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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第二十一集 S08E21 The One with the Cooking Class / 烹饪课程

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第二十一集 S08E21 The One with the Cooking Class / 烹饪课程

Monica gets angry with a critic who wrote an awful review about a soup, served at her restaurant. She goes straight forward with him, in order to give him once again her soup and he could write a better review. 莫妮卡生气的评论家写的关于一个汤一个可怕的评论,在她的餐厅。她跟着他向前,为了给他一次她的汤,他能写出更好的评论。


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- Hey, guys. I got some bad news. -What?
- 有个坏消息 - 什么?

That's no way to sell newspapers. Why don't you try, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!"
那不是卖报纸的好方法 试试"快报 快来买喔"

No. Monica's restaurant got a horrible review in the Post.
不 摩妮卡的餐厅 在纽约邮报上的评价很差

I didn't want her to see it, so I ran around the neighborhood and bought all the copies I could find.
我不希望她看到它 所以跑遍附近报摊买下所有报纸

Man, this is bad. And I've had my share of bad reviews.
这真的很糟糕 我一直都被批评的很凶

I still remember my first good one:

"Everything else in this production of Our Town was simply terrible.
"在《我们的小镇》里 其他的事都很糟糕

Joey Tribbiani was abysmal."

Oh, my God! Look at all the newspapers.
我的天啊 看看这些报纸

It must be a good review. Is it great?
评价一定很不错 对吧?

Oh, dear God.

But the good news is, no one in a two-block radius will ever know.
但好消息是 两条街里没有人会知道

- What about the rest of Manhattan? - Yeah, they all know.
- 曼哈顿其他的人呢? - 他们都会知道

- Oh, my God, this is horrible. - I'm sorry. -I'm so humiliated.
天啊 这太可怕了 我觉得好丢脸

But you know what they say, there is no such thing as bad press.

You don't think that, um, "the chef's mahi-mahi was awful-awful" is bad press?
你不觉得"鬼头刀难吃极了" 是负面报导吗?

I didn't write it.

- God, is he right? Am I really awful? - Oh, no!
- 天啊 他说的对吗?我很逊吗? - 不

Hey, Monica, listen to me, okay?
摩妮卡 听我说

And I'm not just saying this because I'm your friend, I'm saying it because it's true.
我这么做 不只因为我是你的朋友

Your food is abysmal!

- Ross? - What? What?
- 罗斯 - 什么?

- I am freaking out! - Are you?
- 我快吓死了 - 是吗?

My due date is in one week!

- What are you doing up? - That is seven days.
- 你为什么不睡觉? - 只剩七天

Look, I had a lot of water before I went to bed. Can we do this after--?
我睡前喝了太多水 我们可不可以晚一点再...

No, no, no, no, Ross!
不 罗斯

Please, come on. We do not have any big stuff we need.

We don't have a changing table. We do not have a crib.

- We do not have a diaper service. - Funny you should mention diapers.
- 我们甚至没买尿布 - 你现在提起尿布太有趣了

- I'm serious. - OK Look. There's nothing to worry about.We have plenty of time.
- 我是认真的 - 没什么好担心的

There's a baby furniture store on West 10th.Tomorrow, we'll go there...
西10街有家婴充用品专卖店 我们到那里去...

-...and we'll get everything we need. Okay?
买我们需要的东西 好吗?

- Okay. Thank you. That's great
好吧 谢谢你 太棒了

Wait, where on West 10th? There's a really cute shoe store--
西10街在哪里? 那里有家鞋店...

Okay. If, uh-- If you're gonna do this,then I'm gonna go do that, so...
好吧 如果你要这么做 我要那么做 所以...

- Wait, Ross! I'm sorry, one more thing. - Yeah.
- 等一下 罗斯 抱歉 还有一件事 - 对

Um, our situation, you know, um, what we mean to each other
我们的情况 我们对彼此的意义...

and, I mean, we're having this baby together and we live together...
我是说我们要一起抚养孩子 我们要住在一起...

Isn't that--? Isn't that weird?

Well, uh...

- I'm just kidding. You can go pee.
我只是在开玩笑 你可以去上厕所了

Hey uh Monica, I can't remember. Did we say we were gonna meet here or at the movies?
我们约好在这里 或是在电影院里碰面?

- We said at the movies, but -Okay, I'll see you there.
- 我们约好在电影院里面 但是... - 我们到电影院见

- Joey. Now that you're here -Sure, I can hang out 'til I have to meet ya.
- 既然你来了 - 跟你们碰面之前先和你们混

- What uh - How come you're not going? - I can't,I have a job interview I have to get ready for.
- 你为什么不去? - 我要去面试一个新工作

- I thought you already have a job. - And people say you don't pay attention.
- 我以为你已经有工作了 - 大家还说你不太关心别人

This is a much better job. It's vice president of the company...
这份工作比较好 它是一家公司的副总栽...

...that does data reconfiguration and statistical factoring and for other companies.
这家公司为其他公司 做资料重构

- Wow. How do you know how to do that? - That's what I do now.
- 你怎么知道该怎么做? - 那就是我现在的工作

- Joey? Come taste this. - What is it?
- 乔伊 来试吃一 下 - 什么?

Remember the guy that gave me a bad review? Well...
还记得给我烂评价的那个人吗? 喔...

...I'm getting my revenge.

You cooked him?

No. He teaches a course on food criticism at The New School.
不 他在新校 开了一堂课...

so before we go to the movies I wanna go by there and make him try my bouillabaisse again.
我要他再试试 我的马赛鱼汤

Oh, I cannot wait to read the front page of the Post tomorrow!:
我等不及要看 明天的报纸头条

"Restaurant reviewer admits: 'I was wrong about Monica."'
"餐厅评监家承认: 我错怪了摩妮卡"

The front page?

You really do live in your own little world, don't you?
你真的活在你的小世界里 对吧?

Do you want these delivered, Mr. and Mrs. Geller?
需要我们做外送服务吗? 盖勒先生跟盖勒太太

- Oh, No, no. - No, no.
- 不 - 不

- We're not married. - We are having a baby together...
- 我们没有结婚 - 我们的孩子快出世了...

...but we're not involved.

I mean, uh, we-- We were seeing each other a while ago...
我是说 我们曾经交往过...

...but then we were just friends, and then there was one drunken night...
之后我们变成了朋友 有天晚上我们喝醉了...

Or, yes, stranger, we'd like this delivered, please.
对 陌生人 我们需要外送服务

- Why don't you fill out this address card? - Oh, okay.
- 麻烦你填一下住址 - 好的

-I notice you picked out a lot of our dinosaur items. -Oh, yeah.
- 你挑了很多恐龙 - 对

That's one of the reasons why we are not a couple.
所以那也就是为什么 我们没有结婚

I chose those. I'm a paleontologist.
我选了那些 我是古生物学家

Really? That is so cool.

Oh, don't get too worked up over it. It sounds like he's a doctor, but he's not.
别太夸他 你可能以为他是博士 但事实上不然

Oh, no. I'm fascinated by paleontology.
不 我喜欢古生物学

- Have you read the Walter Alvarez book? - Yeah, heh, I teach it in my class.
- 你看过华特艾瓦瑞兹的书吗? - 它是我的教科书

Oh, my God. Standing at a cash register, I'm holding a credit card, and I'm bored.
我站在收银台 手里拿着信用卡 却觉得很无聊

I love your neighborhood. There's a great gym around the corner from your building.
我喜欢你住的社区 街角有家很棒的健身房

- That's my gym. - I could tell you work out.
- 那是我的健身房 - 我看得出来你有健身

A paleontologist who works out. You're like Indiana Jones.
- 位会健身的古生物学家 你跟印第安纳琼斯- 样

I am like Indiana Jones.

Hi, Pheebs. -Hey! Oh, how did baby shopping go?
- 嗨 菲比 - 宝宝的东西买得怎么样了?

It was great! We got everything we needed.
太棒了 我们需要的东西都买到了

Oh, and Ross almost got something that wasn't on the list.
罗斯差点拿到 清单上没有的东西

a whore.

- What?

- We were paying for our stuff,and this sales woman just started flirting with him.
我们正在付帐 这个女销售员开始泡他

Can you believe that?

- Did she know you two weren't married? - Yeah.
- 她知道你们没有结婚吗? - 知道

Oh, my God. Well, the idea-- A woman flirting with a single man?
天啊 一个女人在泡一个单身男人?

- We must alert the church elders. - No.
- 我们得通知教会的长老 - 不

You don't understand. You didn't see how brazen she was.
你不了解 你没看到她多不要脸

- Sounds like you're a little jealous. - No, I'm not.
- 你好像在吃醋 - 我才没有

I just think it's wrong. I mean, here I am, about to pop...
我只是觉得那是不对的 我是说我就快生了...

...and he's out picking up some shopgirl at Sluts-R-Us?

Is that a real place?

Are they hiring?

- Hey, Phoebe. Fatty.
嘿 菲比 肥婆

Hey, Chandler, why so fancy?

Well, I got a job interview. It's kinda a big deal too.

It's more money. I'd be doing data reconfiguration and statistical factoring.
薪水比较高 我要做资料重构的工作

-Wait, I think I know someone who does that. - Me. I do that.
- 我知道有个人就做那一行 - 那就是我

So seriously, do I look okay? I'm nervous.
我看起来还好吧? 我好紧张

Oh, yeah. You-- Really, you look great.
对 你看起来很棒

You know, just don't get your hopes up.

- Why not? - Well, the interview.
- 为什么? - 你要去面试

- What about it? - You know.
- 所以呢? - 你知道的

You don't make a very good first impression.

- What? - Oh, you don't know.
- 什么? - 喔 你不知道啊

- Are you serious? - Yes. When I first met you, you were like:
- 你是说真的吗? - 我第- 次见到你 你是这样的

I was like:

What is it that I do?

It's just, like, you're trying too hard, always making jokes.

You just-- You come off a little needy.

Did you like me when we first met?
我们第一次见面时 你喜欢我吗?

Chandler, I'm not gonna lie to you.But I am gonna run away from you.
钱德 我不想骗你 但我要离开了

Hi. I'm Monica Geller, chef at Allessandro's.
嗨 我是摩妮卡盖勒 亚利山多洛斯的主厨


I think the things that you said about me are really unfair

...and I would like you to give my bouillabaisse another chance.
我要你再试试 我的马赛鱼汤

I don't see any reason why I'd do that to myself again.
我看不出来 我有什么原因再试一次

Either eat it or be in it.


- So, what do you think? - I'm torn...
- 你觉得呢? - 我很为难...

...between my integrity and my desire to avoid a beating.
不知道要老实说 还是避免自己被打一顿

But I must be honest. Your soup is abysmal.
但我得老实说 你的汤是个无底洞

That a girll Eh? We should get out of here, there's a new class coming in.
做的好 我们应该离开这里 新的一班要上课了

Welcome to Introduction to Cooking. Before we start...

can anyone tell me the difference between hollandaise and béarnaise sauce?
谁能告诉我荷兰酸味蘸酱 贝纳斯酱的差别?

- I can. - Okay, go ahead.
- 我知道 - 请说

Well, um, they both have a egg yolk and butter base.
它们都放了蛋黄 跟奶油

But a béarnaise, um, has shallots, chervil, and most importantly, tarragon.
但贝纳斯酱有放葱、雪维菜 跟最重要的小龙艾

- very good. What's your name?
非常好 你叫什么名字?

- Monica.

}- Monica, you go to the head of the class! - Okay!
- 你来当班长 - 好吧

All this stuff takes up a lot of room.

Hey, how, uh, serious are you about keeping Ben in your life?
你说你要留班一辈子 你有多认真?

My son? Pretty serious.

Oh, hey, Katie. What are you doing here?
嗨 凯蒂 你来这里做什么?

The delivery went out and I realized they forgot this.

Ah, it must have been obvious, since it was the only thing left in your store.
这一定很明显 因为它是你店里唯一剩下的东西

Listen, to be honest, home deliveries aren't really part of my job description.
听着 老实说 我的工作不包括送货到家服务

Oh, um, I actually came here to ask you out.

Oh. Wow. Uh, yeah, that sounds great.
哇 那听起来很棒

I'm just gonna put this back in my pocket and pretend that didn't happen.
我要把这个放回我的口袋 假装那件事没有发生过

Uh yeah, actually I'm free now. Do you wanna grab some coffee or
现在我有空 你要去喝咖啡吗...?

- Sure. - Horny bitch.
- 当然好 - 荡妇

No, you're a horny bitch! No, you're a horny bitch!
你是荡妇 你是荡妇 不不

No, you're a horny bitch!
不 你是荡妇

So you guys go, have a really good time.

I'm just gonna grab my coat. And, uh, my whip.

You know, because of Indiana Jones.

Not because I'm into S&M.

I'm not into anything weird, you know?
我没有怪癖 你知道吗?

Just normal sex.

So I'm gonna grab my coat.

So you had a good day, huh? Big commission, picked up a daddy.
你今天过得很不错嘛? 泡老爸赚大佣金

Are you okay with this?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, please. You guys have fun.
当然 拜托 你们好好玩吧

- Okay. Heh. - Yeah.
- 好吧 - 对

It was nice to see you.

Oh, and it was great to see you too. And you look fantastic.
我也是 你看起来好极了

- Although you missed a button. -Oh, actually, I,
- 虽然你有颗扣子忘了扣 - 事实上我...

Oh, okay, I see what you're doing there.
好吧 我知道你想做什么

I can't even believe this. I really come off that badly?
我不敢相信 我的形象有那么糟?

Ugh, it's okay. You calm down after a while...
那没什么 不久后你会静下来...

...and then people can see how really sweet and wonderful you are.

Good. Because I'm sure this interview's gonna last a couple of weeks.
好吧 因为我相信 这次面试会维持好几个星期

All right, don't freak out, okay? I will help you.
好吧 别惊慌 我会帮你的

- How long before you have to leave? - An hour.
- 你什么时候要出发? - 小时后

- I can't help you. - Phoebe
- 我帮不了你 - 菲比

All right, all right, we'll just do our best. Okay? So let's say I'm the interviewer and I'm meeting you for the first time.
我们得尽力而为 我是面试官 我第一次跟你见面

- Okay. - Hi. Come on in. I'm Regina Phalanges.
- 好吧 - 请进 我是蕾吉娜菲兰吉斯

- Chandler Bing. - Oh, Bing.
- 钱德宾 - 宾

- What an unusual name. - Well, you should meet my Uncle Bada.
- 你的名字很罕见 - 你应该见见我的巴达叔叔

I'll let myself out.

Your Fettuccini Alfredo looks a little dry, did you use all your cheese?\r}
你的意大利宽条面有点干 你有放起司吗?

When you say "use," do you mean "eat as a pre-cooking snack"?
你说"放"是指 "把它当作菜前的点心吃掉了"吗?

- And the cream? - Cheese makes me thirsty.
- 奶油呢? - 起司让我口渴

- Okay. Let's move on. - All right.
- 好吧 我们继续 - 好吧

Oh. Something smells good over at Monica's station.
摩妮卡做的菜 味道很香

My God! This is absolutely amazing! You've never made this before?
天啊 这真的是太好吃了 你从来没有做过这个?

Oh, no. I don't know anything about cooking.
不 我不懂烹饪

I had to ask what it was called when the water makes those bubbles.
我不知道水冒泡后 要做什么

Hats off to the chef. -I'm sorry, your mouth was full. I didn't hear what you said.
- 向主厨致意 - 你嘴里都是东西 我听不到

- Hats off to who now? - The chef!
- 跟谁致意? - 主厨

Heh, that's right!

I think you'll find if I come to work here, I don't micro-manage. I don't shy away from delegating.
你会发现我不会事必躬亲 我不害怕沟通

Mm-hm. That's good to know. But let's stop focusing on what you don't do...
那真的很棒 但别谈那些你不会做的事...

...and focus on what you do do.

What I do do...
我会... manage to, uh, create an atmosphere of support for the people working with me.

I see. Nice sidestep on the "do do" thing by the way..

- Hardest thing I've ever done in my life. - Oh, you gotta go!
- 那是我做过最难的事 - 你得出发了

- Okay, don't worry. You're ready. - Really?
- 别担心 你准备好了 - 真的吗?

Absolutely! Just fight all your natural instincts, and you'll be great.
当然 跟着你的直觉走 你会很棒的

Ah, Monica, my star student.
摩妮卡 我的明星学生

Y'know, you called me that before so I-I took the liberty of fashioning a star out of aluminum foil.
之前你那么叫我 所以我用锡箔纸做了一颗星星

Now, no pressure. If you like my cookies, you give me the star.
别觉得压力太大 如果你喜欢我的饼干 给我一颗星星

Wow, a star!

I know you all hate me, and I'm sorry, but I don't care.
我知道你们都恨我 对不起 但我不在乎

- Okay, Joey, you're up next. - Yeah.
- 好吧 乔伊 下- 个是你 - 是的

Oh, my God! This is amazing!
天啊 这真的是太棒了

You get an A.

I got an A? In school? Hey, I'm a dork!
我在学校里得到优等? 我是个书呆子了

Joey, I'm so proud of you.
乔伊 我非常以你为荣

- I think you should give him your star. - Excuse me?
- 我想你该把你的星星给他 - 你说什么?

- He doesn't even know what he's doing. - We're all beginners here .Nobody knows what they're doing.
- 他不知道自己在做什么 - 初学者没有人知道自己在做什么

- I do. I'm a professional chef!
我知道 我是职业主厨

Oh, relax. It's not a courtroom drama.
少来了 这又不是法律影集

If you're a professional chef, what are you doing taking Introduction to Cooking?
如果你是专业主厨 为什么要上初级烹调课?


I'm sorry. It's just that, um, I cook at this restaurant, Allessandrds...
抱歉 我是亚利山多洛斯餐厅的主厨...

...and, um, I just got a really bad review.

- Oh, Allessandro's? I love that place! - You do?
- 亚利山多洛斯?我喜欢那个地方 - 是吗?

Yes, you're an excellent chef. As a person you're a little--
你是个很棒的主厨 但你的个性有点...

- Oh, totally crazy, but you liked the food? - Ha, ha. Very much.
- 我是很疯狂 但你喜欢那里的食物? - 非常喜欢

Okay, then. I don't stink. I'm a good chef! Okay.
好吧 那么我不赖 我是个好主厨 好吧

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I don't want to go. I'm having fun.
我不想离开 我玩得很开心

Actually, did either of you pay for this class?

Hey, if my friend says it's time to go, it's time to go!
如果我的朋友说 我们该走了 我们就该离开

Also, I was the point person on my company's transition from the KL5 to GR6 systems.
我在我的公司负责KLS系统 转换到GR6系统的工作

- You must have had your hands full. - That I did. That I did.
- 你一定忙得不可开交 - 没错 没错

So let's talk a little bit about your duties.

My duties?

All right.

You'll be heading a whole division, so you'll have a lot of duties.
你将负责一整个部门 所以你得负起很多责任

- I see. - But there'll be perhaps 30 people under you...
- 我了解 - 你手下会有30个人... you can dump a certain amount on them.

- Good to know. - We could go into detail--
- 那太好了 - 我们可以仔细地...

No, don't, I beg of you.
不 我求你

All right, then. We'll have a definite answer for you on Monday.
好吧 我们会在星期一回覆你

But I can say with some confidence, you'll fit in well here.
但我相信 你在这里会适应的很好

- Really? - Absolutely.
- 真的吗? - 当然

- You can relax. You did great. - I gotta say, thank you.
- 你可以放轻松 你表现的很好 - 谢谢

I was really nervous. I'm told I come on too strongly, too many jokes.
我真的很紧张 大家都说我太喜欢讲笑话缓和气气

And then it was really hard to side step that "duty" thing.





Oh, my God. This doesn't count. Okay? The interview was over.
天啊 这不算 好吗? 面试已经结束

That was the real Chandler Bing there. This is some crazy guy in the hall.
那才是真正的钱德宾 这只是个疯子

Call security! There's a crazy guy out in the hall!
叫警卫来! 走廊上有个疯子


I'll look forward to your call.

-hey -hey
- 嘿 - 嘿

- You're back from your date. - How are you?
- 你约会回来了? - 你还好吗?

I'm fine. But that's not important. What's important is how was she?
我很好 但那不重要 重要的是她还好吗?

Uh, it was fun. We just had coffee.
我们玩得很高兴 我们一起去喝咖啡

Oh, uh-huh, uh-huh, coffee, a little rub-rub-rub under the table?

Heh, what's going on? Do you not like Katie?
怎么了? 你不喜欢凯蒂?

No. No, she was nice.I mean, she was a little slutty, but who isn't?
不 她很好 她有点淫荡 但谁不是呢?

Well, I liked her.

Of course you did Ross. You'd date a gorilla if it called you Indiana Jones.
你当然喜欢她 只要猩猩叫你印第安纳琼斯 你也会跟他约会

Did you get a fresh batch of pregnancy hormones today?
你拿到今天的 怀孕荷尔蒙报告吗?

No. It's just that-- Katie bothered me.
不 那只是... 凯蒂让我觉得困扰

Why? What was wrong with her?

Ugh, there was nothing wrong with her. All right? She was perfectly lovely.
她没有哪里不好 她非常可爱

- Okay. So, what's the matter? - I don't want you to date her.
- 好吧 怎么了? - 我不希望你跟她约会

Heh, what? Why? What, are you jealous?

Yes. And not because I want you to go out with me.
对 但不是因为我要你跟我交往

Because I don't want you to go out with anybody.
因为我不希望 你跟任何人交往

I know it's a terrible thing to even think this and it's completely inappropriate...
光想到这一点我就不舒服 那是不对的...

...but I want you to be at my constant beck and call, 24 hours a day.
但我希望你每天24小时 都能陪在我身边

I'm very sorry, but that is just the way that I feel.
我非常抱歉 但那就是我的感觉

- Okay. - What?
- 好吧 - 什么?

I won't date. I'll, uh...
我不约会 我会...

I'll be here with you all the time.


But I'm being so unreasonable.

True, but you're allowed to be unreasonable. You're having our baby.
没错 但你可以无理取闹 你怀了我们的宝宝

Oh, Ross, thank you. Thank you.
罗斯 谢谢你

You feel better?

No, not really. You're pressing the baby into my bladder...
真的没有 你把宝宝压在我的膀胱上...

...and now I have to pee. Sorry.

- Okay. - Rash?
- 好吧 - 瑞秋

- Yeah? - Just one thing. Um...
- 什么事? - 只有一件事...

We live together. You're having our baby. I'm not gonna see anybody else.
我们住在一起 你怀了我们的孩子 我不跟任何人约会

Are you sure you don't want something more?
你确定 你不想更进一步吗?

Wow. I don't know, maybe--
我不知道 或许吧...

Oh, Rach, I was just messing around. Heh.
瑞秋 我只是在开你玩笑

- Like you did last night when I had to pee? - Oh! Ha! I knew that.
- 就像我要尿尿时你做的一 样 - 我就知道

I knew that! I was just messing with you too!
我就知道 我也是在开你玩笑

Okay. Because for a minute you seemed...
好吧 因为你看起来似乎...

- No, no, no, no. No! It's just -like you actually...
- 不 那是 - 像是你真的

That's just because I'm such a good messer!
那只是因为 我很会开玩笑

- Rash? - Yeah?
- 瑞秋 - 什么?

- The bathroom? - Right.
- 你要上厕所 - 对

I had a great time. I learned how to bake, ate great food.
我非常愉快 我学会了烤东西 吃美食

The first A I've gotten since 7th grade and I didn't have to sleep with the teacher this time.
这是我从七年级后第一次得到优等 我甚至没有跟老师上床

- Oh, look. Acting for Beginners. - Yeah.
- 你看 初级戏剧班 - 对

Wanna feel good about yourself? -- What the hell! - Okay.
- 你想更满意自己吗? - 管它的

All right, let's start with some basics.

Can anybody tell me what the difference between upstage and downstage is?
谁能告诉我 后台跟前台的差别?

Yeah, this was a stupid idea.
对 这个点子很蠢

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