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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十五集 S08E15 The One with the Birthing Video / 生产录影带

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十五集 S08E15 The One with the Birthing Video / 生产录影带

During Valentine's Day, Chandler discovers the miracle of birth seeing an extremely graphic video. 情人节期间,钱德勒发现出生看到极其图形视频奇迹。


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- Oh! Hey, Rach! - Hi.
- 嗨 瑞秋 - 嗨

-Happy Valentine's Day! - You too!
- 情人节快乐 - 你也是

Hey, so, uh, how's it going living over at Ross'?

It's good, except he makes us watch the Discovery Channel all day long.
很不错 只不过他逼我们 整天看探索频道

Did you know that something really boring happened to someone really ugly in the Middle Ages?
你知道一个在中世纪的丑八怪 发生了一件很无聊的事吗?

- Thank you. See you guys later. - Okay.
- 谢谢 待会见 - 好

- Bye. - Bye.
- 再见 - 再见

That is one lucky to-go cup of coffee.

Oh, honey.

I wish you'd get over her. I hate seeing you like this.
我希望你能忘了她 我讨厌看到你这个样子

Is there anything I can do for you? Do you wanna look down my top?
有什么我能帮上忙的吗? 你要看看我的胸部吗?

Thanks. Maybe later.
谢谢 或许待会再说吧

- Oh, Gunther, can I get a scone? - You want anything?
- 阿甘 我能吃饼干吗? - 你要什么吗?

You know what I want? I want a lot of things.

I wanna be with the woman I love on Valentine's Day!
我希望跟我爱的女人 共度情人节

I want her to love me back.

And I want just one moment of relief from the gut-wrenching pain of knowing that's never gonna happen!
我希望能忘记 无法满足渴望的悲伤

We have red bagels.


So how does Mona feel about you and Rachel living together?
你们一起住 到目前为止还好吧?

Oh, I'm actually on my way to tell her right now.

Yeah, she's been away all week visiting her parents, but she'll be cool.
她一整个星期都不在 去看父母 但她会接受的

She's been so supportive.

She even got the baby a tiny T-shirt that says, "Fossils are my friends."
她甚至帮宝宝买了 写着"化石是我朋友"的上衣

Ugh, come on, Mona. Don't kiss ass.
少来了 蒙娜 别拍马屁

- So, uh, I'm gonna take off. - All right.
- 我得走了 - 好

Oh, shoot! Oh, shoot! Uh, Rachel wanted to see this tape.
糟糕 瑞秋想看这卷录影带

- What is it? - A video of my friend giving birth.
- 那是什么? - 我朋友生孩子的录影带

- Could you bring it back to your apartment? - All right.
- 你能把它带回家吗? - 好啊

"Candy and Cookie"?

Yeah, Candy's the mother, Cookie's the daughter.
糖果是妈妈 饼干是女儿

The father's name is also Cookie.

Why am I friends with these people?

Phoebe, come here.
菲比 过来

I wanna show you something in the bathroom.
我要你看看 浴室里的一样东西

Ugh, Monica, grow up.
摩妮卡 成熟一点

- What do you got behind your back? - Nothing.
- 你的背后藏了什么东西? - 没什么

Just something I want Phoebe's opinion on for Valentine's Day.
我希望菲比能给点 情人节的意见

- You don't want my opinion? - Not really.
- 你不要我的意见? - 我不要

Come on, I'm your older brother. Ask me.
少来了 我是你哥哥 问我吧

Oh, okay, big brother. Um...
好吧 哥哥

Which of these do you think would make your little sister look hotter
你觉得哪一件穿在你妹妹身上 比较火辣 your best friend would want to do her?

The red one.

- Hey.

Look, I know you've been really depressed lately, so I brought someone over to cheer you up.
我知道你很沮丧 所以我带了一个东西来帮你打气

Right outside this door is a real, live, furry playmate.
在门外有个真正的 毛茸茸的玩物

No, I'm not sleeping with your friend Jane again.
我不要 再跟你朋友珍上床

- Hey, a dog! Oh, hi!
嘿 是小狗

Who, you gotta admit, looks a lot like Jane.
你得承认 他长得很像珍

This is the happiest dog in the world. I borrowed him from my friend Wendy.
他是最快乐的小狗 我跟我朋友温蒂借了他

So you can keep him until he cheers you up. And he will cheer you up.
你可以留下他 直到你再打起精神来 他一定可以的

Thanks so much, Pheebs.We are gonna have so much fun! Yes we are!
谢谢你 菲比 我们一定会玩得很开心

Oh, not that kind of fun.

- Happy Valentine's! - Hey!
- 情人节快乐 - 嘿

I'll be right out.

I'm slipping into something a little less comfortable and a little more slutty.
我穿上不是很舒服 但是很放荡的东西

"Candy and Cookie"?

"Candy and Cookie"?

Monica got me porn?

Girl-on-girl porn?

She really must love me!

Yeah, just relax. - I love you, St. Valentine.
- 好吧 放轻松 - 我爱你 圣华伦泰

Whoa, whoa, that's not pretty.

Now push!

Ow! Oh, God, it hurts!
天啊 好痛

Worst porn ever! Worst porn ever!
这是最难看的色情片 最难看的色情片

- Oh, make it stop! - I am trying!
- 快停下来 - 我在弄了

Get the ball. Ready? Get the ball!
去接球 准备好了吗?去接球

You're cute, but you're not too smart.
你很可爱 但你不太聪明

Yeah. Did I just throw this?
对 我刚丢了这个?

- Hi. - Hi.

I accidentally packed these with my stuff.
我不小心把这些 跟我的东西混在一起

- Who is this? - That's, uh, Phoebe's friend's dog.
- 他是谁? - 菲比朋友的狗

I don't know his real name. I call him Mozzarella.
我不知道他叫什么名字 我叫他莫扎雷拉起司

Ohh, you are so cute. I wish I could play with you more, but I've gotta go to work.
你好可爱 我希望能留下来玩 但我得去上班

I hope I stop talking like this before my marketing meeting. Yes, I do.
我希望开会时 不会这样说话 对 没错

Bye-bye, Joey. Seriously, I can't stop it.
再见 乔伊 说真的 我改不过来

Come here! Hey!

Hey. That's Rachel. She's the one who used to live here.
嘿 那是瑞秋 以前她住在这里

Might as well be honest with you. We love her.
老实跟你说 我们爱她

But we can't have her. No.

I really miss her.

Hey, you understand, right? You're a guy.
你了解吧? 你是男生

Well, you used to be.

So, what do you think?

I've still got it.

- Why did you get me this? - What is it?
- 你为什么要给我这个? - 那是什么?

It's yelling, bleeding, dilating.
里面全是尖叫 鲜血跟扩张的阴道

Oh, the dilating!
噢 扩张的阴道

Is this the video of the baby being born? Sweetie, this is Phoebe's. Why were you even watching it?
这是记录生产的录影带? 它是菲比的 你为什么要看?

I thought maybe you got me porn for Valentine's Day.
我以为你或许会在情人节 帮我租色情片

Chandler, if you thought I was gonna get you porn for Valentine's Day...
如果你以为我会在情人节 帮你租色情片... were right.

Apparently, it's about a young girl who moves to the big city, you know, in search of stardom...
片中的女主角 跑到大都市来追寻星梦...

...but ends up having sex with a lot of guys.

It got four stars.

Oh, wait a minute. Those aren't stars.
等一下 根本没有那种事

- Anyway, you wanna take a look? - Well...
- 总之 你要看- 下吗? - 喔...

- I'm not really in a sexy mood right now. - Hey, what's going on?
- 我真的没心情做爱 - 发生了什么事?

Well, remember the first time you saw Jaws...
还记得你第一次 看《大白鲨》... long it took to go back in the water?
你花了多少时间 才敢再下水游泳?

Chandler, we can't let this tape wreck Valentine's Day.
我们不能让这卷录影带 毁了情人节

- You don't know. You didn't see it. - Childbirth is a natural thing. It's beautiful.
- 你不知道 你没有看到它 - 生孩子的过程很美

Oh, beautiful? Really? Huh, really?

You think this is beautiful?

Oh, my God! No wonder my mother hates me!
天啊 难怪我妈恨我

- See, honey, there's... - Don't touch me!
- 看吧 亲爱的... - 别碰我

- Hi! - Hey!
- 嗨 - 嘿

- Hi. - Hi.
- 嗨 - 嗨

- So how was Atlantic City? - Good.
- 亚特兰大好玩吗? - 很好玩

- I brought you back a present. - What...?
- 我帮你买了礼物 - 什么...?

Come on, you didn't have to...

- Saltwater taffy?

- Thanks.

It's interesting, most people think this is made with seawater.
有趣的是 大部分的人 认为它是海水做的

But it's actually made with, uh, salted fresh water.
事实上 它是用加盐淡水做的

That's not interesting.

- I think it's interesting. - I do too. I missed you!
- 我觉得很有趣 - 我也是 我想你

- Me too. How was your week? - Oh, it was good.
- 我也是 这星期你过得如何? - 非常好

- Actually, the baby started kicking. - How exciting.
- 宝宝开始会踢人了 - 太棒了

Yeah, aw. It was amazing.The only sad thing is, I wasn't around when it happened the first time.
太神奇了 只不过第一次我并不在场

- Oh, no. - Yeah, I'm missing out on all this other stuff, too
- 不会吧 - 我错过了所有的过程

- Joey suggested Rachel move in with me. - Ha, ha. Yeah, right.
- 乔伊建议瑞秋搬过来跟我住 - 想得美

- What? - Joey cracks me up.
- 干嘛? - 乔伊害我笑得肚子痛

"eah, why don't you have your ex-wife move in with you? That wouldn't be awkward at all." Heh.
"让你的前妻搬进去 那一点也不别扭"

Hey, imagine, I go away for a few days...

...I come back and my boyfriend is living with some woman he got pregnant.
我男朋友跟怀了他孩子的女人 住在一起

So, what'd you tell him?

How could you not tell Mona that Rachel is living with you?
你没有告诉蒙娜 瑞秋要搬过去?

I don't know. She seemed to think it was such a crazy idea.
她似乎觉得 那是个疯狂的点子

Plus, she, uh... She got me taffy.

- Taffy, really? I've never had any. - Ever?
- 真的吗?我没吃过太妃糖 - 真的?

My mother was too busy planning her suicide to provide saltwater treats.
我妈忙着计划自杀 没空买海滩小吃给我

Thank you.

So what, are you just never gonna tell her?

No, no, I will. I just want to butter her up first.

I'm gonna take her to an amazing Valentine's dinner,do all this romantic stuff.
我要带她去吃晚餐 做一些浪漫的事

And then, when she thinks I'm the best boyfriend in the world...
当她觉得 我是有史以来最棒的男朋友时...

...then I tell her my pregnant ex-girlfriend is living with me.
我会告诉她我怀孕的前女友 跟我一起住

If I haven't said it before, she's a lucky, lucky lady.
或许我没有说过 她是个非常幸运的女人

So where are...? What the mother of crap is up with this stuff?
我们... 这个玩意怎么了?

God, is it gum? Is it food? What's the deal?
它是口香糖吗?它是食物吗? 怎么了?

Oh, it's nice. May I try a pink one?
好好吃 我能试试粉红色的吗?

So between her and me being friends, and her history with Ross...
她跟我是朋友 她跟罗斯交往过... just isn't gonna happen.

It'd be like you falling in love with a cat.
那就像是 你爱上一只猫

- Hey. JOEY: Hey.
- 嘿 - 嘿

Hey, buddy. How's my favorite dog, huh? How's my favorite dog?
我最喜欢的狗怎么了? 他还好吗?

You're subdued.

- Did you give him a beer? - No.
- 你让他喝啤酒了? - 不

- Will you excuse us? We need to talk. - Sure.
- 对不起 我们需要谈一谈 - 当然

Oh, me, right.
是我 对喔

- He's miserable. What happened to him? - Nothing.
- 他很难过 他是怎么了? - 没事

- We just talked about stuff. - What stuff?
- 我们聊了一些事 - 什么事?

Rachel stuff.

Oh, Joey, you bummed him out! This is the happiest dog in the world.
乔伊 你害得他很难过 他是全世界最快乐的狗

He spends a day with you, and look at him.
他才跟你相处一天 你看

He's breathing.

- I'll take him back to Wendy's. - No, no, no. He's fine.
- 我要带他去温蒂家 - 不要 他没事

Hey, look. Look.

Here's your ball! Get the ball!
是你的球 快去接球

Get your ball! Get your ball! Get your ball!
去接球 去接球

Get... God, what have I done to you? Huh?
去...天啊 我对你做了什么?

I broke the dog, Pheebs! I broke the dog!
我害死那只狗了 菲比 我把他弄得精神崩溃了

I'm, uh, going to pick up Mona. What have you got going tonight?
我要去接蒙娜 今晚你要做什么?

Oh, I've got big Valentine's plans.

I've got Chinese food on the way, and the rest of your saltwater taffy.
我订了中国菜 还有你的咸水太妃糖

It's interesting. Most people think that's made with seawater, when in fact...
有趣的是 大部分的人 认为它是海水做的

Ross, we actually watched the documentary together.
我们是一起 看那部纪录片的

Oh, my Chinese food. I'll get my cash.
我的外卖来了 我去拿钱


- What are...? Hi! - Hi.
- 什么...?嗨 - 嗨

What are you doing here? I'm supposed to pick you up.
你怎么来了? 我应该去接你的

Change of plans, I made you a special Valentine's dinner. Surprise!
计划有变 我帮你做了 情人节晚餐 大惊喜

- Oh! Hey, Mona! - Hi... Hi, Rachel.
-嘿 蒙娜 -嗨 瑞秋

What's she doing here?

I have no idea.

I'll be watching TV if anybody needs me.
如果你们要找我 我在房里看电视

Seriously, what is she doing?

Uh, you know, lately she just likes hanging out here.
最近 她喜欢待在这里

- Why? - I think she's lonely.
- 为什么? - 我想她很寂寞

- But it's Valentine's Day. - I know.
- 但今天是情人节 - 我知道

Can't we ask her to go?

Well, no, she's way too emotional.
不行 她太激动了

And by emotional, I mean crazy!

I'm not here! That's just my Chinese food.
当我人不在 我的外卖来了

Oh, my God, she has food delivered here?

Mm-hm, yes, she's emotional, but ballsy.
对 她很激动 但也很大胆

You know what I'm going to do? I'm gonna get in my sweats and eat this in bed.
我要去换运动服 躺在床上吃饭

And you thought she was gonna be in our way!
你还以为 她会妨碍到我们

Okay, why don't you, uh, open the champagne, and I will be right back.
打开香槟 我马上回来

- I've got a surprise for you. - You got another ex-wife back there?
- 我有大惊喜 - 你另一个前妻也藏在里面?

Please start drinking.

- I'm just gonna grab the phone. - Oh, Rachel, wait.
- 我只是要打电话 - 瑞秋 等一下

I hope you don't take this the wrong way,
我希望 你不会误会

- What are you doing? - Sorry, do you need the phone?
- 你在做什么? - 你要打电话吗?

Listen, Ross is too nice to say anything, but this is his apartment.
罗斯太好心了 没办法说出口 但这是他的公寓

And we gotta have some boundaries.Ho, oh! Heh. Please start drinking.
我们需要隐和 你为什么不回你家呢?

But, Mona, I live here.
但是蒙娜 我住在这里

Happy Valentine's Day!

Or, something to remember me by.

- How long has it been this time? - Ninety seconds.
- 这次是多久? - 九十秒

That's better. Ninety seconds is a long time not to think about it.
好多了 没想到九十秒 真的很久

Except all I did was think about it.

I know. It haunts me.
我知道 我也忘不了

Up till now, the worst thing I ever saw, was my father doing tequila shots off the naked houseboy.
在这之前我看过最糟糕的事 是我爸跟服务生上床

After this, I would gladly make that my screen saver.
在这之后 我会很乐意 把他们的照片做成萤慕保护程式

We have to get past this.Why don't we get rid of the tape and pretend it never existed.
我们得忘了这件事 我们得假装它不存在

- I could do that. - Okay.
- 我可以那么做 - 好

Okay, now all we gotta do is get rid of this chair.
我们只需要 丢掉那张椅子

Come here.

- Oh, thank God! -Oh, I know!
- 谢天谢地 - 我知道

Come in!

Hi. I'm sorry to barge in on your Valentine.
我很抱歉 破坏了你们的情人节

I had to get away from the yelling. Mona is dumping Ross.
但我得远离那些叫骂声 蒙娜要跟罗斯分手

- Oh, my God. - Poor Ross.
- 天啊 - 可怜的罗斯

Oh, great. We have to watch him do yoga in his underwear,but for this he closes the drapes.
我们看过他穿内裤做瑜伽 但这次他更惨

Rach, you know that birthing tape you wanted to see?
关于那卷 你想看的生产录影带

- It's here.

Oh, and we should warn you before you watch it. Don't watch it.
我们得在你看它之前警告你 千万别看它

Why, you saw it? Is it scary?

Let's just say it's ironic how footage of someone being born...
讽刺的是 生孩子的画面...

...can make you want to kill yourself.

Now, wait, now I'm all freaked out. Come on .You guys will watch it with me?
现在我吓坏了 你们能跟我一起看吗?

No, but I will leave a sweater that smells like me right next to you.
不能 但我会把有我体味的毛衣 放在你旁边

Come on, seriously, you're not gonna make me watch this alone.
说真的 你们不能逼我一个人看这个

She's right. Of course not.
她说得对 当然不行

Honey, get the tape.
甜心 去拿录影带

This reminds me of a very specific part of the tape.
这让我想起了 录影带里某一段内容

Okay. Here we go.
天啊 来吧

Okay. Ahem.

Oh, my.

All right, baby. One more time.
宝贝 再来一次

Why is that baby torturing that woman?

Why have I seen this thing three times?

It's still beautiful.

- Aah! It's horrible! - I know, I know!
- 好可怕 - 我知道

- I'm so sorry for you! - Oh, my God!
- 我为你感到难过 - 天啊

- You guys! You guys, look! - What? Did her ass explode?
- 大家快看 - 什么?她的屁股爆炸了吗?

No, the baby's out. Look. Look.
不 宝宝出来了 你们看

Look at those little fingers and toes.

And look how happy the mom is now.

- Oh, Rach. - Screw you guys! You don't have to do it!
- 瑞秋 - 去你们的 你们又不必生小孩

- Hey. - Hey!
- 嘿 - 嘿

- What's up? - Uh, Mona just dumped me.
- 怎么了? - 蒙娜刚刚甩了我

Oh, man, I'm sorry. Why?
天啊 我很遗憾 为什么?

With everything going on lately, I haven't exactly been the perfect boyfriend.
最近我不是 完美男友

I didn't tell her I got Rachel pregnant.
我没有告诉她 我让瑞秋怀孕

I gave her a key to my apartment and then had the locks changed.
我给她我家的钥匙 然后换了锁

Then I lied to her about Rachel moving in with me.
然后我骗她 瑞秋搬到我家的事

In a way, I judge her for not breaking up with me sooner.
在某方面 我怪她不早点跟我分手

That really sucks. Especially on Valentine's Day.
那真的很烂 特别是在情人节

Yeah. Wait a minute. What are you doing here?
等一下 你在这里做什么?

Joey Tribbiani without a date on Valentine's Day?
乔伊在情人节 没有约会?

What's going on, huh? Girl trouble? Heh.
发生了什么事? 你跟女人有麻烦?

- Sort of. Ha, ha. - Really?
- 可以那么说 - 真的吗?

You don't have to seem so happy about it.

- Sorry. Well, uh, maybe I can help. - Oh, I...
- 抱歉 或许我能帮忙 - 噢 我...

Whatever it is, I am sure it has happened to me.
不论发生了什么事 我相信我也有相同的经验

You know, actually, once I got dumped during sex.
事实上 我有次在做爱时被甩了

- So anyway, uh, what is it? - Forget about it. It's no big deal.
- 到底发生了什么事? - 算了 没什么大不了的

- Come on, what is it? - It's nothing.
- 少来了 怎么了? - 没事

Hey, it's me. Why can't you tell me?
是我耶 你为什么不告诉我?

Okay. sit down.
好吧 坐下

There's this woman that I like a lot.

But, uh, it can't happen.

She's not a Tribbiani?


So, So is she someone from work?


Well, um, does she like you?

Sometimes I think maybe she could.

But it doesn't matter, I can't do anything about it.

Why not?

It's complicated.

She was with this other guy. For a long time.
她跟另一个男人 交往了很久

Someone from work too.

And, uh...

I could never do that to the guy. We're good friends.
我没办法那样对他 我们是好朋友

So, uh, this guy she used to go out with, is he still in love with her?
以前跟她交往过的那个男人 还爱着她吗?

- No, I don't think so. - Okay.
- 我想应该不爱了 - 好吧

Is he a good guy?

Yeah, he's the best.
对 他是最棒的

- Then talk to him. He might be fine. - I don't know.
- 跟他谈一谈 他或许无所谓 - 我不知道

It's worth finding out, if you really like her.
如果你喜欢她 这值得试一试

I do, so much.

I can't stop thinking about her. I can't sleep...
我没办法不想到她 我睡不着...

Okay, Joey, you know what? You have to go for it.
你知道吗? 你得尽力去争取

How often does this happen to you? You owe it to yourself.
你会常遇到这种事吗? 你应该为自己这么做的

Here's your warm milk.

I'm gonna put the bourbon in it at home.
我要回家 加点波本酒

Anyway, seriously, just talk to the guy, okay?
说真的 跟那个男的谈一谈 好吗?

Let me know how it goes.

It's Rachel.

You're gonna have a baby and you need to be prepared.
你要生孩子了 你得做好准备

You're gonna make yourself watch the whole thing. Just do it!
你得看完整卷录影带 看吧

I came to the big city to become a star.
我来到这个大城市 希望成为大明星

- I'll do anything to make that happen.-Anything?
- 为了圆梦我任何事都愿意做 - 任何事?

Maybe it starts with how she gets pregnant.
或许我该从她 怎么怀孕开始看起

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