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老友记/六人行/Friends 第十季 第九集 S10E09 The One with the Birth Mother / 宝宝的亲生母亲

老友记/六人行/Friends 第十季 第九集 S10E09 The One with the Birth Mother / 宝宝的亲生母亲

After Rachel confirms Joey is more mature in relationships, Phoebe presents him to another friend as date, Sarah, who fails alas to respect his primordial rule by touching food in his plate. Ross wants fashion advice for his date, so Rachel and Phoebe take him shopping, but after he left the choosing to professional buyer Rachel he accidentally ends up wearing her stuff, despite Joey's 'jealous' warning. Monica let the gang get her hopes up when Chandler and she fly to on adoption agency in Ohio. The pregnant mother, Erica, likes them- but only because their files got... 在瑞秋证实了乔伊在关系上更成熟了,菲比他另一个朋友约会,莎拉,谁不尊重他的原始规则唉接触食物在他的板。罗斯希望时尚建议他的日期,所以瑞秋和我带他去商店,但他离开后,选择专业买家瑞秋他意外结束了她穿的东西,尽管我嫉妒的警告。莫妮卡让刚得到她希望当钱德和她飞到俄亥俄州的收养机构。怀孕的母亲,她喜欢他们,但只是因为他们的文件了…


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Hey. 嗨嗨 Hey. - Hey. 嗨嗨 We're here to say goodbye. We're off to Ohio. 我们来说再见 我们要去俄亥俄州 Oh, right, your adoption interview. 对,去收养中心面谈 Yep. We'll meet the lady who could be carrying our baby. 没错 我们要和怀我们孩子的孕妇见面 I can't believe it. When you come back, you'll have a baby. That is so weird. 我不敢相信你们会抱着孩子回来 有够奇怪 And so incorrect. 而且有够不正确 She's only a couple months pregnant. 她只怀孕几个月 She liked our application, who knows if she'll like us. 她也许高兴有人申请 但不一定喜欢我们 Oh, come on, she's gonna love you guys. 拜托,她会爱死你们 Oh, thank you. But we're trying not to get our hopes up. 谢谢,但我们尽量不抱太大希望 A lot could still get in our way. 中途可能障碍重重 She could decide against adoption, like another couple better. 她也许不接受申请 觉得别对夫妻比较好 What are you gonna name it? 宝宝要叫什么名字? I could develop a condition in which I talk and talk, and no one hears a word. 我可能会得到一种病 让人听不懂我说的话 But just think, okay? What if everything goes right? 但想想看好吗? 万一一切J . M利呢? What if this woman does pick you guys? 万一这女人真的选你们? Oh, my God. She's gonna pick us! 天啊,她一定会选我们 So we're standing firm on "not getting our hopes up"? 所以我们仍坚持 〝不抱太大希望〞? No. I know things could still go wrong, but if they don't... 不,我知道可能出错 但W .)利的话… ...if this works out, we're gonna have a baby. A baby! 我们就会有孩子了,孩子! - Yes. But... - Oh, my God. It's gonna work! - 对,但是… - 天啊,- 定会成功! We're gonna make it work! 我们要让事情成功 I'm gonna be a mommy and you're gonna be a daddy! 我会当妈妈,你会当爸爸 All right, I'll see you suckers. I'm gonna go get me a baby! 好,各位再见,我要当妈去了! Oh, screw it. I'm gonna be a daddy! 管他的,我要当爸去了! Hey, who's Phoebe with? 菲比和谁在一起? I wanna say, "Someone I'm gonna have sex with. " 希望是〝能和我上床的人〞 - Hey. - Hey. - 嗨 - 嗨 - So, uh, who's your friend? - Oh, that's Sarah. - 你朋友是谁? - 那是莎拉 No. Don't you get any ideas. 不行,你别想打歪主意 I'm not setting you up with any more of my friends. 我不会再帮你和我朋友牵线 - Why? Why? - Because you'll date her once... - 为什么? - 因为你只会和她约会- 次 ...sleep with her, then forget she exists. 和她炒饭,然后就忘了她的存在 Oh! Name one friend of yours I did that with. 我对你哪个朋友干过这种事? - Mandy. - Mandy, huh? Uh... - 曼蒂 - 曼蒂是吗? Really hot blond, big boobs? 金发大咪味的尤物? - No. - Might be why I don't remember her, huh? - 不是 - 难怪我记不得 Do you think I'm someone else? 你以为我是谁啊? Okay, look, I may not have treated your friends well in the past. 我过去也许没善持你朋友 But I have grown up a lot. Really. Honest. Rach? 但我成熟了,真的,对吗,瑞秋? Yeah, believe it or not, it's true. 对,信不信由你,是真的 I mean, when Joey and I were together... 当乔伊和我约会时 ...he was wonderful. He was thoughtful and mature. 真是一名绅士,体贴又成熟 And for the one week that we went out... 在我们约会的一个礼拜中 ...he didn't sleep with anybody else. 他完全没有偷吃 Growth. 这就是成长 - Fine, I'll give you her number. Okay. Thank you. 一好吧,我给你她的号码 一谢谢 And I promise you I will not forget this one. 我保证不会忘记她的名字 - Mandy. - Sarah! - 曼蒂 - 是莎拉! Sarah. 莎拉 - Hey. Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨 - Hey. - Hey, guys, I need some fashion advice. - 嗨 - 各位,我需要时尚顾问 Oh. Huh. How does this look? 这顶好看吗? Well, it's... It's a little low. Pick it up a little. 你…戴太低了,移高一点 A little bit more. 再高一点 There you go. 这样就对了 Now throw it away. 现在把它丢掉 Come on! This looks good. 别这样!这帽子很好看 Ross, please trust me. I buy 30 fashion magazines a month. 罗斯,相信我 我每个月读三十本时尚杂志 Now, I don't know who's running for president or who that NATO guy is... 我不知道谁要选总统 或北约首领是谁 ...but I do know that you have to get far away from that hat. 但我确定你要离那帽子越远越好 Damn it. God... 该死,老天啊… I have this date tomorrow night, and I have to look cool. 我明晚有约会,一定要穿师一点 If you want fashion help, Rachel and I are going shopping tomorrow. 若你需要行头 瑞秋和我明天要去逛街 - You're welcome to come with us. - Really? That would be great. - 你可以- 起来 - 真的?那太好了 Uh, I mean, I have to do something. 我一定要自力救济 She kind of teased me about how I dress. 她曾经取笑过我的穿着 I can see why. Nice shirt. Ha, ha. 这情有可原,很师的衬衫 You're wearing the same shirt. 你身上的是同一件 Stupid Gap on every corner! 到处都是可恶的盖璞专卖店 Make yourselves comfortable, and I'll be back with Erica. 两位随便坐,我去带艾瑞卡来 Okay, thank you. 好,谢谢你 Well, this is it. 就是这里了 - Are you okay? - Yeah, it's just weird, you know? - 你没事吧? - 我很好,只是怪怪的 It's like, uh, "Hi, I'm Chandler. May I have the human growing inside you?" 好像在说〝我是钱德 你肚子里的人能给我吗?〞 Ooh! You're gonna be great. 你会是个好爸爸 你也会是个好妈妈 Well, obviously. 这还用说 Monica? Chandler? I'd like you to meet Erica. 摩妮卡?钱德?这是艾瑞卡 - Hi. - Hi. It is so, so nice to meet you. 嗨 嗨,很高兴认识你 - Hi. - Thank you for agreeing to see us. - 嗨 - 谢谢你和我们见面 - Hi. - I'll let you get acquainted. - 嗨 - 我让你们好好聊聊 Okay. - So it's Monica and Chandler? - 好 - 你们是摩妮卡和钱德? I only know you as "File CRW33815-D." 我只知道你们是 C RW 3 3 8 15一D号 That's what our friends call us. 朋友都这么称呼我们 Gosh, you know, you're just such an amazing couple. It's... 天啊, 你们真是一对了不起的夫妻 ...kind of intimidating. 有点… 让我敬畏 Oh, ha, ha. I don't know about that. 这点我倒不知道 Are you kidding me? I mean, it's enough that you're a doctor. 你在开玩笑吗? 你是医生就够了不起了 But on top of it, you're married to a reverend? 但更厉害的是你娶了位牧师? - I don't think that's exactly... - Let her finish, doctor. - 这好像不是… - 让她说完,医生 - Hey. - Hey. - 嗨 - 嗨 Oh, my friend Sarah had a great time last night. 我朋友莎拉昨晚玩得很愉快 - Yeah. - Yeah, so you gonna call this one back? - 是啊 - 那你要打电话给她吗? Ha, ha. No. 不要 What are you talking about? Sarah's great. 你胡说什么?莎拉人很好 Oh, really? You wanna know what your "great" friend did? 真的?你想知道你的 〝好〞朋友做了什么吗? We were out to dinner, okay? 我们去吃晚餐 We were getting along, having a really nice time. 我们很合得来,一切顺利 I was thinking she was really cool. 我心想她真是个酉告妹 And then, out of nowhere... 然后,天外飞来一手… That's it? 就这样? That's why you won't go out with her again? 你就为了这个原因不再约她? So she took some fries. Big deal. 她吃了你的薯条,有什么大不了的? Hey, look, it's not about a few fries. 这和几根薯条无关 It's about what the fries represent. 重点是薯条代表的意义 - What? - All food! - 什么意义? - 所有的食物! Well, I'm sorry. 抱歉 I can't believe I set you up with such a monster! 我竟然让你和可怕的怪物约会 Hey, hey, hey, look, I take a girl out... 听好,我请女生吃饭时 ...she can order whatever she wants. The more the better, all right? 她想点什么都行 吃越多越好,懂吗? Just don't order a garden salad and then eat my food! 就是不能点花园沙拉 再吃我的食物 That's a good way to lose some fingers. 很多人手指就是这样被砍断 Oh, thank God you're here. 真高兴你来了, - Listen to this. - What? - 听听看 - 怎么了? Joey and my friend are out last night, having dinner, and she reaches over... 乔伊和我朋友吃晚饭 然后她伸手 ...and takes a few of his fries... - Oh, no! - 拿了几根他的薯条 - 不! Mm-hm. - What? 什么? You know about the plate thing? 你知道他爱保护食物? Oh, yeah, yeah. No, Joey doesn't share food. 对,乔伊不喜欢和别人分享 I mean, just last week we were having breakfast... 上周我们共进早餮 ...and he had a couple grapes on his plate. 他盘子上放了几颗葡萄 - You wouldn't let her have a grape? - Oh, no, not me. - 你不让她吃葡萄? - 不是我 Emma. 是艾玛 Joey doesn't share food! 乔伊不和人分享食物! Well, I still think that is a stupid reason not to call someone again. 我还是觉得这是拒绝拄来的烂理由 You are calling her, okay? 你非得打给她,知道吗? And if you need to, then just get an extra plate of fries for the table. 有必要的话就多点一盘薯条 I like that. 好主意 A sharing buffer. Yeah. 缓冲用薯条,没错 Yeah, I'll order some extra fries. Maybe a plate of onion rings. 好,我多点一盘薯条 或一盘洋葱圈 Yeah. Yeah. 真是妙招 And a shrimp cocktail. 还有鲜虾盅 Uh-huh. And some Buffalo wings. 再来点水牛城鸡翅 Maybe... Maybe an individual pizza, huh? 或者…再来个一人份彼萨? And some mozzarella sticks. 还有黄金起士条 What were we talking about? 我们怎么在讲这个? Wow, this place is awesome. 这里真好逛 We should just go. I'm not gonna find anything here. 我们走吧,这里没有适合我穿的 This stuff is ridiculous. 这玩意儿怎么见人? Oh, this place is great! 这真是购物天堂 Wow. Rach, come on, I'm not gonna wear any of this. Nothing silver. 瑞秋,我不要穿这些,我讨厌银色 - Wha...? - Okay, nothing with hair. - 为什么? - 我也不要有毛的 - And nothing with padlocks on it! - Aw. 有锁的也不行 Ross, look. Look, I know that some of this stuff is out there. 罗斯,我知道有些衣服很俗气 But, I mean, come on, look at this. Look at this sweater. 但是你看看这件毛衣 I mean, this is just beautiful. 实在太好看了 Wow, this is really soft. 好柔软喔 Three hundred and fifty dollars? 三百五十块? Down from 700. You're saving like 200 bucks. 原价要七百,你省了两百块左右 Both logic and math are taking a serious hit today. 今天大家的逻辑和数学都不太好 Hey, check this out. It's totally you. 看看这件,完全是你的风格 - Wow. - Yeah. - 哇 - 是啊 Huh. Wow. Actually, this looks pretty good. 这件的确很适合我 - Yeah. - Yeah. 是啊 "Boys will be boys"? 〝长不大的男孩?〞 - What? They will be! - All right. - 什么?本来就是 - 对 - That's it, I'm getting out of here. No, Ross, wait, come on. - 够了,我要走了 - 不,罗斯你等等 There's other stuff here. There's some nice shirts, these nice pants. 还有别的选择 看这些师气的衬衫和长裤 Huh. Actually, these might look pretty good on me. 其实这些应该蛮适合我的 Yes, they will. You know what you should do? Go take a walk. 没错,你知道该怎么做吗? 去散步 I know your size, and I'm gonna pick out some really good stuff for you. 好吗?我知道你的尺寸 我帮你桃些好货色 - Really? - Yes. - 真的? - 对 I know what looks sexy on guys. 我知道男人穿什么最性威 Just wear what I suggest, and she is gonna go nuts for you. 穿我帮你桃的衣服 她就会为你疯狂 So you're saying, uh... 所以你的意思是… ...if I wear these pants, I might be getting into hers? 若我穿这条长裤,就能脱掉她的? Why do men keep talking to me like this? 男人怎么老是这样说话? So the fact that I'm a doctor and my wife's a reverend... 我是医生,我妻子是牧师… ...that's important to you? 这点对你很重要吗? Yeah. I read some great applications... 对,我看过很多优秀的申请人 ...but I thought, "Who better than a minister to raise a child?" 但我想 〝谁比牧师更适合抚养小孩?〞 Amen. 阿们 Plus, I thought the baby would be in good hands with a doctor. 我也认为孩子由医生照顾再好不过 Oh, good hands. 灵活的双手 Healing hands. 有治疗魔法的双手 Reverend, can I ask? Does the Bible say anything about adoption? 牧师,请问圣经对收养有何着墨? It says, "Do it. " 圣经说〝做就对了〞 "And behold, she did adopt unto them a baby. 〝看,她的确将孩子给他们收养〞 And it was good. " 〝很好的决定〞 - Wow. - Yeah, wow. - 哇 - 是啊,哇 I was wondering... You both have such serious jobs. 我在想你们两位工作如此繁重 Would you have time to take care of a baby and your flock? 会有时间同时照顾孩子和教徒吗? Oh, no, my flock? My flock is good. 不,我的教徒?他们都很好 Yeah. My flock pretty much takes care of themselves by this point. 对,他们现在都会照顾自己了 It's a good flock. Flock, flock, flock. 很乖的教徒,教徒 But being a doctor, that must take up a lot of time. 但是当医生- 定很忙 Not for me it doesn't. 我不会忙 So how's everything going in here? 谈得如何? We're great. I think I may have asked all my questions. 很好,该问的问题我都问了 Good. Do you have questions for Erica? 很好,你们有问题要问艾瑞卡吗? Yeah, actually. So you read a file that you liked... 有,你看到- 份你中意的档案 ...and then you gave the agency the serial number and they contacted us? 然后就给这单位序号 他们就联络我们? Oh, yes. Our system ensures total anonymity. 对,本系统保证完全匿名 - We're very proud of it. - You should be. - 我们深咸为仿 - 应该的 You're really on top of stuff. 你们的- 切都很完善 Well, then if there's nothing else, then the two of us should talk. 若没有其他问题,我俩应该谈谈 I actually... 其实… - I don't think we have to. - We don't? - 我们不用谈了 - 不用? Yeah, when I read about you two, I was pretty sure I wanted you... 对,我看到你们的档案时 就确定要选你们… ...but I just thought we should meet face to face. 但我想还是亲自见面比较好 I've made my decision. 我已经决定了 I choose them. Heh. 我选他们 Oh, my God, this is great. 天啊,太好了 This is so great. Did you hear that? 太棒了,你听到了吗? Yeah, I did. 我听到了 Okay. - Thank you. Thank you so much. Oh. Ha, ha. 谢谢,真的很威谢你 Oh. You are so going to heaven! 你- 定会上天堂 - Oh, we got some really great stuff. - Yeah. - 我们买了很多好东西 - 对 Yeah, but I'm not sure about some of the bras I got. 但我不确定那些内衣合不合身 Oh, really? Do you wanna try some of them on for me? 真的?你要试穿给我看吗? Oh, okay. 好 Wait, are we in Joey's imagination? 等等,我们是乔伊的幻想吗? Oh, no. I took one of Ross' bags by mistake. 糟糕 我不小心拿到罗斯的袋子了 And one of mine is missing. 我的一袋也不见了 Ross probably has it. You'll get it from him later. 可能在罗斯那里 持会找他拿就好了 So, what do you think? 你觉得如何? I think we're not wearing the same shirt anymore. 我们没穿同一件上衣了 Yeah. Yeah, Rachel picked it out for me. 对,瑞秋帮我挑的 She told me to trust her, and you know what? I'm glad I did. 她要我相信她,你知道吗? 还好我听她的 I turned quite a few heads on my way over here. 一路上很多人都回头看我 Dude, I really don't think you should be wearing that. 老兄,我真的认为你不该穿这件 Oh, I see. 我懂了 Somebody's afraid of a little competition with the ladies? 有人担心泡妞时出现对手? Looks like someone is the ladies! 似乎有人自己就是小妞 You're just jealous because you couldn't pull this off. 你只是忌妒,因为你比不上我 Yeah. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date. 抱歉失陪了,我要去约会 See? All eyes on me! 看到没?我是目光的焦点 - We are not signing those papers. - Why not? - 我们不能签收养文件 - 为什么? It's wrong. They made a mistake. They think we're somebody else. 这是不对的 他们把我们当成别人了 God works in mysterious ways. 上帝的旨意总是变幻莫测 You have gotta stop. 你得停下来了 But she liked us. 但她很喜欢我们 She likes Doctor Chandler and Reverend Monica. 她喜欢的是钱德医生 和摩妮卡牧师 If you think about it, I'm kind of like a reverend. 若你仔细想想,我也算是牧师 I mean, as a chef, I serve God by feeding the hungry and poor. 身为厨师 我藉由喂食饥民与穷人服侍上帝 Your veal chop is 34.95. 你的小牛排要三十五块美金 Come on, I just... I think we've been given an opportunity. 拜托,我只是… 我认为这是个机会 The mistake's already made. They're writing up the papers now. 反正错都已经犯了 他们已经在拟合约了 But we're not the ones she chose. 但她选的不是我们 How can you feel okay about this? 你怎么能够心安? Because. 因为… We may not be who she thinks we are... 我们也许不是她心里的人选 ...but no one will ever love that baby more than us. 但没人会比我们更爱这个孩子 - I know. - I mean, who knows... - 我知道 - 我是说谁知道… long it's gonna take for someone else to give us a baby? 去收养另一个小孩还要等多久? What if no one ever picks us? 万一永远没人选我们呢? Oh, honey... 宝贝… Please? 求求你? Please. We are so close. 拜托,就差这临门一脚 Monica, I want a baby too. 摩妮卡,我也想要孩子 But this woman is giving away her child. 但这女人要把孩子送人 She deserves to know who it's going to. 她有权利知道收养人到底是谁 Okay. You're right. 好,你说得没错 So we'll tell the truth. 我们去告诉她真相 And who knows, you know? Maybe she'll like us for us. 谁知道? 也许她会喜欢真正的我们 Maybe she will. 也许她会 Oh, why couldn't I have been a reverend? 为什么我不是牧师? You're Jewish. 你是犹太人 Technicality! 真吹毛求疵! Garden salad for the lady. 小姐的花园沙拉 - Oh, that looks great. Good ordering. Ha-ha-ha. 很好吃的感觉,点得好 Seafood platter for the gentleman, and extra fries. 先生的海鲜拼盘和加点的薯条 - Enjoy. - Ha, ha. 请享用 Mm. Those fries look delicious. 这些着条看来真好吃 - Oh, I didn't know you liked french fries. - Ha, ha. 我不知道你喜欢吃薯条 Help yourself. What's mine is yours. 你尽量吃,我的就是你的 Oh. Wow, are those stuffed clams? 那些是镶蛤蜊吗? Uh... Yes, they are my stuffed clams. 对,是我的镶蛤蜊 How about those fries, though, huh? 这些薯条好不好吃? - They are delicious. Ha-ha-ha. - Yeah. - 很好吃 - 对 You are beautiful, you know that? 你知道你很美吗? That is so sweet. 你嘴真甜 Okay, then. 那就好 Mm. Mm-hm. Now look what you did! 看你干的好事 What? What is the matter with you? 什么?你有什么毛病? I don't like it when people take food off of my plate, okay? 我不喜欢别人吃我 盘子上的东西,行吗? But you said, "What's mine is yours. " 你刚不是说〝我的就是你的〞 Well, I didn't mean it! 我是乱讲的! Fine. Sorry, I didn't think it was that big a deal. 真抱歉,我没想到有这么严重 No, I'm sorry. I... 不是,抱歉,我… I'm overreacting, okay? It's just, when it comes to food, I... 我反应过度了,只是关于食物… ...have certain rules... 我有一些坚持 ...okay? I mean... 你懂吗?我是说… ...there are things you do, and, you know, things that you don't do. 有些事能做,有些事不能做 Wow, this place looks great. 这里真漂亮 Oh, you are gonna love it. And I'm so glad we're finally doing this. 你一定会喜欢 真高兴我俩终于能来 - Me too. - Here. - 我也是 - 我帮你 So this was fun. 今晚真好玩 I really am sorry about, you know, before. 刚冈缠的事我很抱歉 And I wanna make sure you know I really do like you. 希望你了解我真的很喜欢你 Sure, just not as much as clams. 当然,只是你更爱蛤蜊 Well, stuffed clams, ha, ha... 是镶蛤蜊 - Chocolate torte for the lady. - Mm. 小姐的巧克力果仁蛋糕 Cheesecake for the gentleman. 先生的起士蛋糕 Uh, excuse me, sir. There seems to be some sort of red crap on my cheesecake. 抱歉,我的蛋糕上 好像有红红的怪东西 Oh. Yes, that's a raspberry coulis. 没错,那是桑堪水果酱 I'm so stupid ordering cheesecake, trying to be healthy. 白痴才会点起士蛋糕 我只想吃得健康 Oh, my God. Mm. 真好吃 - I'll just have what she's having. - I'm sorry, sir. 我来一份她点的好了 - That was our last piece. - Mm. 抱歉,先生,那是最后一片 Mm. Mm. Oh, no. This is work. I should call in. Can you excuse me? 公司打来的,我得回电 失陪一下好吗? Oh, yeah, sure. No problem. 当然,没问题 What are you doing? I thought you don't share food? 你干什么?你不是讨厌分享食物? Sure I do. 没错 - Coulis? - Ha, ha. 水果酱? No. If I can't have your clams, you can't have my dessert. 不,我不能吃你的蛤蜊 你也别想碰我的甜点 This is a two-way street. 我们要礼尚柱来 Really? 真的? Really. 真的 Now this all better be here when I come back. 等我回来蛋糕最好还在桌上 Yeah, of course. I can control myself. Ha-ha-ha. Yeah. 当然,我有自制力 Stop staring at me! 不要盯着我看! Just a tiny little... Ha, ha. - 点点就好… Uh-oh. I'm not even sorry. 我甚至问心无愧 Hi. Hey. - 嗨 - 嗨 So these are the preliminary forms for an open adoption. Uh... 这是公开收养的初期表格 There's a lot to go over, but I'll explain as we go through. 内容很繁复,但我会一一解释 - Is that a picture? Yeah. - 那是照片吗? - 对 It's a sonogram they took of the baby last week. 上周宝宝的超音波扫描图 I thought you might wanna see it. 你们应该会想看 Look, doctor. 你看,医生 Look, before we sign anything, we really have to talk. 在签名之前,我们要和你谈谈 We're not who you think we are. 我们不是你认为的那对夫妻 - I don't understand. - The agency must have made a mistake. - 我不了解 - 认养机关- 定搞错了 My wife is not a reverend, and I'm not a doctor. 我妻子不是牧师,我也不是医生 - What? - That's impossible. - 什么? - 这不可能 I could perform an operation on you and prove it if you'd like. 你愿意的话我能帮你闻刀 Um, I have to check your file. Excuse me. 我去检查你们的档案,失陪 So who are you? 那你们是谁? Our names really are Monica and Chandler. We're from New York. 我们的真名是摩妮卡和钱德 来自纽约 Yeah, but the important thing to know about us... 对,但最重要的是… how much we would care for this little baby. 我们多渴望这个小宝宝 So you lied to me before? 所以你们之前骗我? Well, we "bore false witness. " 我们〝见证这个错误〞 See? I could be a reverend. 听到没?我也能当牧师 I can't believe this. 我真不敢相信 But we were hoping that since we told you the truth... 但我们希望既然说了实话 ...that you still might consider... - Giving you my baby? - 你依旧会考虑… - 把宝宝给你们? You think I'd give you my child after this? 你们认为我会把孩子交给骗子? You don't have to decide now. If you look at our file... 你不用现在决定 若你看我们的档案… I don't wanna look at your file. This is over. 我不要看,这件事到此为止 Erica, wait. 艾瑞卡,等等 I have nothing to say to you. 我们没什么好谈的 Look, you have every reason to be upset. We did lie. 你非常有资格生气 我们是说谎没错 But only because we've been waiting and trying to have a baby for so long. 但这是因为我们盼孩子盼了好久 And we don't know how long it's gonna be before we get another chance. 也不知道下一个机会何时才会来临 Why don't you ask the reverend to pray on it? 你何不请那牧师祷告? Erica, please. 艾瑞卡,拜托你 Just consider us. Ask them to see our file. 请考虑我们 请他们让你看我们的档案 Our last name's Bing. 我们姓宾 My wife's a chef and I'm in advertising. 我妻子是厨师,我是广告人 Oh, yeah. 对了 I actually liked you guys. 我其实很喜欢你们 But it doesn't matter. What you did was wrong. 但那不重要,你们的行为是错的 But you did like us. 但你的确喜欢我们 And you should. 我们也很值得 My wife's an incredible woman. 我妻子是个了不起的女人 She is loving, and devoted and caring. 她细心、热情又体贴 And don't tell her I said this, but the woman's always right. 别说是我说的 但那女人永远是对的 I love my wife more than anything in this world. 我爱我妻子胜于一切 And it... 万一… It kills me that I can't give her a baby. 万一我无法给她孩子,我会心碎 I really want a kid. 我真的很想要小孩 And when that day finally comes, I'll learn how to be a good dad. 有了孩子后,我会学习当个好爸爸 But my wife... 但我妻子… ...she's already there. 她已经准备好了 She's a mother... 她是个好母亲… ...without a baby. 只差孩子的到来 Please? 求求你? You still want that baby? 你还想要那个孩子吗? God bless you, Chandler Bing! 上帝保佑你,钱德宾 Turns out this sweater is made for a woman. 原来那件毛衣是女人穿的 So why are you still wearing it? 那你干嘛还穿着? Because it's soft. 因为很柔软 - Hey, so how was your date? - Ugh. 你的约会还顺利吗? Not so good. 不太好 Well, looks like it's just the two of us tonight, huh, buddy? 今晚好像就我俩共度,老兄 Yeah. And you know what? We could do a lot worse. 对,你知道吗?其实还不算糟 - Yeah. - Yeah. Ha-ha-ha. - 没错 - 没错 Joey doesn't share food! 乔伊不和人分享食物!

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