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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第一集 S08E01 The One After I Do / 婚礼之后

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第一集 S08E01 The One After I Do / 婚礼之后

Bride Monica emphatically denies the rumor of her pregnancy, which has even reached Ross. Rachel frantically fears and refuses to tell the truth, so Phoebe pretends to be the mother to be. But when she remembers she shouldn't be drinking alcohol and spits outs champagne Monica guesses the truth. Ordered to change from his World War I uniform costume, Joey can only find a white tennis kit to wear. Ross sees an attractive guest and changes the seating arrangement to sit with her, but mixes up numbers 6 with 9 landing instead at the kids table, on a chair which makes '... 新娘莫妮卡断然否认她怀孕的谣言,更是达到了罗斯。瑞秋疯狂的恐惧和拒绝说出真相,菲比冒充准妈妈。但当她记得她不应该喝酒,吐出香槟莫妮卡猜测真相。命令从他的世界大战统一服装的变化,我只能找到一个白色网球包穿。罗斯看到一个有吸引力的客人和改变座位安排坐到她,但混淆了数字6与9降落而在孩子们的桌子,在椅子上了”…


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Great. Great. Just give me a sec to change film.
太棒了 让我换一下底片

Okay. I know I'm not supposed to know, but I do and I am so excited for you.
我知道你不希望我知道 但我知道了 我为你感到高兴

- Why? What's going on? - Monica's pregnant.
- 发生了什么事? - 摩妮卡怀孕了

Oh, my God! Is that why you guys had to get married?
天啊 所以你们两个要结婚?

- Guys, I'm not pregnant! - Ah, slow swimmers?
- 听着 我没有怀孕 - 精子游得太慢了?

What? What do you mean? You're not pregnant?
什么?你是什么意思? 你没有怀孕?

- You didn't tell anybody I was, did you? - No.
- 你没有告诉任何人我怀孕了吧? - 没有

I'll be right back.

Now why don't we get a shot of just Monica and the bloody soldier?
我们为什么不拍张 摩妮卡跟英勇士兵的合照?

Oh, about that. Joey, you have to change before the party.
关于那一点 乔伊 你得在婚宴开始前换套衣服

I can't. I don't have any other clothes here. Find some. Please!
- 我办不到 我没带衣服来换 - 拜托你去找套衣服

Anything that doesn't say, "I died tragically in France."
别再穿着 "我在法国战死"的衣服

Then why don't we see the bride and the groom, and the bridesmaids?
我们为什么不让新人 跟伴娘们合照一些照片?

Hey, Mon? Why did you tell the guys that you weren't pregnant?
摩妮卡 你为什么告诉大家 你没有怀孕?

Because I'm not.We found your test in the trash.
- 因为我没有怀孕 - 我们医现了你的验孕棒

If you're not pregnant...
如果你没有怀孕...'s because I am.

BOTH: What are you talking about?

Yes. Ahem. I am with child.
对 我怀了孩子

And I didn't wanna say anything because it's your day.
我不想说 是因为今天是你们的大喜之日

- I didn't wanna steal your thunder. - So you told people I was pregnant?
- 我不想抢了你的风采 - 于是你告诉大家我怀孕了?

Does this look like a conversation I wanna remember?
这是那种 我会想记住的对话吗?

- Who's the father? - Yeah.
- 孩子的爸是谁? - 对

I can't say.

- Why? - Why not?
- 为什么? - 为什么不行?

I can't say because he's famous.
我不能说 因为他是名人

Oh, my God, who is it?
天啊 他是谁?

Come on, you have to tell us.
菲比 你得告诉我们

Okay, okay. It's James Brolin.
好吧 是詹姆斯布洛林

James Brolin is the father of my baby.

As in, Barbra Streisand's husband, James Brolin?
你是说芭芭拉史翠珊的老公 詹姆斯布洛林?


He never said that to me.

Monica, if you can step away, we'll get Chandler and the bridesmaids.
摩妮卡 请你先离开 我们要拍钱德跟伴娘的合照

How about just the bridesmaids?

Y'know I am the groom right? I was told it was kinda big deal.
我是新郎 听说这个位置很重要

- It is. -Yeah.
- 没错 - 对

- Oh, my God!

- Thank you for doing that.I just can't deal with this just quite yet.
谢谢你 我还没有办法承受那样的压力

- So instead you told me Monica was pregnant?
于是你告诉我 摩妮卡怀孕了?

- You said that she was, I just didn't disagree with you.
是你说她怀孕了 我只是没有反驳你

- Sneaky! - Yeah.
- 很狡猾 - 对

Smile, ladies! - Ohh.
笑一个 小姐们

- By the way, James Brolin? - Ugh. I know.
- 对了 詹姆斯布洛林? - 我知道

I could only think of two names: Him and Ed Begley Jr. And then...
我脑海里浮起两个人名 他跟小艾德贝格利

I remembered he's gay, so...
然后我想起来他是同志 所以...

- Ed Begley Jr. Is not gay.

- Really?

Thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time:
各位先生女士 我很荣幸跟大家介绍

Mr. And Mrs. Chandler Bing!

- Before we go out there, I have got a present for you. - Honey I'm not going to put my hand in your pocket.
- 到舞池前我要送你- 份礼物 - 我不想把手伸到你的口袋里

- No. - No?- I've been taking dancing lessons. - What?
- 不 我去上了舞蹈课 - 什么?

Yeah, for the last 6 weeks. I wanted this to be a moment you'd never forget.
对 我上了六星期的舞蹈课 我希望这一刻能让你永生难忘

Aww. That is so sweet!

So would you care to join me in our first dance as husband and wife?
你愿不愿意以夫妻的身分 跟我跳第一支舞?

- Yes. - Okay.

- What's the matter? - These new shoes are all slippery.
- 怎么了? - 我的新鞋太滑了

- Are you going to be able to do this? - Not well.
- 你能跳舞吗? - 不太行

Well, the good news is, I don't think anyone's looking at us.
好消息是 我想没有人在看我们

- So are you ready to talk about it?

- No.



Okay, we'll talk about something else.- Thank you.
- 那我们来谈别的事 - 谢谢

- Who's the father?

Uh. Look, honey, I haven't told him yet...
甜心 我还没有告诉他... until I do, I don't think I should tell anybody else.
我打算先告诉他 再告诉其他人

Yeah. That's fine. That's fair.
没关系 那很公平

-Is it Tag?-Ugh. Phoebe!
- 是泰格吗? - 菲比

- Okay. I'm sorry, I'll stop. - Okay.
好吧 对不起 我不说了

Is it Ross? It's Ross, isn't it?

- Oh, my God, it's Joey! - Honey, stop it, okay?
- 天啊 是乔伊 - 别说了 好吗?

I'm not going to tell you until I tell him.
在告诉他之前 我不会告诉你的

Ah-ha! At least we know it's a him.

Oh, sweet lord.

I'm sorry! Okay? I went down to the gift shop
对不起 好吗? 我跑到礼品店

and it's either this or a bathrobe! Look, what's more important
那里只卖这个跟浴袍 什么事比较重要呢?

the way I'm dressed or me being with you on your special day?
我的穿着打扮 还是我今天能够出席?

Honey, I'm not even going to pretend I was listening. Hey! Hey.
我不会假装 我听到你说什么


I'm Ross. I don't believe we've met. I'm Monica's older brother.
我是罗斯 我相信我们没有见过 我是摩妮卡的哥哥

- Hi, I'm Mona from her restaurant.
嗨 我是她在餐厅的同事蒙娜

Hello, "Mona from her restaurant."

Mona. What a beautiful name.
蒙娜 这个名字很美

You think so? I always kind of hated it.
你真的那么想? 我一直都很讨厌这个名字

- Aw, come on! Mona Lisa?
少来了 蒙娜丽莎



The famous botanist. Huh?

Oh, no. She's... Well, she's dead now.
不 她... 她死了

But supposedly she was once quite the hottie of the plant world.
但是她曾经是植物学界 最性感的女人

- Really? - Yeah.
- 真的吗? - 对

- Well, see, I never knew about her. - Linda Klegglachen...
- 我根本不认识她 - 琳达利格拉齐...

So, what table are you at?

Oh, heh, me too.

Oh good. Now there'll be someone there who likes my name.
很好 那么有个喜欢我名字的人 会跟我同桌

Yes, there will.
对 没错

Guess what, Molly Gilbert. You've just been bumped up to table one.
你猜怎么了?茉莉吉柏特 你刚刚被踢到一号桌

And if it's all right with you, I'm gonna take your place at table six.
如果你没有意见的话 我要代替你坐到六号桌

Martin Klegglachen!

That's better. Just bend your arms a little more. There you go. Look straight ahead.
那样子好多了 现在双手弯曲 眼睛看前方

Now this time I want you to really put your ass into it.
这次我要你 臀部用力顶

Chandler, darling. Look, my date has finally arrived.
钱德 你看 我的男伴终于来了

I'd like you to meet Dennis Phillips

- Congratulations. - Thanks.
- 恭喜 - 谢谢

Dennis is a dear old friend.

And a fantastic lover.

Bravo, Dennis, thanks for pleasing my mother so.
太棒了 丹尼斯 谢谢你取悦我老妈

I'm so sorry I missed the ceremony. I was stuck at auditions.
抱歉我没赶上婚礼 我忙着在试镜

Dennis is directing a new Broadway show.
对 丹尼斯正在执导 一出百老汇新戏

Hi, I don't believe we've met. Joey Tribbiani.
我不敢相信能见到你 乔伊崔比亚尼

- Dennis Phillips. - Wow. I've admired your work for years.
- 丹尼斯菲利浦斯 - 多年来我- 直很仰慕你的成就

You've done some amazing stuff.-Thank you.
- 你真的很棒 - 谢谢

Excuse me, I'll get myself a drink.I'll be back in a moment.
对不起 我要去喝点东西 我马上回来

Dennis Phillips! That's great! How did you guys meet?
丹尼斯菲利浦斯 那真的是太棒了 你们怎么认识的?

Well, you know, it's a funny story.Funny "ha-ha," or funny "boom, uh-oh!"
- 那是个有趣的故事 - 是普通有趣还是爆笑?

Thank you very much. Now if everyone will please take their seats, dinner will be served.
谢谢 大家请坐 晚宴马上开始

- Uh, I thought you were at table six. - Uh, no. Nine.
- 我以为你在六号桌 - 不 是九号桌

Ohh. See, before, when you showed it to me, you held it that way...
你刚刚拿给我看时 是那样子拿的...

...which was misleading.

Well... I'll.


Chandler! Will you see if your mom can give my résumé to Dennis Phillips?
钱德 你能请你妈把我的履历表 拿给丹尼斯菲利浦斯吗?

Because if I can get into a Broadway show, I would've done it all:
只要能演百老汇舞台剧 我就什么戏都能演了

Film, television and theater.
电影 电视剧跟舞台剧

The only thing left would be radio, and that's just for ugly people.
唯一例外是广播剧 因为那是给丑八怪演的

- What size shoes do you wear? - Uh, eleven. Eleven and a half.
- 你穿几号鞋? - 11 11号半

Great. My shoes are giving me a problem on the dance floor.- Can I borrow the boots from your costume?
我的鞋子太滑没办法跳舞 你的戏靴能借我吗?

-I don't even really know where I left those so...
我真的不知道 我把靴子丢到哪里去了

- Those aren't eleven and a half. - Okay, fine, I'm a 7!
- 你的脚不可能是11号半 - 好吧 我穿7号的鞋子

All right, I have surprisingly small feet. But the rest of me is good! I'll show you!
我的脚非常小 但其他部分都很大 我可以露给你看

- Can you believe Phoebe got pregnant? - Oh y'know what honey? Let's not talk about that right now?
- 你能相信菲比怀孕了吗? - 现在别谈那件事

- This is so huge. - Sure,, but come on, as big as your wedding?
- 这是大消息 - 没错 但它没有你的婚礼重要

Of course not. Nothing is.
当然 我的婚礼是最重要的

- Wow. Between me and you? - Yeah.In this day and age,
这是我们私下的谈话 到了这个时代...

how dumb do you have to be to get pregnant?
谁会笨到 让自己怀孕?

Hey, sometimes you can do everything right, everyone can wear everything they're supposed to wear
有时候你该做的都做了 大家都戴上他们该戴的东西...

...and one of those little guys just gets through.
但有个小家伙 还是攻过了城池

- How? - I don't know, maybe they have tools.
- 怎么会呢? - 我不知道 或许它们有工具

Well, I talked to her, and she's definitely gonna have this baby.
我跟她谈过 她想留下孩子

She's gonna raise it on her own.
她说 她要自己抚养孩子

Well, maybe that's really brave.-maybe
- 或许那真的很勇敢 - 或许吧

I just hope she realizes how hard it's gonna be.
我只是希望 她知道那有多辛苦

Maybe she hasn't really thought it through that much.
或许她没有 想那么多

There's a lot to think about.

How is she gonna handle this financially? How is she gonna juggle work?
她要怎么处理经济问题? 她怎么有办法去工作?

Does she realize she's not gonna have a date again for the next 18 years?
她知道她在未来的18年内 都无法再去约会了吗?

I don't know.

Are you okay?

I'm just thinking about Phoebe. Poor, knocked-up Phoebe.
我只是想到了菲比 怀了孕的可怜菲比

- Champagne? - Oh, yes. Thank you very much. Whew.
- 要喝香槟吗? - 好的 谢谢你

That's actually how the French drink it.

Well, I just got off the phone with my lover, James Brolin.
我刚刚跟我的情人 詹姆斯布洛林通过电话

- Really? - Yes.And apparently, he is married to some singer.
- 真的吗? - 很明显地他娶了一个歌手

but he said he would leave her for me. And I said, "James, James Brolin, are you sure?"
但他说他会为了我离闻她 我说"詹姆斯布洛林 你确定吗?"

- James Brolin said... - Rachel's really the one who's pregnant.
- 詹姆斯布洛林说... - 怀孕的人是瑞秋?


Why bother?

-How do you feel?-I don't know. I don't know how I feel.
- 你觉得如何? - 我不知道我有什么成觉

This is all happening so fast. I have to make all these decisions that I don't want to make.
一切发生的太快 我得做出这些我不想做的决定

Mm! Oh! Someone take this away from me!

- Calm down. Maybe you're not pregnant. - What?
- 冷静点 或许你没有怀孕 - 什么?

When I got pregnant with the triplets, I took that test like three times just to make sure.
我怀三胞胎时 也验了三次孕才确定

Yes! Maybe it's a false positive. Are you sure you peed on the stick right?
对 或许是假警报 你确定你尿在验孕棒的方式没错?

How many ways are there to do that?

I'm just saying, don't freak out until you're 100 percent sure.
我是说没有百分之百确定前 别大惊小怪

All right, I'll-I'll take it again when I get home.
好吧 我回家后会再验一次

You-you gotta take it now. Come on, do it as a present to me.
- 你可以现在验 - 就当是送我的礼物

Okay. Thank you.
好吧 谢谢你

- I'll run out and get you one. - Aw, you girls are so great.
- 我去帮你买验孕棒 - 你们真的是太棒了

Wait a minute. Who's the father?- She won't tell us.
- 等- 下 孩子的爸是谁? - 她不肯告诉我们

- Come on! It's my wedding.That can be my present.
快说吧 这是我的婚礼 这可以当做是送我的礼物

Hey, I just gave you peeing on a stick.-See? This is why you register.
- 我才刚刚答应为了你验孕 - 看吧 所以- 定要有礼物清单

It was the chair again, okay? I'm not doing it!
又是椅子的声音 好吗? 不是我干的

It was... Look, I don't. You know what?
听着 我没有... 你知道吗?

- Hi. - Hi.

- Would you like to dance? - Sure.
- 你想跳舞吗? - 好啊

- Yeah. - Oh, great.

- Dr. Geller? - I wasn't farting!
- 盖勒博士 - 我没有放屁

Uh, a little game from our table.

- Yes? - Dr. Geller, will you dance with me?
- 什么事? - 盖勒博士 你愿意跟我跳舞吗?

maybe-maybe later. Right now, I'm about to dance with this lady.
或许待会再说 现在我要跟这位小姐跳舞


Unless this lady wouldn't mind letting you go first.
除非这位小姐不介意 让你插队

I'd be happy to. You are very sweet.
我很乐意 你太好心了

Ohh. Yes, I am.

In fact, why don't we try it my special way. You can dance on my feet.
事实上我们来试试我的绝招 你可以踩在我的脚上跳舞

- Sure. - Yeah? Hop on.
- 没问题 - 是吗?跳上来吧

- Is the pretty lady looking? - Keep dancing.
那个美丽的小姐在看吗? 继续跳吧

And the world will never know.

- Hey! Did you talk to Dennis about me yet? - Yes. I told him how talented you were.
- 你跟丹尼斯提过我的事了吗? - 有

-I told him how talented you were. I told him all about Days Of Our Lives.
我跟他提到你非常有天分 还有《我们的日子》的事

No-no! No! No! You don't tell a Broadway guy that! Now he just thinks I'm a soap actor
不...你不能告诉百老汇导演那种事 现在他会以为我是肥皂剧演员

But you're not just a soap actor.

You are a soap actor with freakishly tiny feet.
你是有双小脚的 肥皂剧演员

- Thank you. - No, thank you, Miranda.
- 谢谢 - 不 谢谢你 米兰达

- Melinda. - All right.
- 是梅玲达 - 好吧

- How cute was that? - Oh! Were you watching?
- 那真的好可爱 - 你在看我们吗?

- Can I go next?

Of course you can. Hop on.
当然是 来吧

Okay. But I get to hop on after her.
好吧 但我要排在她后面

- I am so gonna score! - What?
- 我- 定能得分 - 什么?

I like your bow.

I'd like to propose a toast to Monica and Chandler...
我要请大家举杯 向摩妮卡及钱德致意...

...the greatest couple in the world, and my best friends.
他们是全世界最相配的夫妻 也是我最好的朋友

When I first found out they were getting married, I was a little angry.
我刚听说他们要结婚时 我有点生气

I was like, "Why, God?Why? How can you take them away from me?!"
我心想"天啊 为什么? 你为什么要把他们从我身边抢走?"

But then I thought back over our memories together.Some happy memories.
然后我回想起我们之问所有的回忆 快乐的回忆

Then there were some sad memories.

I'm sorry.

And some scared memories. Whoa!

And then I realized I'll always be their friend.
然后我了解到 我永远都会是他们的朋友

Their friend who can speak in many dialects...
他们的朋友 能说许多台词...

...has training in stage combat and is willing to do partial nudity.
接受过舞台打斗训练 愿意拍部分裸露的戏

Oh... To the happy couple.

- That was very nice Ashley.
- 谢谢 - 那真的是太棒了 艾许莉

-Can we do it again?-No, no.
- 我们能再跳- 次吗? - 不行

- So is it my turn now? - I'm next.
- 现在轮到我了吗? - 我是下- 个

- That's okay, you can dance with her first. - Are you sure?
- 没关系 你可以先跟她跳 - 你确定?


- So what's your name? - Gert.
- 你叫什么名字? - 葛特

That's pretty.

Come on.

What are you doing, Gert?

Dancing on your feet like the other girls did it.
跟其他女孩一样 踩在你脚上跳舞


Hop on, Gert.
站上来吧 葛特

- Why aren't you moving your feet? - I'm trying.
- 你的脚为什么不动? - 我在努力了

Faster! You're not going fast enough!
快一点 你跳的太慢了

Maybe I should stand on your feet!

So did you happen to catch my toast up there?
你有听到 我的致词了吗?

Oh, my God. That was for my benefit?Well, I like to think there was something for everyone.
- 天啊 你那么做是为了我? - 我那么做是为了所有人

- I know you're casting for this new show. - Look, Joey, I don't think you're quite right for it.
- 我知道你在为新戏选角 - 我想你不适合这个计划

See, that's where you're wrong.

Whatever it is I can do it. And if didn't see it up there, just-just try me.
不论内容是什么 我都办得到 如果你对冈j刚的表演不满意 考考我

It's an all Chinese cast. Can you be Chinese?
那出戏的演员全是中国人 你可以变成中国人吗?

- I'm not proud of this, but... - Oh, my God. No, please! Don't!
- 我不以此为荣 但是... - 天啊 求求你别那么做

- Ready to get back on the dance floor? - Did it turn into sand?
- 准备重回舞池了吗? - 它变成沙地了吗?

- Come on, I love this song. You'll be fine. - No, I won't.
- 我喜欢这首歌 你会跳得很好的 - 不 我不会的

Do you know why I took all those lessons?
你知道为什么 我要去上舞蹈课吗?

For the first time, I didn't want you to be embarrassed to be seen on the dance floor with
我不希望你被看到 跟一个笨拙的白痴跳舞...

..some clumsy idiot

Aww. Sweetie, you could never embarrass me.
甜心 你不可能让我出丑的

Okay, you could easily embarrass me.But it doesn't matter. Right?
好吧 你很容易就会让我出挨 但那不重要 好吗?

I married you.

So I'm gonna dance on my wedding night with my husband. Come on!
我要在我的婚礼 和我丈夫跳舞 来吧!

- Just try not to move your feet at all.

There you go.

- Chandler, I'm gonna have you arrested. - Why?
- 钱德 我要逮捕你 - 为什么?

You stole my moves.

- How much longer? - Thirty seconds.
- 还要多久? - 30秒

Thirty seconds. Okay.
30秒 好吧...

Did I miss it?

Rachel, I-I want you to know that, if it's positive, we're gonna
我要你知道如果是阳性反应 我们得...

- I know. I know. - You do? Okay.
- 我知道 - 你知道 好吧

It's time.


- Go ahead, Rach.
来吧 瑞秋

- Oh, wait. You know what? I can't look at it.I can't look at it. Somebody else tell me.
等一下 知道吗?我不敢看 谁帮我看一下

Okay. - Okay.
- 好 - 好

It's negative.

- What? - It's negative.
- 什么? - 是阴性反应

Well, there you go.

That is... That is really great, great news.
那...那真的是太棒了 这真是个天大的好消息

Because the whole...

...not being ready, the financial aspects, all that...
在经济方面我还没有准备好 所以...

This is so just the way it was supposed to be.
事情本来就应该 是这样的

Well then, great.
那么说的话 太棒了

God. This is so stupid.
天啊 这真的是太愚蠢了

How can I be upset over something I never had?
我怎么会为了 我从来没有拥有过的东西难过?

It's negative?-No, it's positive.
- 是阴性反应吗? - 不 是阳性反应

- What? - It's not negative, it's positive.
- 什么? - 不是阴性反应 是阳性反应

- Are you sure? - Yeah, I lied before.
- 你确定? - 对 刚刚我说谎

Oh, my God!
喔 我的天

- Now you know how you really feel about it. - Oh! That's a risky little game.
- 现在你知道你真正的感觉了吧 - 那是个危险的小把戏

Are you really gonna do this?


I'm gonna have a baby.

I'm gonna have a baby!

- With who? - No, it's still not the time.
- 孩子的爸是谁? - 不 现在还不是时候

I just didn't see the fast song coming.

Shh. Don't try to talk. We'll get you up to your room, soak your feet. You'll be okay.
别说话 我们送你回房问 让你泡泡脚 你会没事的

- Oh, thank you. - That is so sweet!
- 谢谢 - 那真的是太好心了

- Yeah. - No, I mean it.There's so few genuinely nice guys out there.
不 我是认真了 现在好男人不多了

Tell me about it.I feel like I'm holding down the fort all by myself.
你说的对 我觉得自己像是死守碉堡的士兵

- It's Joey, right? - Yeah.
- 你是乔伊 对吧? - 对

Wait a minute! No!
等一下 不

I'm the nice one!

I'm the one that danced with the kids all night.I...
是我整晚跟孩子们跳舞 我...

How small are your feet?

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