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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第三集 S08E03 The One Where Rachel Tells... / 告知罗斯

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第三集 S08E03 The One Where Rachel Tells... / 告知罗斯

Even on honeymoon, Monica is pushy and is annoyed that Chandler wouldn't jump the queue at the airport check-in especially when the couple before them, also on honeymoon, get bumped up to first class. They try to sneak into the first class lounge, but are caught but at least she can nick an orange. Joey and Phoebe find Monica and Chandler have tricked them out of the keys of the master apartment; Joey hoped a false gas leak alert would make super Treeger use his key, but he makes a fireman use an axe and the wrecked door calls for a big lie. Rachel is finally ready to... 即使是度蜜月,莫妮卡是粗鲁的,是钱德不会插队在机场办理登机手续,特别是当夫妻在他们面前生气,也去度蜜月,就碰上了第一班。他们试图潜入头等舱休息室,但被抓住,但至少她可以尼克橙色。乔伊和菲比找到摩妮卡和钱德骗了他们的主人的公寓的钥匙;我希望一个虚假的气体泄漏报警会使超是用他的钥匙,但他是一名消防员用一把斧子和失事的门需要一个天大的谎言。瑞秋终于准备…


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- Hey! Babe! Aren't you excited we're going on our honeymoon?
嘿 你期待我们要去度蜜月吗?

- Yeah, I am.

[SINGING] Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama

That's right. Get it out of your system while we're alone.
没错 要发作就趁现在没人的时候

- We came to say goodbye. - Have a great honeymoon.
- 我们是来道别的 - 对 祝你们蜜月玩得愉快

- Thanks. - I'd better go pack.
- 谢谢 - 我最好去打包行李

Oh no, I already packed. The only thing I couldn't find though was your Speedo.
不 我已经打包了 我只是找不到你的迷你泳裤

Speedo? Uh, I don't have a Speedo.

I'm gonna go pack my regular, long bathing suit.
我要去打包 我那不起眼的超长泳裤

Good, you're still here. I wanted to tell you to have a good honeymoon.
很好 你还在 我来祝你有个愉快的蜜月

Oh, thank you.

And I also wanted you guys to know that I am telling the father today.
我还要你们知道 今天我会告诉孩子的爸

What? What? What?

- We know it's Ross. - How? How do you know?
- 我们知道孩子的爸是罗斯 - 你怎么知道的?

It was his sweater. But, oh, my God!
是他的毛衣 但是天啊

I so wanted Ross to know first. But I'm so relieved that you guys know.
我好希望罗斯是第一个知道的 但你们知道了 我真的松了一口气

- That's so great. I'll be your baby's aunt!
这真的是太棒了 我是你孩子的姑姑

- I know.

- Me too!

- I'm gonna be an uncle! Come here.
我是叔叔 来吧

- You're all gonna be aunts and uncles. - Yeah, but I'm the only one related by blood.
- 你们都会是孩子的姑姑、阿姨跟叔叔 - 对 但只有我跟孩子有血缘关系

Okay. Great! So now that you guys all know you can help me. Give me some advice on how I'm gonna tell Ross!
现在你们知道了 你们可以帮我 建议我该怎么跟罗斯说

What were you gonna say?

Well I was gonna tell him that I'm-I'm gonna have the baby and he can be as involved as he wants.
我要告诉他我想留下孩子 他想怎么做都可以

Well, that sounds good.

Yeah but how do I start? I mean, what's-what's the first thing that I say?
对 只是 我该怎么开口呢? 我是说我的开场白应该是什么?

- Okay, great. Thanks. - Hey, good luck.
- 好吧 太棒了 谢谢 - 祝你好运

Yeah, bye.
对 再见

What was that all about?

Well I guess there is no harm in telling you now, Rachel and Ross are gonna have a baby.
看来现在告诉你也没关系 瑞秋怀了罗斯的孩子

What?! I didn't even know that - Why didn't you tell me?!
什么?我完全不知道 你为什么不告诉我?

Why am I talking like this?

I didn't think you could keep it a secret.-What?
- 我觉得你无法保密 - 什么?

I'm an excellent secret-keeper. I've kept all our secrets.
我是保密高手 我一直保守着我们所有的秘密

- What secrets? - No, no, Joey.
- 什么秘密? - 不 乔伊

I'm not gonna tell you because I am an excellent secret-keeper.
我不会告诉你 因为我是保密高手

- You'll tell me later? - You already know.
- 待会你会告诉我? - 你已经知道了

It's so romantic to send people off on their honeymoon.
送别人去度蜜月 真的好浪漫

You know, Monica and Chandler are married. Ross and Rachel are having a baby.
摩妮卡跟钱德结婚了 罗斯跟瑞秋就要生宝宝

- Maybe you and I should do something. - All in good time, my love. All in good time.
- 或许你跟我也该找些事来做 - 你说的对 吾爱...

Oh, shoot. I left my guitar in their apartment. You can let me in later, right?
该死 我把吉他放在他们家 你持会能帮我闻门吧?

No, I don't have a key. They took mine to give to you.
不 我没有钥匙 他们拿走我的钥匙说是要交给你

- What? They took mine to give to you. - Why would they take away our keys?
- 什么?他们拿走我的说是要交给你 - 他们为什么要拿走我们的钥匙?

Maybe they don't trust us.

No that's not it. They let me keep my key the last time they were out of town.
才不会 他们上次出城时 让我保管他们的钥匙

You mean the time you broke the ketchup bottle and cleaned it up with Monica's guest towels?
你是说那次你打破蕃茄酱瓶 拿摩妮卡给客人的毛巾来清理?

- I washed those. - No, you didn't.
- 嘿 我洗了毛巾 - 才没有

Yeah, that didn't sound like me.
对 那听起来不像我的作风

- What am I gonna do? I really need my guitar. - I have stuff in there too.
- 我该怎么办?我需要我的吉他 - 我也有东西放在他家

- What stuff? - Monica's chicken parm. I'll take care of this.
- 什么东西? - 摩妮卡的奶酪鸡 我得把它解决掉

Mr. Treeger? It's Joey Tribbiani.

I need to get into Monica and Chandler's apartment. It's an emergency.
听着 我得到摩妮卡跟钱德家 有紧急事件

Gas leak. Oh, and bring garlic bread.
瓦斯漏气 带大蒜面包过来

- Hey. - Hey.
- 嘿 - 嘿

- Did Rachel find you? - No, why?
- 瑞秋找到你了吗? - 不 怎么了?

- She was looking for you.

- Well, I guess I'll catch up with her later.

- She really wanted to talk to you now. - Yeah, it seemed pretty important.
- 她真的得马上跟你谈 - 对 似乎是有重要的事

- Oh, no.


I think I might know what this is about.


Yeah. We promised we weren't gonna tell anybody this,but
对 我们答应不会告诉任何人 但是...

a month ago, Rachel and I slept together.
大约一个月前 瑞秋跟我上床


- Wow, I thought you'd be more shocked.
喔 我以为 你们会大吃一惊

- Oh, sorry. And?

Well, we said we'd just do it that one time...
我们说 只做一次...

...but now I think she may wanna start things up again.
我想她或许 想要跟我复合

Yeah, I don't think that's what it is.

- Why? What else could it be? - Oh, wow, I don't feel well.
- 为什么?不然会是什么事? - 我觉得不太舒服

I'm telling you, I'm telling you, that's what it is.

No wonder she was looking at me all funny during the wedding.
难怪在婚礼上 她看我的眼神怪怪的

She didn't say anything to you?

- Maybe it's something you ate. - It could've been...
- 或许你吃坏肚子了 - 有可能

- Please, just go and talk to Rachel. - Yeah, I guess I should.
- 拜托 去跟瑞秋谈谈 - 好吧 我想我该去

Man, you know what I have to realize?

Maybe I'm not the type of guy women can have just one night with.
或许我是那种 让女人一夜难忘的男人

They always seem to want a little bit more.
她们对我 永远都觉得不满足

I should remember that.


- They're kissing. Let's go around them. - Leave them alone. They're in love.
- 他们在接吻 我们先过去吧 - 别管他们 他们深爱彼此

I'm in love too. But in an orderly fashion.
我也爱你 不过爱得井然有序

- Next.

- Hi. Can you do that and walk?Because she said, "Next."
嗨 你们能边走边接吻吗? 因为她说"下一位"

Sorry, we didn't hear you. We're on our honeymoon.
抱歉 我们没有听到 我们要去度蜜月

Aw. Let me see what I can do. There are some first-class seats available.
让我来看一下 头等舱还有位置

Did you hear that?! They bumped them up to first class because they are on their honeymoon!
听到了吗?她让他们升级到头等舱 因为他们要去度蜜月

Let's act like we're on our honeymoon.-We are on our honeymoon.
- 我们假装也要去度蜜月 - 我们的确是要去度蜜月

- Grab my ass.

- Next.-Sorry, I almost didn't hear you
- 下- 位 - 抱歉 我差点没听见

because I'm so in love with my new husband.- We're on our honeymoon.
我深爱我的新丈夫 我们要去度蜜月

- Congratulations.-Thanks
- 恭喜 - 谢谢

Mr. Bing, you'll be in 25J, and Mrs. Bing, you're in 25K.
好了 宾先生 你在25J 宾太太是25K

Oh no, you see we're on our honeymoon. So umm, can you do your little thing and bump us up to first class?
我们要去度蜜月 你能让我们升级到头等舱吗?

I'm sorry, all the first-class seats are taken. That couple got the last two.
抱歉 头等舱客满了 刚刚那对夫妻拿走最后两个位置

You see, if we'd gone around them like I said, we - She would've given us those tickets. Damnit!
看吧?如果你听我的话插他们的队 她会给我们头等舱的位置 该死

25J and K, any chance those aren't together?
25J跟K 会不会刚好不连在一起?

I still can't believe they took away my key. You trust me with yours.
我还是不敢相信他们拿走我的钥匙 你都把你的钥匙交给我保管

Of course I do. And I'll give it back to you...
那当然 我会把它还给你... soon as they're done with it at the key-shining place.
只要清理钥匙的人 把它擦干净了

What the hell is that?

- Whoa, whoa. Treeger, what are you doing?
崔格 你在做什么?

- You said there was a gas leak in here.- Why don't you use your key?
- 你说有瓦斯漏气 - 你为什么不用钥匙开门?

Because by the time I find it on this thing,the whole place might have exploded.
等我找到他们家的钥匙 这问公寓可能都炸掉了

If that happens at another building I manage, people will start asking questions.
如果我管理的公寓再发生一次爆炸意外 人们会开始问问题

Come on, hurry up.

We could have done that.

Look at that. They're going into the first-class lounge.
你看 他们走进头等舱休息室了

- Do you know what they have in there? - No.
- 你知道里面有什么吗? - 不知道

Me neither. We have to get in!
我也不知道 我们得进去才行

- Just act like you belong. - Oh, my God! Oranges!
- 装做你是头等舱的客人 - 天啊 有橘子

- Nice to see you again. - Sir, may I see your tickets, please?
- 很高兴又跟你见面了 - 先生 麻烦出示你的机票

Yes, of course.

Would you move your thumb. I can't see the seat number.
麻烦将你的姆指挪开 我看不到座位号码

That's all right. I have it memorized. It's 1A.
没关系 我已经背起来了 是IA

- Sir, this isn't a first-class ticket. I'm sorry. - Apology accepted. Excuse us.
- 这不是头等舱的机票 抱歉 - 没关系 对不起

Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
先生 恐怕我得请你们离开


Go, go, go!

- Hi. - Hi.


I think there's something that we really need to talk about.
我想我们真的需要 好好地谈一谈

I think we do. Why don't we go inside.
没错 我们何不先进去呢?

-Look uh, I know why you're here.-You do?
- 听着 我知道你为什么会来这里 - 真的?

Yeah, and to save you from any embarrassment,
对 为了让你有点面子...

I think I should talk first.

- Okay. - Okay.
- 好吧 - 好吗?


Ross and Rachel.

Rachel and Ross.

It's been one heck of a seesaw, hasn't it?
那像是在玩跷跷板 对吧?


I mean, look, that one night we had was fun and certainly passionate.
我是说那晚 我们过得既满足又尽性

But don't you think it's better if we just stay friends?
但你不觉得 我们还是当朋友比较好吗?

Seriously, what?

Okay, okay. You know what?
好吧 这样好了

If you want to, we can do it one more time.
如果你要的话 我们可以再做一次

I mean,I'd be okay with that. In fact, I have some time right now.
我没有问题 事实上我现在有空...


- You know what? Ahem. Can I talk now?

- Oh, sure.-OK
- 当然可以 - 好吧

I'm pregnant.



Okay, whenever you're ready.
好吧 我等你准备好再说

And you're the father, by the way. But you're good.
对了 你是孩子的爸 但你知...

- Can I get you some water? - I'm good, I'm good.
- 你要喝水吗? - 我没事

Ross, there is no pressure on you. Okay? You can be as involved as you want.
罗斯 别觉得有什么压力 好吗? 你想怎么做都可以的

Yeah, I, uh...
对 我...

I'm just, I don't know. I don't understand...
我只是不知道... 我不了解... this happened.

- We used a condom. - I know.
- 我们有用保险套 - 我知道

But you know, condoms only work, like, 97 percent of the time.
但保险套的避孕功能 只有百分之九十七

What? What?


Well, they should put that on the box!

- They do. - No, they don't!
- 包装上有标示 - 才没有

Well, they should put it in huge block letters!
他们应该用又大又粗的字体 标示在包装上

- Okay Ross come on let's just forget about the condoms. - Well, I may as well have!
- 罗斯 别管保险套的事 - 早知道当时也不用管了

Listen, y'know what? I was really freaked out too when I found out
听着 你知道吗? 我发现自己怀孕时...

Freaked out? Hey no, I'm not freaked out!
- 也吓坏了 我才没有

I'm indignant as a consumer!

- You know what? Let's talk later. - No. No, I wanna talk now.
- 你知道吗?我们待会再谈 - 不 我想现在谈

In fact, I wanna talk to

the president of the condom company.
跟保险套公司的 董事长谈

- Okay, maybe I should come back... - Shh!
你知道吗? 或许我该待会再来...好吧

Yeah, I'll press one!
好吧 我按一

- I looked everywhere. There's no gas leak. - So now I can heat this up?
- 我到处找过 瓦斯没有漏气 - 所以我可以热- 下这个吗?

Anyway, I'll get moving on that new door.
总之我会帮他们 装扇新门

Great. And could you do us a favor and not tell Chandler and Monica about this?
太棒了 你能帮我们一个忙 别跟钱德和摩妮卡提这件事吗?

Because, you know, they don't have any kids of their own...
因为他们没有 自己的孩子...

...and this door was like a child to them.

I have to put on a new lock. They'll find out anyway.
我得装上新锁 他们一定会发现的

Oh, no.
喔 糟糕

This looks like an all-day job. I'll have to cancel my yoga class.
看样子要干一整天 我得去取消我的瑜办课

- Hey, Ross.Could you tell Jasmine that I won't make it to yoga class today?
嘿 罗斯 麻烦你告诉茉莉 今天我没办法去上瑜如课


- My God. What happened to the door? - So it's noticeable, huh?
- 天啊 门是怎么了? - 很明显喔?

- Is Rachel here? I really need to talk to her. - Didn't you two already talk?
- 瑞秋在这里吗?我得跟她谈- 谈 - 你们不是谈过了吗?

Yeah, but...
对 但是...

Okay, look. You guys know Rachel and I slept together,
听着 你们知道 瑞秋跟我上过床...

but there's something else.

Rachel's pregnant.

- Holy mother of God! - Oh, my God! I can't believe it!
- 我的老天爷 - 天啊 我不敢相信

- With my child. - That is brand-new information!
- 她怀了我的孩子 - 我是第一次听到这件事

- You already know, don't you? - A little bit.
- 你们已经知道了对不对? - 知道- 点

- How you doing? - Okay. Okay. I mean, I'll be okay.
- 你还好吗? - 我会没事的

It's just I don't think I handled it very well.
我想 我没有处理好

- What did you say to her? - Nothing.
- 你跟她说了什么? - 什么都没说

But the complaint department at the condom company got an earful.
但我跟保险公司的客服部门 说了很多

Then when I turned around, she was gone.-Oh, Ross.
- 我- 转身才发现她走了 - 喔 罗斯

But in my defense, I found out that condoms are only 97 percent effective.
我知道 但我刚才发现 保险套只有百分之九十七的避孕效果

- What? - I gotta go find her.
- 什么? - 我得去找她

Hold on! Are you serious?
等一下 你是认真的?

So, like, 3 percent of the time they don't even work?
所以有百分之三的机率 它们无法发挥功能?

Huh? They should put that on the box!

- Evidently, they do. - What?
- 他们的确那么做了 - 什么?

- I can't believe we're here. - You've gotta be kidding.
- 我不敢相信我们来到这里了 - 开什么玩笑


As a wedding gift to you, the hotel would like to give you the Honeymoon Suite.
为了庆祝你们结婚 饭店要帮你们升等到蜜月套房

No! You have been screwing us all day!
不 你们破坏了我们一整天

- Who are you? - We're you. Just 10 seconds later!
- 你们是谁? - 我们是你们 只是迟了十秒钟

You already got the first-class tickets, the lounge. We should get free stuff too!
你们已经抢走头等舱的位置、休息室 我们也应该得到免费招待

You're not the only ones on your honeymoon!

You can have the suite, if you want. We don't care about where we stay.
我们可以把蜜月套房让给你们 我们不在乎要睡在哪里

We're here to celebrate our love for each other.
我们来这里 纪念我们对彼此的爱

We don't have to get free stuff.We just want to be together.
我们不需要免费招待 我们只想在一起

We need the stuff.

Hey Monica it's Joey. Listen uh, Phoebe and I smell gas comin' from your apartment.
摩妮卡 我是乔伊 菲比跟我闱到你家有瓦斯味

- Are you serious? Joey smells gas. - What else is new?
- 什么?真的吗?乔伊闻到瓦斯味 - 还有什么新消息?

- Yeah and we'd go check it out, but you took away our keys. - Do something. Get in there!
- 我们想看- 下 但你拿走我们的钥匙 - 快想办法进去

- How? I guess I could break down your door. - Yeah, do that.
- 要怎么办呢?我可以把你家大门撞开 - 对 就那么做

- You won't blame us for any damage? - No.
- 你不会怪我们弄坏东西? - 不会

- Are you doing it? I can't hear anything.Come on - Okay, I'll break it down.
- 你在撞门了吗?我没有听到声音 - 好吧 我来撞门了

He's doing it, he's breaking down the door.
嗨 他正在撞门 他要把门撞开了

Okay, we're in.
好了 我们进来了

- Okay Rachel, are you comfortable? - If I said I was, would you judge me?
- 瑞秋 你还舒服吗? - 如果我很舒服 你会审判我吗?

The doctor will be here in a minute to do your sonogram.
医生马上过来 帮你照超音波


Oh, man, I swear, if they sold these at Pottery Barn...
天啊 我发誓 如果他们在家饰店卖这个...

- Hi. - Hi.
- 嗨 - 嗨

We need to talk.

Right now? I kind of got an alfresco situation going on over here.
现在吗? 我现在的姿势有点不雅

Please, please I want to apologize for the way I acted earlier today.
拜托 我真的...我想 为我刚刚的表现向你道歉

- Okay Ross that's fine, but can you please stand near my head? - Yeah, sorry.
- 没关系 麻烦你待在床头边 - 什么?抱歉

I mean I-I think I went a little crazy. I mean I was thinking about myself when I really - I should have been thinking about you Rach
我疯了 我只想到自己 我应该要想到你的...

- Head, Ross. Head, Ross. Head, Ross. - Right.
- 没关系 待在床头这边 罗斯 - 对

I want you to know that I'll be there through this whole thing. Okay?
我要你知道 我会一直陪在你身边 好吗?

The doctor's appointments, Lamaze classes, baby-proofing the apartment.
来做产检、上扛梅兹呼吸课 为宝宝装璜公寓

- We can do that after we get married.
但我们可以等到婚后 再担心那些事

- Married?-Well yeah, I think we should get married.
- 婚后? - 对 我想我们应该结婚

Because that's your answer to everything?

No, because that's the right thing to do.
不 那么做才是对的

Yeah, maybe, if you're in love. But, Ross, we are not in love, are we?
或许吧 要是我们相爱 罗斯 我们并不相爱 对吧?

No, but still, I mean, you can't possibly do this alone.
对 但是 你不可能全都一个人来吧

Excuse me?

Come on, you can't even eat alone in a restaurant.- What?
- 你甚至没办法一个人到餐厅吃饭 - 什么?

- I'm just saying if you can't eat by yourself, how do you expect to have a baby by yourself?
如果你没办法一个人吃饭 你怎么一个人带孩子?

- I can too eat by myself. - When have you ever?
- 我可以- 个人吃饭 - 你什么时候那么做过?

When certain people leave the table and I am not finished!
当某些同桌的人吃完饭 我还没有吃完的时候

Well, certain other people take two hours to eat a bowl of soup.
有些人光喝一碗汤 就得花掉两个小时

Please, you inhale your food.
拜托 你是狠吞虎咽

I grew up with Monica. If you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat!
我跟摩妮卡一起长大 不吃快一点的话就没得吃了

Am I interrupting?

No, Dr. Long, please come in. This is Ross, he's the father.
不 朗格医生 请进 他是罗斯 孩子的爸爸

But not the husband, because evidently she can do this alone
但我不是她的丈夫 因为显然她能单独带大孩子

Nice to meet you. I'll get started on this.
很高兴能见到你 我要开始检查了

-I don't know why you can't admit that you need me. - I need you. I need you to stay near my head!
- 你为什么不能承认你需要我? - 我需要你站在床头这边

Okay. Everything looks good. Here it is on the screen.
好吧 一切看起来很正常 银慕上的画面是这样的

There's your uterus...

...and right here is your baby.

Oh, my God.


There it is, I see it.
它在那里 我看到了

Congratulations. I'll give you two a minute.
恭喜 我让你们独处一下

Thank you.
- 谢谢

Pretty amazing, huh?

I don't see it!

- What? What? - I can't see it.
- 什么...? - 我看不到它

- You just said that you did.

- I know, I lied.I didn't want her to think I was a terrible mother.
我知道 我说谎 我不希望她认为我是个很糟糕的母亲

I can't even see my own baby.

Come here. Sure you can. Come here. Look, it's right there.
当然 过来 你可以看到的 过来 就在这里

Oh, it's beautiful.
喔 好漂亮

I see it now.

- Do you really? - No, I don't see it!
- 真的吗? - 不 我看不到

Okay, come on. Come on. All right. Okay. Okay.
好吧 来吧

You see this tiny thing that looks like a peanut?
你看到那个像花生一样的 小东西了吗?


Sweetie, that's it.
甜心 就是那个

That's it?

Well, I saw that.

- Oh, thank you. - You're welcome.
- 谢谢 - 别客气

Wow, I can't believe that's our baby.

Yeah, that's our baby.
对 那是我们的孩子

- Hi. - Hey.
- 嗨 - 嘿

- So how was the doctor? - Everything went great.
- 医生怎么说? -- 切都很顺利

- Good. - Hey, show them the picture of your uterus.
- 很好 - 让他们看看你子宫的照片

I don't see the baby. Where is it?
我看不到宝宝 它在哪里?

I know, I couldn't see it either at first. But it's right, um...
不 我知道 刚开始我也看不到 但它就在...

Ross, I lost it again.
罗斯 我又看不到了

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