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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十三集 S08E13 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath / 钱德泡澡记

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十三集 S08E13 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath / 钱德泡澡记

After his openhearted evening with Rachel, Joey finds it impossible to go back to thinking about her as just a friend, yet he can't talk about it, not even to Chandler. As Joey rambles, only shutting up when Phoebe enters make Monica concludes he must be in love with Phoebe. Considering baby names, parents to be Ross and Rachel find no word in common except 'veto'! They agree not to ask the child's sex, yet Ross notices the gynecologist takes a peak, sod asks the doc afterward. After Chandler was unable to understand why Monica loves taking an elaborate bath, she ... 他襟怀坦白晚上瑞秋后,我发现它不可能回到她只是一个朋友的想法,但他不能谈论它,甚至没有钱。乔伊漫步,只有关闭时,菲比进入让摩妮卡断定他一定是爱上了你。考虑到孩子的名字,父母是罗斯和瑞秋找到共同的词除了没有否决权!他们同意不去问孩子的性别,然而罗斯注意到妇科医生需要一个峰值,SOD问DOC之后。在钱德勒无法理解为什么莫妮卡爱以一个精心制作的浴缸,她…


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All right, it's a new day. All that stuff about Rachel?
好了 这是全新的一天 关于瑞秋那件事呢?

You don't feel that now. It was crazy. You're fine. You're better than fine.
现在你没有感觉 那太疯了 你没事 你好的不得了

You are, as your friend Tony would say, "Great!"
没错 就像你朋友汤尼说的 "太帅了"

Everything's normal. She's just your friend, Rachel.
一切都很正常 瑞秋她只是你的朋友

Your friend, Rachel. Your friend. Rachel.
你的朋友瑞秋 你的朋友瑞秋

- Hi, sweetie. -Hey, it's your girlfriend, Rachel!
- 嗨 甜心 - 嗨 她是你女朋友瑞秋


Are you...? Are you high?

I just had the most amazing bath.

- Really? I don't like baths. - Wait, You like them with me.
- 真的吗?我不喜欢泡澡 - 你喜欢跟我泡鸳鸯浴

Honey, it's not the bath I enjoy. It's the wet, naked lady.
甜心 我不是喜欢泡澡 我是喜欢看全身湿答答的裸体女人

- Baths are so relaxing. - Really? What do you do?
- 泡澡能让你放松 - 真的吗?你在里面做什么?

You just sit in there, stewing in your own filth.
你坐在那里 被自己的脏水泡着

How dirty do you think I am?

I'm telling you, if you had some candles and some bubbles and some music,

you would love it!

It would take all of your stress away.

Honey, it's 2:00 on a Wednesday and I'm watching Road Rules,
现在是星期三两点 我正在看越野单车赛

how stressed do you think I am?

Hey, Chandler, you got a minute? I-I really need to talk to you.
钱德 你有空吗? 我真的需要跟你谈一谈

Oh! Uh, yeah! Is this a cold pizza talk or a leftover meatloaf talk?
对 这是冷披萨谈话 还是烤肉剩菜谈话?

- Well, neither.

- Oh, my God, what's up?
天啊 发生了什么事?

I don't know. It's just...
我不知道 那只是…

Lately, I've been feeling...

Okay, here's what it is. Heh.
好吧 事情是这样的

- You know what? I feel a lot better, thanks! - Wait a minute. Just come back.
- 我觉得好多了 谢谢 - 等一下 回来吧


You and Monica, friends for a long time.
你跟摩妮卡 当了很久的朋友

And sure, there are rules. But then you went to London.
当然这是有规则的 之后你们去了伦敦

But that's different. There are rules there too, know what I mean?
但那不一样 这也是有规则的 你了解我的意思吗?

Do you?

It was different for you guys. You were both in the same place.Rgiht?
对你们来说是不一样的 你们刚好去了同一个地方 对吧?

- In London. - Yeah.
- 在伦敦? - 对

Yes, when Monica and I were in London, we were both in London.
对 摩妮卡跟我在伦敦时 我们刚好都在那里

This is a bad idea. Forget all about it.
你知道吗?这是个烂主意 算了

and listen, do me a favor, this conversation was between you and me.
听着 帮我一个忙 别把这件事说出去

If that.

Hi! Oh, Ross, don't forget, we have that doctor's appointment tomorrow!
罗斯 别忘了 明天我们要一起去产检

-Hey, are you going to find out the sex of the baby?-No-no, we talked about it. We don't want to know.
- 你们要知道宝宝的性别? - 不 我们不想知道

All we care about is that it's happy and healthy.
我们只在乎 宝宝是不是健康快乐

- Yep! Happy and healthy! And cute!
对 健康快乐 还有可爱

- And smart.- Popular. - With an aptitude for science.
- 跟聪明 - 受欢迎 还要有科学精神

Are you two talking about the same baby?
你们两个说的是 同一个宝宝吗?

- Hey! Have you started off thinking of names yet? -Oh yeah! I've come up with a bunch of ideas!
- 你们想到名字了吗? - 对 我想到- 大堆

- Really? Me too. - Me too.
- 真的吗?我也是 - 我也是

- Really?

If it's a girl, Phoebe. And if it's a boy, Pheebo.
如果是女孩就叫菲比 如果是男孩就叫菲宝

Maybe. But it wouldn't hurt to have a backup, you know?
或许吧 但想些备用名字 应该无伤大雅

- Rach, what were you thinking? - Okay.
- 瑞秋 你想到什么名字? - 好吧

Um, I was thinking if it's a girl...
我想如果是女孩 about Sandrene? It's French.

That's a really pretty name for an industrial solvent.

- Fine. What do you have? - It's for a boy.
- 好吧 你想到什么? - 我想到男生的名字

I know it's a little out there, but...
我知道稍微有点夸张 但是…


Our child will be beaten in the schoolyard.
天啊 我们的孩子 会在操场上被打死

Yeah, by Sandrene.
对 被珊德妮打死

You're saying that because I said no to you.
你会那么说 因为我不喜欢你想的名字

I'm really, really not.

How about you each get five vetoes?

- All right. - That sounds fair.Yeah! I don't think you're going to need it though.
- 听起来很公平 - 我想你不需要 听着

If it's a girl, Rain.

- Veto. - Why?
- 否决 - 为什么?

Rain? "Hi, my name is Rain.
小雨?"嗨 我叫小雨

I have my own kiln, and my dress is made out of wheat."
我有自己的炉子 我的衣服是用麦子做的"

I know her!

I bought a homemade soap from her at a Dead show!
我在死人表演里 跟她买了一块手工肥皂

- Okay. How about for a guy, Thatcher? - Why do you hate our child?
- 好 如果是男孩就叫柴契尔 - 你为什么那么恨我们的孩子?

- Fine, you go. - Okay. James.
- 好吧 轮到你了 - 詹姆斯

- But only if it's a girl. - Oh, veto.
- 但我可能生的是女孩 - 否决

I like Ruth. What about Ruth?
我喜欢萝丝 你觉得呢?

Oh, I'm sorry. Are we having an 89-year-old?
抱歉 我们要生下个89岁的宝宝?

- How about Dayton? - Veto. Stewart.
- 戴顿呢? - 否决 史都华

Veto. Sawyer.
否决 索耶

- Veto. Helen. - Veto.
- 否决 海伦 - 否决

Is it me, or is Veto starting to sound really good?
是我想歪了 还是"否决"会是个好名字?


Boy, do I have a surprise for you.
天啊 我为你准备了一个大惊喜

Sex on the balcony?

No, but someone's really not going to get over that idea, are they?
不 但有个人 忘不了那个想法

- What is it? - I drew you a bath.
- 怎么了? - 我帮你放了洗澡水

I don't like baths. Could you draw me a picture of us having sex on the balcony?
我不喜欢洗澡 你愿意帮我画一幅阳台做爱图吗?

Try it for me. I used all my best stuff.
拜托你试试看 我使出了全身解数

I lit candles, I put on music. I used bath salts, plus bubble bath.
我点了蜡烛 放了音乐 用了浴盐跟泡泡澡

And got you this little plastic Navy ship! So it's a boy bath.
我还帮你找到海军模型船 这是男人会洗的澡

- This does butch it up a bit. -I swear, if you try it, you will love it!
- 这稍微有点男人味 - 我发誓你试过后- 定会爱上它

All right, if I do this, can we at least discuss sex on the balcony?
如果我这么做 我们能不能讨论在阳台上做爱的事?


But I know how that discussion's gonna go.
但我知道 我们会怎么讨论它

All right, this isn't so bad. I like the flowery smell.
好吧 这还不赖 我喜欢花香味

Which is okay, because I've got my boat.
没关系 因为我有我的船

- So? - Oh, my God.
- 怎么样? - 我的天啊

I told you you were a bath person. Hey, when you get out, maybe I can give you a facial!
我说过你会喜欢洗澡 或许我可以帮你做脸

I'm gonna need a bigger boat.

I don't think you had an open mind about the name Ruth.
我觉得你对萝丝这个名字 没有抱着开阔的胸襟

I mean, come on, little Ruthie Geller, how-how cute is that?
拜托嘛 小萝丝盖勒 可爱吧?

Oh, my God, I can practically hear the mahjong tiles.
天啊 我可以听到麻将声

All your tests look fine. Now, are you two interested in knowing the sex of the baby?
好了 检查结果都很正常 你们想知道宝宝的性别吗?

- No, we're not. - But you have it right there in that file?
- 我们不想知道 - 但病历里面有记录?

You could tell us whether it's a boy or a girl?
你可以告诉我们 是男孩或是女孩?

Dayton or Sandrine? Phoebe or Phoebo?
戴顿或珊德妮? 菲比或菲宝?

That's right. But if you don't want to know...
没错 如果你们不想知道

- No, we wanna wait. Right? - Right. Right.
- 不 我们要等 对吧? - 对

Oh, I'll be right back.

I know it's really not my place...

...but please don't name your child Pheebo.
但请不要将你们的宝宝 取名为菲宝

So, which of these babies do you think is the ugliest?

What? Rach, come on, that's terrible.
什么?瑞秋 那太可怕了

They're babies. They're all beautiful.
他们是宝宝 他们都很可爱

- Third one from the left? - Yeah. Why is it staring at me?
- 左边数过来第三个? - 对 它为什么要盯着我看?

I think it knows I'm talking about it. Don't you...? You're looking!
我想它知道我在说它 你不…你在偷看

- I didn't! - I saw you!
- 我没有 - 我看到了

Fine, I did, but I didn't see anything.I swear.
好吧 我在偷看 但我什么都没有看到

Shame on you! Ugly baby judges you!
你太可耻了 丑宝宝唾弃你

- Okay, but Ross just listen to me... - Don't tell me! I don't wanna know!
- 好吧 听我说 我没有… - 别告诉我 我不想知道

But I couldn't even if I wanted to, because I don't know!
我想说也没办法说 因为我不知道

I swear I didn't see anything! and I don't want to know! It was just a momentary lapse.
我发誓我什么都没看到 我不想知道 刚刚我是一时糊涂

"Momentary lapse." Don't you have any self-control?
- 一时糊涂? 你不懂得自制吗?

Okay. A couple months late on the lecture, Ross.
好吧 现在跟我说教 已经迟了好几个月 罗斯


I'm in the bathroom, can you come in here? I think there's something wrong.
我在浴室 你能进来一下吗? 我觉得不太对劲

You know what? I think I'll wait out here.
你知道吗? 我在这里等

I'm in the bathtub.

- What's wrong? - I drew my own bath, but I did it wrong.
- 怎么了? - 我自己放洗澡水 但我没有弄对

The water's tepid, the salt didn't dissolve and is now lodged places.
水温温的 浴盐无法溶解 现在它们结块了

And the scents I used don't compliment each other. Eucalyptus and chamomile? Oh!
我用的香味闻起来很不协调 尤加利树跟甘菊?

- What? - Bath salts.
- 什么? - 浴盐

They're starting to effervesce.

It's different.

It's interesting.

Let's talk about something else.
好吧 我们谈谈别的事

Yeah. Sure. So, what was going on with you today?
当然 今天你过得还好吧?

I actually had the weirdest conversation with Joey.
我跟乔伊 谈了一件很奇怪的事

He was talking about rules and right and wrong.

- I had the exact same conversation. - What was he talking about?
- 我也跟他谈过 - 是吗?他到底在说什么?

I don't know! Joey hasn't had this much trouble getting out words since we saw him in Macbeth!
自从他演过马克白后 我还没看过他说不出话的样子

- That was a long night.

All right, let's break this down. What exactly did he say to you?
好吧 我们来谈谈这件事 他到底跟你说了什么?

He was talking about rules and looking at people differently.
他说到规则 对别人有不同的看法

- He didn't say anything about that to me. - What'd he tell you?
- 他没有跟我说那个 - 他跟你说了什么?

He was asking all these questions about you, me, and London.
他问到你跟我 在伦敦发生的事

And, of course the glue that holds this all together, the rules.
我们是怎么开始的 还有规则

Okay. So you, me and London.
好吧 你跟我在伦敦

Looking at people differently.

Maybe he wants to do what you and I did in London with someone..
或许他想跟某人 发生你跟我在伦敦发生的事

But what'd he mean by "rules"?

Wait. He stopped talking the minute Phoebe came in.
等一下 菲比走进来时 他就不说了

- Because he's looking at her differently. - Phoebe is his friend.
- 因为他用不同的眼光看她 - 菲比是他的朋友

so he thinks that would be breaking the rules!

My God, he wants to do it with Phoebe in London!
天啊 他想跟菲比在伦敦上床

-You guys? - Um, just a minute!
- 你们在哪里? - 等一下

- That's Mrs. Tribbiani. - You don't say anything.
- 崔比亚尼太太来了 - 什么都别说

Why would I say anything?

That two of our best friends could start the greatest love affair of their lives!
我们的两个好朋友 要真正地谈恋爱?

They'd have me to thank. Then we could all start having babies!
他们会谢谢我 然后我们可以开始做宝宝

- I'm not going to let you say anything. -You just stay here!
- 我不要你告诉她 - 你待在这里

Oh, God!

Oh, hey, Monica, I brought back your iron.
摩妮卡 我拿熨斗来还你

You had that? I thought I lost it. I got a new one a month ago.
是你把它拿走的?我以为我弄丢了它 一个月前我买了一个新的

Oh, just as well. I broke this one.
太好了 我把它弄坏了

- What? - Nothing.
- 什么? - 没事


I really shouldn't say. I'm really not supposed to.
我真的不该说 我不应该说出来的


- It's a humdinger.

Then it's really too bad that you can't tell me.

Somebody likes you!

- Ugh. Is it Chandler?

- No!- Then tell him to stop staring.
- 不 - 叫他别再盯着我看

- It's Joey.

Really? Joey? You don't say.

-Is it something you'd be interested in? - I don't know, I don't know.
- 你会有兴趣吗? - 我不知道

You know, I mean, on the one hand, "Mother, may I?"
我是说我在想 "天啊 我可以吗?"

But, you know, on the other hand...

No. No, I can't. We're friends.
不行 我们是朋友

Oh, no. I don't wanna risk what we have.
不 我不能冒险 失去我们现在的友谊

I guess that makes sense. You think you're gonna talk to him?
我猜你说的对 你会跟他谈一谈吗?

Sure. I mean, it's Joey. I don't want him to get hurt.
当然 他是乔伊 我不希望他受伤害

Well, I must say, I am on fire! First Chandler, now Joey.
我得说我真的很辣 先是钱德 现在又是乔伊

- Not Chandler. Just Joey. - Sure.
- 没有钱德 只有乔伊 - 当然

- Hi. - Hey.
- 嗨 - 嘿

You know what? I've been thinking about it. I'm really coming around on the name Ruth.
你知道吗?我想过了 我接受萝丝这个名字

I think I would actually consider naming our child that.
我可以考虑 帮孩子取那个名字

Rach, I can't tell you how much that means to me. Oh...
瑞秋 我无法告诉你 这对我来说意义有多么重大

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.You hated the name Ruth. Why would you change your mind?
等一下 你讨厌萝丝这个名字 你为什么会改变心意?

Unless you know we're never gonna have to use it.
除非你知道 我们用不着它

You did see the folder. You know it's a boy!
你看到了 你知道宝宝是男孩

I didn't see anything. I actually changed my mind about the name.
我什么都没有看到 我真的是改变了心意

I don't think so. You're giving me Ruth...
我不那么认为 你答应让我选萝丝 you get to name him when it's a boy.
如果你生了儿子 你可以帮他取名字

That's when you'll swoop in and name him Heath or Blaine or Sequoia.
那时候你会决定叫他 海瑟 布兰恩或史奎亚

I would... Sequoia!

- Veto. - Fine.
- 否决 - 好吧


you anticipated that I would figure all this out...

...and you know that it actually is a girl.

And you really do want her to be named Ruth.

Well, I'm not falling for that! Okay? Ruth is off the table!
我才不会上当 好吧?我们不考虑萝丝

- But, Ross, you want the name Ruth. - Not like this!
- 但罗斯 你要萝丝这个名字 - 现在我不要了

- Hey. - Hey.
- 嗨 - 嗨

What's up?

- Um, Joey, I know. - What?
- 乔伊 我知道了 - 什么?

- I know. - What?
- 我知道了 - 什么?

- I know about your feelings. - Oh, my God, you do?
- 我了解你的感觉 - 天啊 真的吗?

Yes, and I'm sorry. I-I know things worked out for Chandler and Monica, but that's very rare.
我很遗憾 虽然钱德跟摩妮卡成功了 但那是少之又少的例子

I know. And this is so much more complicated than it was for those guys.
我知道 这比他们的情况复杂多了

I mean, it's Rachel, for God's sakes.
我是说她是瑞秋 天啊

For God's sakes, it's Rachel!
天啊 是瑞秋

I know! She's not only my friend, she's my pregnant friend.
我知道 她不只是我的朋友 她是我的孕妇朋友

She's my pregnant friend who's Ross' ex!
她是我的孕妇朋友 还是罗斯的前女友

Yeah, that's Rachel.
对 那就是瑞秋

Beat me over the head with it.

What am I gonna do? I keep trying to get rid of these feelings.
我该怎么办? 我试着不去想这些事

I stayed up all last night and made a list of everything I don't like about her.
昨晚我整夜没睡 试着写出我不喜欢她的地方

- You wanna hear it? - Yeah.
- 你想听听看吗? - 好

"She made me switch to light mayo." That's it! That's all I got!
"她要我改吃低卡美乃滋" 就那样 我只想到那个

You know what? Tastes the same and my pants fit better.
你知道吗?味道一样 但我的裤子松多了

Joey, I just think you're getting worked up over nothing. This is probably just a crush.
乔伊 我觉得你是庸人自扰 或许你只是被爱情冲昏了头

You think?

Absolutely! Y'know, you get this rush of feelings, but then it goes away.
当然 你只是一时昏了头 但那种威觉会消失的

Yeah, just a crush. That's all this is. It's a crush!
对 我只是冲昏了头 没错 我只是冲昏了头

I'm Joey. I don't get deep feelings.
我是乔伊 我不会玩真的

There you go. Crushes happen all the time.
好了 人常会被冲昏了头

I've had them for all you guys. Except for Ross and Chandler.
我对你们这些男生也会有那种感觉 罗斯跟钱德除外

- And I'm sure you've had them for us. - Not really.
- 我相信你对我们也是 - 不尽然

Throw me a bone here.

So I, uh... I called the doctor.

- Now we both know the sex of the baby. - What?
- 现在我们都知道宝宝的性别 - 什么?

That's right. The student has become the master.
没错 我是青出于蓝胜于蓝

- Ross, I swear. I don't know. - Oh, come on, you know it's a girl.
- 罗斯 我发誓我真的不知道 - 少来了 你知道宝宝是女孩

- A what?

- You really didn't know?

- We're having a girl? - No.
- 我们要有个女儿了? - 不

- That's what you said. - No.
- 你是那么说的 - 不

- You said girl. - Yes. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- 你说是女孩 - 对 我真的很抱歉

I'm not! We're having a girl!
没关系 我们要有个女儿了

Sometimes I can't believe it's with you, but still, we're having a girl!
有时候我不敢相信孩子的爸是你 但我们要有个女儿了

I know! You know what? I'm putting Ruth back on the table.
我知道 你知道吗? 我要重新考虑萝丝这个名字

Yes, we'll have ourselves a little baby Ruth.
对 我们要生下小萝丝了

- Permission to veto. - Yes, please.
- 允许否决 - 好吧 否决

- Hey. - Do I smell essential oils?
- 嘿 - 这是精油味吗?

I'm gonna take a bath. I was gonna get a magazine.
对 我要去洗澡 我想拿本杂志

What do you think you're doing?

Leaving my troubles behind?

I know that you're new at this, but this is completely unacceptable bath decorum.
我知道你是新手 但这不合乎洗澡的礼仪

It's so hard to care when you're this relaxed.
在这么轻松的感觉下 我真的什么都不在乎了

Fine, you can have the bath, but I am taking your boat.
好吧 你可以洗澡 但我要拿走你的船

Now you're just a girl in a tub.

- Hi, bubbles. Manly.
嗨 泡泡澡 太有男子气概了

Well, I just thought I would drop by and let you know how it went with Joey.
我想顺道过来 告诉你结果

- You told her?

- She pulled it out of me!She's like a conversational wizard!
是她套我的 她真的很会逼别人

How did it go?- You were wrong. He doesn't like me.
- 结果如何? - 你错了 他不喜欢我

- What?

Yeah! How would you like it if I sent you to Lee Majors' house
你会有什么感觉 如果我把你送到李梅杰斯的家

and told you that he liked you, and you went down there
我告诉你他喜欢你 你跑进去…

and you found out that he didn't like you? How would you feel?
发现他并不喜欢你 你会有什么感觉?

- I don't think I'd care. - Really? Lee Majors is hot.
- 我想我不会在乎 - 真的吗?李梅杰斯很性感

-Hello? - We're in the bathroom!
- 哈罗 - 我们在浴室里

-Why? - Because it's a relaxing and enjoyable time!
- 为什么? - 因为它既轻松又有趣

- What are you guys doing in here? - Oh, my God.
- 你们在这里做什么? - 天啊

A friend he's looking at differently, but it's wrong.
他对一个朋友的感觉不一样 但那是不对的

- It's Rachel! - You like Rachel?
- 是瑞秋 - 你喜欢瑞秋?

It's no big deal. Phoebe and I talked about it. It's just a crush. It'll go away.
那没什么了不起的 菲比跟我谈过 我只是冲昏了头 我会清醒过来的

Dude, you gotta rearrange your bubbles.
天啊 你重点部位的泡泡散开了

Mazel tov.

Hey. Oh, hi. Ross and I were looking for you.
嘿 罗斯跟我在找你们

What are we all doing in here? Oh, my.

Honey, cover it up with the boat.


We're all in here, and we'd love for you to join us!
我们都在这里 希望你能加入我们

Well, hey! What's going on? Oh, cool boat. Oh, no.
嘿 发生了什么事? 很酷的船 不

- Did you tell them? - I waited for you.
- 你告诉他们了吗? - 不 我在等你

- Tell us what? - We're having a girl.
- 告诉我们什么? - 我们怀的是女儿

Oh, wow! Really? Oh, my God!
哇 真的吗?

I'll get you later.

All right. It's a new day. And it's just a crush.
好吧 这是全新的一天 我只是被冲昏了头

That's all. Just a little crush.
没错 我冲昏了头

All that worrying I was doing? That was crazy. Crazy.
我到底在担心什么? 那太疯狂了

Like my friend the bird here would say, "It was cuckoo!"
我的小鸟朋友会说 "那跟疯子一样“

Everything's gonna be fine. It's just a crush.
一切都会没事 我只是冲昏了头

- Hi, sweetie. -I love you.
- 嗨 亲爱的 - 我爱你

It's nice to do this together, isn't it?
我们能一起这么做 真的很棒吧?

Yeah. And what you're doing feels so good.
对 你让我感觉很好

- I'm not touching you.

- You're not?- It's the salts.
- 是吗? - 那是浴盐

- Sweet Lord, new realms of pleasure.
天啊 那是愉悦新领域

Whatever keeps you off the balcony, big guy.
只要能让你忘了阳台的事 就行了 大男人

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