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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十四集 S08E14 The One with the Secret Closet / 秘密衣柜

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十四集 S08E14 The One with the Secret Closet / 秘密衣柜

Chandler's very curious about a locked closet, but Monica won't tell him what is inside. 钱德的一个上锁的柜子很好奇,但摩妮卡不会告诉他里面是什么。


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- Hey. What's up? - I left my guitar here again.
- 怎么了? - 我忘了拿吉他

Oh, okay. No problem.
好吧 没问题

- Okay. Here you go. - Okay.

- What? - So do you want to hang out or something?
- 什么? - 你要聊聊吗?

Phoebe, You kinda caught me at a bad time.

- Oh, are you and Chandler...? - Yes. Exactly.
- 你跟钱德... - 没错

- Okay. Do you guys want me to play for you? - No.
- 要我帮你们伴奏吗? - 不必

Hey, Pheebs, what's up?
菲比 你好吗?

You ask an intriguing question, Chandler Bing.
你问了一个很有趣的问题 钱德宾

Oh, my God! You're getting a massage? You never let me massage you.
天啊 你请人帮你按摩? 你从来不让我帮你按摩

- Phoebe, I can explain.
菲比 我可以解释

- You told me you hate massages.

Buy stamps. Pick up dry cleaning. Don't let Phoebe in.
去买邮票 拿干洗的衣服 别让菲比进来

I can't believe this. How long has this been going on?

- Well, uh, Alexandra has... - Oh, it has a name?
- 亚丽珊卓... - 它还有名字?

Phoebe, don't get upset.
菲比 别生气

Okay. Oh, too late! I'm leaving. Come on, Chandler, let's go.
好吧 太迟了 我要走了 来吧 钱德 我们走

Well, I thought I'd...

Yeah, what the hell.
对 管它的

- Okay, come on. One more push. Come on, we're almost there.
再推一次 加油 快好了

Joey, I'm so happy things worked out for us and we're having this baby together.I love you so much.
我很高兴我们能在一起 我们要生孩子了 我爱你

- Oh, I love you too.

Mm. I hope it's not an inappropriate time to say this...
我希望现在说这个 不会不是时候...

...but you're the best sex I've ever had.

- That's always appropriate.

Okay, come on, one more push. One more push.
来吧 再推一次 再推一次

There we go.

Here is your beautiful baby. Congratulations.
你们的漂亮宝宝 恭喜

I hope you're a better father than you are a friend!
希望你做爸爸 比做朋友称职

- Joey! - What? What's going on?
-乔伊! -怎么了?

Come feel this! Come feel my belly!
- 快来摸摸我的肚子

Joey! The baby is kicking for the first time! Will you please come feel this?! - Really?
- 这是宝宝第一次踢我 快来摸一下 -真的吗?

- Yes.

You know what? Maybe, uh, you...

Maybe you should come to me.

- I'm not wearing any bottoms.

- Oh, my God.

It's unbelievable!

Wow, she is kicking so much. She's like, um...
她踢得好厉害 她像是...

Who's that kind of annoying girl soccer player?
那个讨厌的 女足球员是谁?

- Mia Hamm? - Mia Hamm!
- 米亚汉姆? - 米亚汉姆

- Oh! It's amazing. - Whoa. One hand on the sheet, Joe.
- 太神奇了 - 抓住你的床单 乔伊

Whoa, eh. Sorry.

- Hey, babe. -Hey, honey.
嘿 宝贝

We got a wedding gift from Bob and Faye Bing. They don't like us, do they?
巴伯跟菲伊宾送我们结婚礼物 他们不喜欢我们 对吧?

Who says you can't get a nice punch bowl for under $6?
谁说买不到 六块以下的高级鸡尾酒碗?

- Maybe we can take it back. - No, it doesn't say where it came from. Where would we return it?
- 或许我们能把它退回去 - 我们要把它退到哪里去?

- How about to the street say from the balcony?
何不从阳台 把它丢到街上?

Why don't we just find a place for it?

How about in that cabinet?

That's where we keep canned goods.Have you completely forgotten everything you learned at orientation?
那是放罐头食物的 你忘了每样东西都要放在定位吗?

How about the closet by the bathroom?

Oh. Okay. Why don't you let me do it. -No, no, no. I will do it.
- 让我来吧 - 不 我来就行了

Honey, you have to learn to sit down and relax and let your husband take care of things once and awhile.
你得放轻松 偶尔把事情交给我来做

It's locked. You have to help me.Why is it locked?
上锁了 你得帮帮我 为什么上锁了?

No reason. I keep private things in there.
没有为什么 我把和人物品放在那里

You know, I've been living here a while.and I've never seen what's in that closet.
我搬到这里来一阵子了 从来没看过里面的东西

What is in there?

Feminine stuff.

Don't try to make me uncomfortable with feminine stuff!
别想用女人的东西 来唬我

Chandler, there is nothing in there that concerns you! If you love me you-you'll let it go.
那里面没有你喜欢的东西 如果你爱我 忘了这件事

- Fine. - Thank you.
- 好吧 - 谢谢

Love you.

Hello, Chandler. Lovely day, huh? You.
钱德 今天天气真好 是你

If it helps, Alexandra's only been massaging Monica for, like, three years.
如果有帮助的话 亚丽珊卓已经帮她按摩了三年

If! I said, if it helps.

Why won't you let me massage you?

Uh, well, it's... I'd be self-conscious.You're my friend. I'd be naked.
我会无法放松 你是我的朋友 我得脱光衣服

We lived together for years. I've seen you naked.
我们住在一起那么多年 我看过你没穿衣服

That's different. We were roommates. And when?
那不一样 我们是室友 那是什么时候的事?

I'm curious about the human body.

You can understand why this would be weird for me.
你可以了解 为什么我会觉得很奇怪

I'm a professional and I'm really good.
我是专家 我真的很厉害

If you're uncomfortable, we can stop. Just give me a chance, okay? Please?
如果你觉得不舒服 我们就停止 给我一个机会 拜托

Okay, if it means that much to you.

It does. How would you feel if you couldn't share your cooking?
没错 如果你无法分享你的厨艺 你会有什么感觉?

Or imagine how Ross would feel if he couldn't teach us about dragons.
如果罗斯没办法教我们龙的事 他会有什么感觉?

- Dinosaurs. - Potato, "potato."
-是恐龙 -都一样

- Hey. - Ross, the baby's kicking.
罗斯 宝宝在踢

What? It is?

It's not kicking right now.

Although we would love to see you do that again.
虽然我们很想 看到你再做一次

When was it kicking? What happened?

Last night. I felt it. I went into Joey's room, and he was sleeping.
昨晚我跑到乔伊的房问 他在睡觉

A dreamless sleep.

My God, the baby's kicking. That's great.
天啊 宝宝会踢了 真的是太棒了

Although I kinda wish I would've been there to feel the kicking for the first time y'know.
我希望我可以摸到 宝宝第一次踢你的样子

I got some stuff going on in here if you want to feel.
如果你真的想摸 我的肚子正在咕咕叫

I don't want to miss any more baby stuff. Here's my new pager number.
我不想再错过宝宝的事了 这是我新的呼叫器号码

Anytime anything pregnancy-related happens, use it. I'll be there.
只要发生跟怀孕有关的事 立刻通知我

I don't care if it's 3 in the morning and all you want is ice cream.
我不在乎那是凌晨三点 而你想吃冰淇淋

Can I get a copy of that?

- Are you under the sheet? -Yes.
- 你裹着床单吗? - 对

Great, let's begin.
好了 我们开始吧

- How's the pressure?

It's nice. Wow, Phoebe, you are good.
很不错 菲比 你真的很厉害

Stating the obvious, but thank you.
很明显 谢谢你的夸奖

- And it's not weird, is it? - No.
- 那一点都不奇怪 对吧? - 没错

That's right, you just enjoy.
没错 好好享受吧

Oh, yeah!

- Oh, yeah! - Okay.
- 对 - 好吧

Oh, God, Phoebe!
天啊 菲比

Oh, that's it! That's it, right there! Oh!
就是那样 就是那里

I wasn't trying to open your closet! I wasn't trying to open your closet! I swear
我发誓 我没有试着打开你的柜子

Whoa, Monica runs a pretty tight ship over here,doesn't she? What are you doing?
摩妮卡管你很严 对吧? 你在做什么?

Monica has a secret closet. She won't let me see what's in it.
摩妮卡有秘密衣柜 她不肯让我看它

- Why not? - I don't know!What could she possibly be hiding in here what I can't see?
- 为什么? - 我不知道 她在隐瞒什么?

I don't know.

I bet it's Richard.

Why would Monica be keeping Richard in here?

Well, off the top of my head, uh...

...maybe she's having her cake and eating it too.

You being the "cake," Richard being the "too."
你是"熊掌" 理查只是"鱼"

- Or... - And here we go.
- 或是... - 又来了

I saw this movie once where there was a door.Nobody knew what was behind it.
我看过一部电影里有一扇门 没有人知道里面藏了什么

And when they finally got it open, millions and millions of bugs came pouring out...
最后他们把门打开后 好几百万只虫跑了出来...

...and they feasted on human flesh!

You know, it wouldn't kill you to respect your wife's privacy!
尊重你老婆的隐私 不会要你的命

Stupid closet full of bugs!

Joey, something feels weird and not good weird. I don't...
乔伊 我觉得怪怪的 那不是好事 我不...

Whoa! Don't worry. When my sisters were pregnant...
别担心 我妹妹怀孕时...

...they got every weird feeling and it was always nothing.
她们都觉得怪怪的 结果根本没事

- Really? - Absolutely.
- 真的吗? - 当然

But we'll stop by the hospital just to be sure. I'll page Ross on the way. Come on.
但我们得到医院检查一下 我会呼叫罗斯

Oh, okay, Rach, look at me. Everything's gonna be fine.Trust me. Take my hand. Here we go.
瑞秋 看着我 一切都会没事的 相信我 握着我的手 我们走吧

Ow! Crushing bones!

Good thing we're going to a hospital.

- Hey. So? - She's fine.
- 结果呢? - 她没事

She was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. Mild discomfort in the uterine wall.
她出现不规则的子宫收缩 那是子宫壁出现中度不适的现象

Mild discomfort? I take it you've had one of these Braxton thingies?
中度不适? 我想你也出现过那种现象

- Everything is normal? -Absolutely.
- 切都很正常? - 对

- There's no danger to her or the baby?-No.
- 没有危险? - 对

Contractions can be unnerving if you don't know what they are, but she's fine.
收缩虽然会不舒服 但她没事

Thank you, doctor. And thank you for being so nice and calm.
谢谢你 医生 谢谢你这么温和冷静

Calm? I wasn't calm! I've never been more scared in my life.
我一点都不冷静 我从来没有这么害怕过

- You said everything was okay. - What do I know? I'm not a doctor.
- 你说一切都会没事的 - 我知道什么?我不是医生

- But everything is okay. I'm fine. - You sure?
- 但一切都没事 我没事 - 你确定?

Yes. I got half a mind to contract that doctor's uterus.
对 我真希望 那个医生的子宫也会收缩

Mild discomfort! What's he talking about?
中度不适 他到底在胡说什么?

- Is everything okay? - Everything's fine.
- 没事吧? - 没事

Your page said, "Come to the hospital." What happened?
你呼叫我说"赶到医院来" 发生了什么事?

Something called Braxton Hicks contraction.

That's no big deal. Most women don't feel them.
那没什么大不了的 很多女人都不会有感觉

Okay, no uterus, no opinion.

Hey, uh, what's with the candy?

when you beeped me I was on line at the concession stand at the movie theater.
你呼叫我时 我在电影院买零食

- You went to the movies by yourself? - No... Mona!
- 你自己去看电影? - 蒙娜

- Oh, I gotta go back in there. - Why? What's wrong?
- 我得回检查室去 - 发生了什么事?

- Everything's fine, I just gotta... - No, really, tell me. What's up?
- 我得... - 不 告诉我 怎么了?

Look, I forgot my underwear.
听着 我忘了穿内裤

So thanks so much for bringing her to the hospital.

Oh, hey, don't worry about it. No big deal.
别担心 那没有什么大不了的

But still, it should have been me. I'm the dad.
但应该是由我送她来 我是孩子的爸

If you have questions here's information on Braxton Hicks. - Thanks.
- 这是不规则收缩的资料 - 谢谢

And by the way, you did the right thing by bringing her in.

- You're gonna make a wonderful father.

Hey, not as good as this guy. He brought Twizzlers.
我没有这家伙厉害 他买了糖果

- There has got to be a way. - Easy there, Captain Kirk.
- 定会有办法 - 别紧张 寇克船长

- Oh, do you have a bobby pin? - Yeah.
- 你有小别针吗? - 有

Oh, no, wait. I'm not a 9-year-old girl.
不 等一下 我不是九岁的小女孩

Then why do you throw like one?

- Maybe Monica has a bobby pin. - Oh, sure, "Monica."
- 或许摩妮卡有小别针 - 对 "摩妮卡"

So how's the hideously inappropriate crush on Rachel coming?
你暗恋瑞秋的事 怎么了?

Really good. I should be ready to kill myself any day now.
真的很不错 我应该随时准备好自杀

Well, you sure found that quick.

I just - I wish I didn't feel this way about Rachel anymore, y'know? I wish things could go back to normal.
我希望我从没有爱过瑞秋 我希望一切能恢后正常

. I mean, I love living with her and God, helping out with the baby is just amazing
我喜欢跟她一起住 帮助她生产真的很有趣

But now I think Ross feels left out.

You know? When I had to take Rachel to the hospita,.the doctor thought I was the father. God, you...
我送瑞秋去医院时 医生以为我是孩子的爸

You should have seen the look on Ross' face.

By the way, I have no idea what I'm doing here.For all I know, I'm locking it more.
我不知道我在做什么 我只知道我越开锁得越紧

Hey, you try opening it with a credit card?- That's a good idea.
- 你想拿信用卡打开它吗? - 好点子

- So, uh, Ross is kind of bummed, huh?

- I ju... I feel terrible. - It's not your fault.
- 我觉得很难过 - 那不是你的错

What are you gonna do, not take her to the hospital?You're doing nothing wrong.
你要怎么做?不送她去医院? 你没有做错事

Except for harboring an all-consuming love for the woman carrying his baby.
但你不该爱上 怀了他孩子的女人

Richard, if you're in there, could you pass me my credit card?
理查 如果你在里面 麻烦你把信用卡还我

I gotta tell you, yesterday was amazing. That massage felt so good.
我得告诉你昨天真的很棒 按摩感觉很舒服

No, no, I got that.
不 我了解

So, um, what do you say we make it a weekly appointment?-Okay.
- 我们能每星期按摩一次吗? - 好吧

You should know though, I've, um, raised my rates to $200 an hour.
但你应该知道 我的时薪调成两百块了

- Okay. - I mean 500.
- 好吧 - 我是说五百块

- What? - 600.
- 什么? - 六百块

What's going on?

Oh, you make sex noises when you get massaged.
我按摩你时 你会发出性爱叫声

- And it really freaked me out.After a while, I even tried to hurt you and it just spurred you on.
那把我吓坏了 之后我想弄痛你 你叫得更大声

What? You're crazy. There's nothing sexual about the noises I make.
你疯了 我的叫声一点都不淫荡

Really? There's nothing sexual about this?

Oh, God! Oh, oh, oh!

What are you looking at?

I mean, hi.
我是说 嗨

This is so embarrassing. I'm never gonna get massaged again.
这真的是太丢脸了 我永远都不会再按摩了

No, you can't let this stop you from getting massages.
别让这件事 害你放弃按摩

Look, I have lots of clients that make the same noises you do.
我有很多客人 也会发出那种叫声

- Really? - Well, not clients. Lovers.
- 真的吗? - 他们不是客人 他们是情人

Let's just... We'll try it again. Come back, and we'll work through it.
我们再试一次 再来找我 我们会想出办法的

- You sure? - Yes.
- 你确定? - 对

- I guess. - Great! Now, if you'll just excuse me.
- 我猜是吧 - 太棒了 对不起

So did you hear something you liked?

Hey, Ross, check it out! I learned a new trick. Huh?
罗斯 你看 我学到新把戏了

- Hey, uh, I brought you some lunch. - Oh!

- That's so sweet of you. Oh, yum.
你真的太贴心了 真好吃

- Did you put pickles on this? - Well, yeah.
- 你放了腌黄瓜吗? - 对

What? What? Rach, what?
什么?瑞秋 怎么了?

- What's going on? - I made her favorite, tuna sandwich with pickles.
- 发生了什么事? - 我帮她带了腌黄瓜鲔鱼三明治

Pickle? Pickle makes her sick.

Giving her pickle is like giving me salad.

I'm sorry, I didn't know. You gonna be okay?
抱歉 我不知道 你还好吗?

I'll be fine.But could someone please make sure that sandwich is gone when I get out there?
我没事 但我不在的时候 麻烦谁解决掉它

I'm on it!

I can't believe this. I shouldn't be the one making her throw up.

- Dude, relax. It could happen to anyone. - Not to you. You know this stuff.
- 谁都可以做出这种事 - 你就不会 你了解她

I don't know any of it and I'm the father.
我什么都不懂 而我是孩子的爸

I just... I wish I could be more involved, you know?

Well, if anyone is keeping score, I no longer eat tuna.
如果有人在帮我纪录的话 我绝不会再吃鲔鱼了

Hey, uh, can I talk to you guys for a second?

- Yeah. - What's up?
- 可以啊 - 怎么了?

Well... Sit down. I wanna talk about our situation.
坐吧 我想谈谈我们的情况

Are you breaking up with us?

The thing is...

...because I live with Rachel, I'm here for a lot of the stuff.Okay, and Ross...
因为我跟瑞秋一起住 我参与了很多事

Ross is missing everything. So...
罗斯错过了一切 所以...


Maybe you two should live together.

Are you asking me to move out? Do you not want me here?
你要我搬出来? 你不要我住在这里?

No, I love living with you. It just seems that...
不 我喜欢跟你一起住 只不过...

...if you're gonna have a roommate, it may as well be the father.
如果你需要室友 他最好是孩子的爸

But, Joey, I don't think Ross wants me to move in to his apartment,.and disrupt his life like that. I mean...
乔伊 我想罗斯不希望 我搬过去干扰他的生活

Or he does.

I would love to be around for you and the baby.
我很乐意 照顾你跟宝宝

We can just try it, like on a temporary basis.
我们可试试看 先试一阵子

- But it's you and me. - It wouldn't be anything romantic.
- 但那是你跟我 - 我们不会有成情牵扯

And I'm dating Mona. Damn it, Mona!
我在和蒙娜交往 该死 蒙娜

I was supposed to meet her an hour ago. What is wrong with me?
我跟她约好一小时前要见面 我是怎么了?

So, what do you think?

- I don't know. Is it crazy? - No. No, it's not...
- 我不知道 那很疯狂吗? - 不

Joey, this is a smart idea.
乔伊 这是个聪明点子

Well, I was due.

- Okay, let's do it. I'll move in. - Really?
- 就这么办吧 - 真的吗?

- Oh, Rach, that's great. That's great.
瑞秋 那真的是太棒了

Not too shabby. I got this all off myself...
还不错 我用我太太的工具...

...using my wife's tools.

Oh, my God.

How did you get in there?

You're messy.

- No! You weren't supposed to see this! - I married Fred Sanford.
- 不 你不该看到这个的 - 我娶了收集狂

No, Chandler, you don't understand.
钱德 你不了解

Okay, okay, fine! Now you know. Okay? I'm sick.
好吧 现在你知道了 我很病态

No, honey, you're not sick. I don't love you because you're organized.
不 老婆 你不病态 我爱你不是因为你做事有条不紊

I love you in spite of that.
不论如何 我都爱你


- Promise you won't tell anyone? - Yes.
- 你发誓不会告诉任何人? - 对

Now that I know, if I've got extra stuff lying around, can we share the closet?
现在我知道了 如果我有多余的东西 我们可以一起用那个柜子吗?

Oh. Well, it's just, um...

I'm afraid you might mess it up.

- Hey. - Hey.
- 嘿 - 嘿

So Rachel's all moved out, huh? How you taking it?
瑞秋搬出去了? 你还好吧?

Well, uh, I wanted to have a few beers...

...but, uh, I got rid of those because Rachel couldn't stand the smell of them.
但我把啤酒都丢了 因为瑞秋受不了那个味道

I have thrown back a lot of orange juice with calcium though.
我买了很多 加钙的柳橙汁

And, uh, it's a couple weeks past its expiration date, so it's got a bit of a kick.
它已经过期了几星期 所以会有点酸味

- Are you okay? - You kidding me? Yeah, I'm great.
- 你没事吧? - 你在开玩笑吗?我棒透了

I'm, uh... I'm better than great. I am good.
我好到不能再好 我很好

Now that she's gone, I can, uh...I can do all the stuff around here that I couldn't do before. You know?
现在她离开了 我可以做以前不能做的事

Like, um...

I can walk around naked again.

You know? I can, uh...

I can watch porn in the living room. Right?

This is, uh... This is good for me.

I like being on my own. I'm better off this way.
我喜欢一个人过生活 我喜欢这个样子

I'm a... I'm a lone wolf.

A loner. Alone.

All alone. Forever.

What's a wolf gotta do to get a hug around here?
狼要怎么做 才能得到一个拥抱呢?

- That's it, just relax.
好了 放轻松

- Come on, more. - Oh, God!
- 加油 再来 - 天啊

You like that, don't you?
你喜欢那样 对吧?

- Yeah, right there. - Want it there? Take it there, baby.
- 对 就是那样 - 你要吗?我就给你 宝贝

- Phoebe? - Yeah, say my name. Say it.
- 菲比 - 对 叫我的名字 快点

And now I'm going to cover you back up.
现在我要帮你 盖上被子

And, um, I won't be speaking with you for several weeks.
我会有好几个星期 不会再跟你说话

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