decisions.
你得想想 你做的决定会有什么后果

Hey, I do too think about the consequences of my decisions.
我的确会想 我做的决定会有什么后果

Well, what gives you the right to...?

Go to hell.

Stupid guy on my phone.

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