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老友记/六人行/Friends 第九季 第十一集 S09E11 The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work / 瑞秋复工

老友记/六人行/Friends 第九季 第十一集 S09E11 The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work / 瑞秋复工

Chandler starts looking for a job and is anxious about having a baby, Rachel decides to go back to work, and Phoebe works as an extra on Joey's show. 我开始找工作,有一个小孩,瑞秋决定回去工作,你作为一个额外的显示。


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Hey. 嘿 Good morning, tiger. 早安,老虎 I'm making you a big breakfast, so you can keep up your strength for tonight. 我在帮你准备丰盛的早餐 这样今晚你才有办法继续奋战 You're gonna get me good and pregnant. 你可要认真做,让我怀孕 I've got nowhere to go this morning. I'm unemployed. 我今天早上竟然没事 我失业了 I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life. 我不知道人生该怎么办才好 Well, I just lost my erection. 嗯,我没有性趣了 No, I mean, what am I supposed to do with myself? 不,我是认真的 我的人生该怎么办呢? You're supposed to find your passion in life. 你应该要找寻生命中的热情 You can be whatever you want to be now. It's exciting. 你现在可以做任何你想要做的事 这是很刺激的 Yeah, but it's all so overwhelming. I don't know where to start. 是啊,但是这一切都太突然了 我不知道要如何开始 Hey, wait a second. I can help you with this. 等一下,我可以帮你 You just need to be organized. We can make a list of your qualifications... 你只要整理好就行了 我们可以列出你的资历 ...and categorize jobs by industry. There could be folders and files... 然后将工作机会按照产业分类 我们可以用档案夹跟档案… Hey, this is where your hyper-organized pain-in-the-ass stuff pays off. 嘿,你超爱分类整理的偏执个性 可以派上用场了 I know! 对啊! My erection is back! 我又有性趣了! Thank you. 谢谢 Ooh, Joey, could I have a sip of your coffee and a bite of your muffin? 乔伊,我可以喝一口你的咖啡 吃一口你的松饼吗? - Okay. - Thank you. - 好的 - 谢谢你 Thank you. 谢谢你 Uh, Pheebs, have you ever been bitten by a hungry Italian? 菲比,你有没有 被饥饿的义大利人哎过? I'm sorry. It's just, I'm a little short on cash. 很抱歉,只是我最近手头有点紧 Oh, if you want, I could loan you some money. 如果你有需要,我可以借你一些钱 Oh, no, no, no. I learned never to borrow money from friends. 喔,不,我已经得过教训 千万别跟朋友借钱 No. That's why Richard Dreyfuss and I don't speak anymore. 那就是为什么 刘德华不再跟我说话的原因 Ooh, hey, how about this? Wanna be an extra on my show? 嘿,这样好了,要不要 来当我们电视剧的临时演员? - You could do that? - Yeah, yeah. - 可以吗? - 可以啊 The pay's pretty good, and you could do it for as long as you need. 钱还不错,而且只要有需要就可以做 - Oh, my God. I'm gonna be on TV! - Okay, now... - 喔,我的天,我要上电视了! - 好了,现在… I gotta tell you, being on TV isn't as glamorous and exciting as you think. 我得告诉你,上电视并不像你想像的 那样光鲜亮丽跟好玩 - Oh, really? - No, it is awesome. - 真的吗? - 比你想的更棒 Hey, guys. 大家好 Hey. - Hi. Oh, wow. Hey, why are you all dressed up? 你们为什么穿的这么正式? We're bringing Emma to Ralph Lauren today to introduce her to everyone. 我们要带艾玛去罗夫罗兰跟大家见面 - Doesn't she look cute? - She sure does. - 她看起来很可爱吧? - 当然很可爱 Why does she have a pink bow taped to her head? 为什么她头上要贴 那个粉红色的蝴蝶结呢? If one more person says, "What a cute little boy"... 因为如果再有人说 〝真是个可爱的小男生…〞 ...I'm gonna whip them with a car antenna. 我会用车子的天线鞭打他们 I think she's gonna be the hit of the office, huh? 我想她会是办公室里面最时髦的 Yeah, she's gonna be hotter than, uh, peasant blouses and A-line skirts. 是啊,她一定会比那些 穿波希米亚上衣跟A字裙的漂亮多了 Can I get a blue bow? 可以给我一个粉蓝色的蝴蝶结吗? Okay. I have looked through a bunch of career guides... 好了,我看过很多就业情报… ...photocopied and highlighted key passages... 拷贝好并画线标示出重要讯息… ...and put them into alphabetical folders, so you can make an informed decision. 然后按字母分类归档 让你可以做出正确的决定 How long was I in there? 我在里面多久了? Okay, let's start with the A's. Advertising. 好了,我们先从A开始 广告 Wait. Advertising, that's a great idea. 等一下,广告,这主意好棒 Well, don't you wanna look through the rest? 你不想要再听别的了吗? I don't think I have to hear the rest. Advertising makes perfect sense. 我想我不用听别的了 广告最适合了 I'm sorry you had to waste all this time. 很抱歉浪费你这么多时问 You call eight hours alone with my label maker wasted time? 你认为跟标签机独处八小时 是浪费时间? Ooh, now I'll get to use my shredder! 现在可以用上我的碎纸机了! I mean, I could write slogans. I mean, how hard could it be, right? 我可以创作广告口号 那能有多难?是不是? "Cheese. 起司 It's milk that you chew. " 是可以咀嚼的牛奶〞 "Crackers. Because your cheese needs a buddy. " 〝饼干,因为起司需要同伴〞 "A grape. Because who can get a watermelon in your mouth?" 〝葡萄,因为整颗西瓜塞不进嘴里〞 Oh, I got one. 我想到一个 "Socks. Because your family's feet deserve the best. " 〝袜子,因为你家人的脚 值得用最好的〞 Honey, leave it to the pros. 亲爱的,让专业的人说好吗? I actually know someone in advertising. 我认识一个在广告业工作的人 I grew up with a guy who is a vice president at a big agency. 我跟他从小玩到大 现在他是一家大广告公司的副总 Maybe I can get him to meet you. Give me the phone. 或许我可以请他跟你谈谈 电话给我 "The phone. Bringing you closer to people who have phones. " 〝电话,让你跟有电话的人更贴近〞 "Marriage. It's not for everybody. " 〝婚姻,不是每个人都适合的〞 That went well. Almost everybody knew that she was a girl. 真不错,几乎大家都知道她是女的 Yeah, after you punched that one guy who got it wrong, word spread. 是啊,在你揍了那个搞错的男的之后 大家很快就知道了 I'm just gonna go in my office and pick up some stuff. 我要进我的办公室拿点东西 - Who the hell are you? - Who the hell are you? - 你是谁? - 你是谁? I'm the hell person whose office this is. 我是拥有这问办公室的人 Good one, Rach. 说的好,瑞秋 I'm Gavin Mitchell, the person who's taking over your job. 我是盖文米丘 那个要接替你工作的人 Excuse me? 什么? Oh, your baby's so cute. 你的宝宝真可爱 But why would you put a pink bow on a boy? 但是为什么要在男生头上 别个粉红色蝴蝶结呢? Hey, Joey. Look at me. 嘿,乔伊,你看我 I'm a nurse. 我是护士耶! - Yes, you are. - Ha, ha. 是啊,你是护士 I think it might be time for my sponge bath. 我想该是用海绵 帮我擦澡的时候了 Sorry, I'm just so used to hitting on the extras. 对不起,我太习惯泡临时演员了 - So are you excited about your scene? - Yeah, but I'm a little nervous. - 你会期待出场吗? - 期待啊,但是我有点紧张 Oh, relax. Don't be. They'll probably just make you stand in the background. 放轻松,别紧张 他们可能只会要你站在后面 - Good. - You. Here, come here. Here. - 很好 - 你,这袒,过来,这里 Take this tray, stand on this yellow mark. You're gonna move on "action. " 拿着这个托盘,站在黄线这里 听到〝开麦拉〞就开始移动 Walk over to the operating table, stop on the blue mark and put the tray down. 走去手术台那边,停在蓝线上 然后把托盘放下 Don't walk too fast. 别走太快 But don't dawdle. 但是也别抱扛 Okay. Now, what? 好的,现在是怎样呢? And, action! 开麦拉! Cut! Cut. - I'm sorry. - 卡!卡! - 我很抱歉 - I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous. - Yeah, well, don't be. - 我很抱歉,我只是有点紧张 - 那就别紧张 Okay, that helps. 你这样讲还真有用 And, action! 开麦拉! Cut! 卡! Don't worry about it. It usually takes me three takes too. 别担心,菲比 我通常也是要拍三次才行 Ha-ha-ha. All right, eight. 好啦,八次 And... 预备… ...action! 开麦拉! So do you have any other questions about advertising? 那你对于广告还有其他问题吗? No. No. But let me show you what I can do. 没有,但是让我表演一下 我的专长 "Bagels and doughnuts. 〝贝果跟甜甜圈… Round food for every mood. " 任何心情都适合吃的圆圈圈〞 Monica warned me you might do that. 摩妮卡警告过我,你可能会这样做 I think we might have something for you at the agency. 我想我们公司 可能有个适合你的职务 - Really? That's great. - It's an unpaid internship. - 真的吗?太好了 - 有个不支薪的实习职缺 That's funny. When you said "unpaid," it sounded like you said "unpaid. " 真好笑,当你说〝不支薪〞的时候 听起来好像是〝不支薪〞的意思 Come on, now. Monica has a good job. 别这样,摩妮卡有份很不错的工作 It's not like you have a family to support. 又不是说你有小孩要养 Actually, we're trying. I don't think Monica is gonna want to postpone it. 事实上,我们正在努力做人 我认为摩妮卡应该不想延期 We're supposed to have sex tonight. 我们今晚应该要做爱的 Actually, she's probably at home, naked right now. 事实上,现在她或许 就已经光着身体在家了 I tend to keep talking till somebody stops me. 如果没有人阻止我,我会一直说话 - I can picture her on the bed. - Stop! - 我可以想像她在床上的样子… - 停! Okay. 好的 Wait. What do you mean, you're taking over my job? 等等,你是什么意思 要接替我的工作? Well, while you were on your baby vacation, I was doing your job. 当你去度你的育婴假期时 你的工作是我在做的 A vacation? My idea of a vacation does not involve... 假期?我对假期的定义可不包含… ...something sucking on my nipples until they are raw. 让什么东西吸我的乳头吸到破皮 Clearly, you've never been to Sandals Paradise Island. 你应该从未去过天体营渡假小岛 All right. Don't get too comfortable there, because I'm back in two weeks. 好,别太享受 因为我两个星期之后就回来了 I want everything back the way it was. 我要一切回归原状 I can't say I care too much for the way you've rearranged my office. 我实在不太满意 你重新摆设我办公室的方式 I can't say I care too much for that smell you've brought in. 我实在不太满意 你带进来的那股味道 Excuse me? 你说什么? Uh, Rach, uh, we have a code brown situation. 瑞秋,我们有个棕色警戒状况 Honey, could you please take care of it for me? 亲爱的,可以拜托你 帮我处理一下吗? All right, but you're gonna have to do one sometime. 好吧,但是有时候 你也该自己处理一次 Let me just get this straight. 让我把话说清楚 So I go have a baby, and they send some guy in to do my job? 我去生个小孩 他们就派人过来接我的工作? Well, there was talk of shutting down Ralph Lauren altogether. 嗯,本来有说 要关闭整家罗夫罗兰的 Okay. Right. You're very cheeky for a temp. 好了,你真是个不要脸的临时工 I'm not a temp. I was transferred here from another department. 我不是临时工 我是从别的部门调过来的 Oh, and what department was that? The, uh, jerk department? 是什么部门?浑蛋部门吗? They didn't tell me about your quick wit. 他们并没有告诉我 你反应如此之快 Well, did they mention that I'm rubber and you're glue? 那他们也没有告诉你 我是橡皮擦、你是胶水吗? - Gavin, Ralph loved your ideas. - Oh, hi, Mr. Zelner. - 盖文,罗夫很喜欢你的创意 - 嗨,塞纳先生 Ah, Rachel. I see you've met Gavin. 瑞秋,我想你见过盖文了 When you left us, we weren't sure what we were gonna do. 你离开的时候 我们都不知道该怎么办 But then, Gavin to the rescue. Super Gavin. Ha-ha-ha. 但是,盖文拯救了我们 超级盖文 Well, that's great. 喔,太好了 So now, uh, Super Gavin, when I come back... 那么,超级盖文,我回来以后… ...uh, where do you plan on flying off to? 你计划要飞到哪儿去呢? That's up to Mr. Zelner. I'm sure he'll make the right decision. 全看塞纳先生的意思 我相信他会做出正确的决定 Oh, wow. Super ass-kissing power. 超级.马屁精 Incidentally, when, uh, are you coming back? 对了,你什么时候要回来呢? Uh, today. 今天 - You said two weeks. - No, I said today. - 你N . J刚不是说两星期后? - 不,我是说今天 See, for a superhero, not so much with the listening. 看吧,身为超级英雄 听话能力也不怎么样 - Hey. Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿 So, what'd he say? 那他怎么说? Uh... He can be a little rough around the edges... 他有时候有点粗鲁… I'm gonna replace a word he used a lot with the word "puppy. " 所以我要〝小狗〞 代换掉他常用的一个字眼 Okay? So he said, "If your puppy friend doesn't get her puppy act together... 他说〝如果你的小狗朋友 不把小狗的角色演好… ...I am gonna fire her mother-puppy ass. " 我会小狗的开除她〞 I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm just not an actor. 很抱歉,我办不到 我不是演员的料 That's right. You're not. You're a nurse. 没错,你不是演员,你是护士 - You're Nurse With Tray. - Joey... - 你是拿托盘的护士 - 不,乔伊… Nurse With Tray doesn't know Joey. She has no time for friends. 拿托盘的护士不认识乔伊 她没有时间交朋友 She gets in that operating room and she carries that tray to the doctor... 她进去手术室把托盘交给医生… ...because if she doesn't, people die. 因为如果她不这样做 有人会死的 Who dies? 谁会死? Man With Eye Patch! 戴眼罩的男人! Now, you get in there, and you do your job. 现在你过去做好你的工作 - Yes, doctor. - Okay. - 是的,医师 - 很好 Okay, let's try this one more time. 好了,我们再试一次 Hang in there, Man With Eye Patch. Your tray is coming. 撑着点,戴眼罩的男人 你的托盘来了 And, action. 开麦拉 Yes, I did it! I nailed it! 太好了,我办到了!我搞定了! Whoo! What's next? 接下来是什么呢? The rest of the scene. 是后面的剧情 Okay, from the top, people. 好的,大家,从头开始 Listen, sudden change of plans. Um, my maternity leave just ended. 听着,计划改变 我的产假要结束了 They said if I didn't come back today, they'd fire me. 他们说如果我不今天回去工作 他们就要开除我 What? No, that's illegal. 什么?那样是非法的 I'll have the Labor Department here so fast, they won't... 我要马上通知劳委会,他们不… All right, calm down, Norma Rae. They didn't actually say that. 好了,冷静点,柯赐海 他们并没有真的那样说 I'm just afraid if I don't come back now, this guy will try and squeeze me out. 我只是害怕如果不现在回去 那个男的会把我挤掉 But what about Emma? I mean, we don't have a nanny. 那艾玛怎么办? 我们还没有找到褓姆 I know. We're just gonna have to figure out a plan tonight. 我知道,我们只好今晚再想办法了 Can you please just take care of her for today? 你今天可以先照顾她吗? Absolutely. Just give me your breasts, and we'll be on our way. 当然,只要你的胸部给我 我们马上就走 Come on. I don't know what else to do. 别这样,我不知道还能怎么办 - Fine. Fine. - Okay. - 好啦,好啦 - 好 We'll have fun, won't we? Yes, we will. Yes, we... 我们会很开心的,对不对? 对,会很开心的,对,我们… - Ross. - Huh? 罗斯 You're pretty. 你好漂亮 Whatever I decide to do, I'm gonna be starting a new career from scratch. 不管我决定要做什么 都得从基层做起 It's gonna be a while before I make a living at it. 要一阵子我才有办法真正赚些钱 Maybe now's not the right time to be starting a family. 或许现在不是生小孩的好时机 So you have to tell Monica you don't want to have a baby right now? 所以你要跟摩妮卡说 你现在不想要生小孩? Yeah. 是啊 Goodbye. 再见了 Okay, it's baby time. Pants off, Bing. 好了,生小孩时问 裤子脱掉,宾 Didn't see you there, Geller. 没看到你也在,盖勒 Yeah, Ross is here, so... 罗斯在这里,所以… Uh, yeah, uh-huh. Yeah. 是啊是啊 Uh, and I was really hoping that maybe I could hang out. 我还在想 可以在你们这里混一下 - Mm. - What do you, uh, feel like doing? 你们想要做什么呢? Well, uh, we're gonna have sex. 我们想要做爱 I don't feel like having sex. 我倒是不太想做爱 Uh, maybe, uh... I don't know. 或许…我不知道 Maybe we can watch a movie or something. 或许我们可以一起看电影什么的 Uh, let me put it this way: 我这样说好了 We're having sex whether you're here or not. 不管你在不在,我们都要做爱 Pants off, Bing. 裤子脱掉,宾 Now that I'm back, why don't you just fill me in on what you've been up to? 现在既然我回来了 何不告诉我你做了什么 Well, I've changed your screen saver from that picture of *NSYNC. 嗯,我把你《F4》的 萤慕保护程式改了 Hey, they were popular when I left. 嘿,我离开时 他们可是很受欢迎的 I'm working on this big presentation for tomorrow. 我在准备明天一个很重要的报告 I should be involved in that, so get me up to speed. 我应该要参与的,跟我说明吧 That'll take weeks. Let me take care of the presentation. 那会花上好几个星期 让我处理这个报告就可以了 Oh, no. I see what you're doing here, all right? 不,我知道 你在玩什么花样,好吗? This is my job, buddy. I've had it for five years, and I know how it works. 这是我的工作,我已经做了五年 我知道一切流程 - So why don't you just catch me up? - Fine. - 所以赶快跟我解释 - 好 Oh, God. You've totally messed with the back support on my chair. 天啊,你把我椅背的角度完全变了 - How do you fix this? - You've been here five years. - 你是怎么弄的? - 你已经在这里五年了 - You figure it out. - Fine, I will. - 你自己想 - 很好,我自己来 All right, fill me in. 好了,跟我说吧 - Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿 Do you have a blue tie that would go with this? Emma spit up on mine. 你有没有蓝色的领带跟这件配? 艾玛吐奶到我的领带上 Oh, yeah, but you have to give it back if I get a job. 有啊,但是我找到工作时要还我 Of course, by that time, ties will be obsolete... 当然,到那时候 领带已经被淘汰了… ...and we'll all be wearing silver jumpsuits. 而我们全都穿银色的连身装 - Hey, good morning, lover. - Hey. - 早安,爱人 - 早安 I gotta say, after last night, I'm a little weak in the knees. 我得说,经过昨晚之后 我的双腿还在发软 Here's an idea. You walk into a room, take a quick scan. 麻烦你,每次走进来的时候 先快速看一下四周吧 Sorry. 抱歉 But I kind of have this feeling that we may have made a baby last night. 但是我有点觉得 我们昨晚做人成功了 Oh, God, I have to tell you something. 喔,天 我得告诉你一件事 You're not pregnant. 你没有怀孕 What are you talking about? 你在说什么? Well, that thing that I have to do to make a baby? 嗯,那件能使你怀孕的事? I faked it. 我装的 What? You faked it? 什么?你装的? You know what? 你知道吗? I don't need a tie. 我不需要领带了 I mean, it's... It's better open collar, you know? 说真的 比较好 领子闻着 不是吗? It's, uh, ahem, it's more casual. 比较轻松自在 Joey. Listen, I can't do this. It doesn't make any sense. 乔伊,听着,我办不到 这实在不合常理 Yesterday I was a nurse, and today I'm a waitress at a café? 昨天我是护士 今天我是服务生? Oh, sometimes we use the same extras for different parts. It's okay. 有时候我们会用相同的临时演员 扮演不同的角色,没关系的 Well, it's not okay, because I gave a very memorable performance as the nurse. 有关系,因为昨天我扮演护士 演出让人印象深刻 And now, suddenly, I'm the waitress? That's gonna confuse my fans. 现在突然问,我变成服务生? 我的影迷会混淆的 Um, um... Well, maybe you are a nurse... 嗯,或许你是护士… ...but you moonlight as a waitress. 但是你晚上兼差当服务生 Oh. Uh-huh. Because I'm a single mother supporting my two children. 因为我是抚春两个小孩的单亲妈妈 - Nice. Yeah. - Yeah. - 没错 - 对啊 Okay. Wait a minute. 等一下 Dr. Drake Ramoray and I work at the same hospital. Wouldn't I come say hi? 德瑞克雷莫瑞医生跟我在同间医院工作 我不用过来打招呼吗? No. No, see, uh, you and Drake are having a fight. 不,不,你跟德瑞克在吵架 About what? 吵什么? He slept with you and then never called you. 他跟你上床 然后再也没有打电话给你 And I just wanted a new daddy for Davey and Becky. 而我只想帮 大卫跟贝琪找个新爸爸 Okay. 好了 Okay. Okay, from the top. 好了,好了,从头开始 And, action. 开麦拉 So I'm surprised you agreed to have lunch with me. 我很讶异你会同意 跟我出来吃午餐 I'm surprised too. But yet, here I am. 我也很讶异,但我终究是来了 Cut! Cut! 卡!卡! What...? What are you doing? 你是在做什么? I'm very angry at him because he slept with me and never called me back. 我很气他,因为他跟我上过床之后 就再也没有打电话给我了 - Me too. - Me too! - 我也是 - 还有我! Oh, calm down. She means on the show. 冷静点,她是说在剧情里面 We need some new extras around here. 我们需要新的临时演员 Wow. You're here already. 哇,你已经到了 Yes. Emma and I came in a little early to do research on the presentation. 是的,艾玛跟我 提早进来做研究,准备报告 Actually, I made a few changes. I think I'm caught up on everything. 事实上,我做了一些修改 我想我都准备好了 So ask me anything. 随便问我一个问题吧 - How do you fix the chair? - Ugh, except that! - 你要怎么调整椅子呢? - 除了这个! Oh, hello, Mr. Zelner. We are all ready for our presentation this afternoon. 哈罗,塞纳先生,今天下午的报告 我们都已经准备好了 - Good, because it's in 10 minutes. - What? I can't do that. I have the baby. - 很好,因为十分钟之后就要开始了 - 什么?我没办法,我宝宝在这里 Ross is not gonna pick her up for an hour. 罗斯一个小时之后才会来接她 Then Gavin can give the presentation. We have to do it now. 那盖文可以上台报告 我们现在就要开始了 Ralph needs to leave early today. He's going helicopter shopping. Heh. 罗夫今天要提早走 他要去买直升机 Well, there you go, you win. You win. 好吧,). M你的意了 你赢了,你赢了 You get to do the presentation. You'll knock them dead. 你可以上台报告,让他们爱死你 No one will remember that I worked here, and then Ralph will buy his helicopter... 没有人会记得我在这里工作过 然后罗夫会买到直升机… ...and Super Gavin will just fly right alongside of him. 超级盖文会跟他一起飞 - You can do the presentation. - No, I can't. I have a baby. - 你可以上台去报告 - 不,我不行,我宝宝在这里 I'll watch her. 我会看着她 Why would you do that? 你为什么要这样? Because you worked really hard, and it's your job. And you're a little crazy. 因为你工作很辛苦,而这是你的工作 还有你有点疯狂 That's really nice. 你人真好 I should tell you that crying women make me very uncomfortable. 我应该告诉你 哭泣的女人让我觉得很不自在 Well, you're not gonna like what's coming. 嗯,那你可能不会喜欢 接下来要发生的事 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 我很抱歉,我很抱歉 我很抱歉,我很抱歉 God. 天哪 Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢你,谢谢你 Um. Okay. 好吧 I'm really fine. Don't worry. I'm great with children. 我没事的,别担心 我很会带小孩 Okay. 好吧 Gavin Mitchell. Pleased to meet you. 我是盖文米丘,很高兴认识你 Please don't fire my friend. Just let me talk to her. 请不要开除我的朋友 让我先跟她谈谈 - Okay, but this is her last chance. - Thank you. - 好吧,但这是她最后- 次机会 - 谢谢,谢谢你 How about I do something for you? 我帮你一个忙如何? Tomorrow, uh, I'll bring you a hat, cover up the bald. 明天,我帮你带一顶帽子 让你遮住秃头 Hey, uh, listen, Pheebs. I was just talking to the director... 听着菲比,我刚跟导演谈完… ...and he was thinking maybe this time you don't hit Drake. 他说这一次你不要打德瑞克 You just wait on the tables. 你只要瑞盘子就可以了 I can't do that. I'm an actor. I have a process. 我不能那样做,我是演员 我有我的程序 You're a masseuse. You have a table with a hole in it. 你是按摩师 你有的是挖了个洞的桌子 Wait, I see what's happening here. You're threatened. 等等,我知道这是怎么回事了 你感到威胁了 What? 什么? I'm so good in the scene that I'm stealing focus from you. 我的演技好到抢了你的锋头 Well, rise to the challenge, Tribbiani, because I just raised the bar. 接受挑战吧,崔比亚尼 因为我只会提高你的水准 - Come join me up here. - Ha-ha-ha. 提升自己、向我看齐吧 Yeah, you can fire her, but I would call security. She won't go easy. 你可以开除她,但是最好叫保全过来 请神容易送神难哦 You faked it? You couldn't have faked it. 你装的?你不可能装的 Yes, you can. You just make the faces and the noises. 当然可以,只要装点表情跟声音 Guys can fake it? 男生可以装吗? Ugh, unbelievable. The one thing that's ours. 不可思议,这明明是女生的专长 Why would you fake it when we're trying to have a baby? 为什么在我们想要生小孩的时候 你要假装呢? Well, that's actually why. 嗯,这正是我要装的原因 Look, I'm starting a whole new career now. 听着,我正在换工作 I'm not saying I don't want a baby. 我不是说我不想要孩子 I'm just saying maybe we could wait a little while. 只是或许我们可以等一阵子 Like...? Like a month? 一个月吗? - Or a year? - Really? You wanna wait a year? - 或是- 年? - 真的吗?你想要等- 年? It could be less than a year. I mean, you've heard my stuff. 应该不用到一年 你知道我的能力 "Pants. Like shorts but longer. " 〝长裤,跟短裤一样 只是长一点〞 It'll probably be more than a year. 可能不只一年吧 Wow. I... 我… - I really wanna have a baby. - Well, yeah, me too. - 我真的很想要生小孩 - 是啊,我也很想 Look, I'll just get my old job back. 这样好了,我回去做老本行好了 No, I want you to have a job that you love... 不,我要你做你热爱的工作 ...not statistical analysis and data reconfiguration. 不是什么数据分析跟资料重组的 I quit, and you learn what I do? 我辞职后,你才了解我在做什么? I think there's never gonna be a right time to have a baby. 我想,永远不会有 适合生小孩的时机 Now you're unemployed, and in a little while... 现在你失业了,但过了一阵子…'ll find a new job that'll keep you really busy. 你就会找到一份让你忙不过来的工作 There's always gonna be a reason not to do this... 总是会有理由不能生小孩的 ...but I think once the baby comes, we'll forget about all those reasons. 但是我想,一旦有了宝宝 我们就会忘了所有的理由 I guess. 我想也是 I mean, it's always gonna be scary when we have a baby. 我是说,有小孩一直是很吓人的事 It's gonna be really scary. 真的会很吓人 I mean, God, when we have a baby... 有小孩的时候… ...there's gonna be so much that we're not able to control. 会有许多事情是我们无法控制的 I mean, the apartment's gonna be a mess. 我是说,这间公寓会是一团乱 I won't have time to clean it. 我会没有时问整理 What if the baby gets into the ribbon drawer... 要是宝宝跑到缎带抽屉里… ...and messes up all the ribbons? 把所有的缎带都弄乱了呢? What if there's no room for a ribbon drawer... 万一没有地方可以放缎带… ...because the baby's stuff takes up all the space? 因为所有的空问 都被宝宝的东西占满了呢? Where will all the ribbons go? 缎带要放哪儿? Should we go make a baby before you change your mind? 我们该不该在你改变主意之前 赶快去做人? - Yes, please! - Okay. - 当然,拜托快点! - 好的 Oh, and I promise I will not fake it this time. 而且我保证,这一次我不会装了 Well, I wish I could say the same. I'm a little shook up. 真希望我也可以说相同的话 我现在有点激动 I know you botched that operation on purpose. 我知道你故意让手术失败 I can't prove it yet, but when I do, you'll be going to jail for murder. 我还没有办法证明,等我可以证明 你会因谋杀而坐牢的 I don't care if you are my brother. 我不在乎你是不是我弟弟 I'm not your brother. 我不是你弟弟 What about my children, Drake? Huh? 我的孩子怎么办呢?德瑞克! No! No! No! 不!不!不! No! No! 不!不! God! 天啊

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