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老友记/六人行/Friends 第七季 第二十三集 S07E23 The One with Monica and Chandler

老友记/六人行/Friends 第七季 第二十三集 S07E23 The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Part 1 / 莫妮卡与钱德的大喜日子1

Joey unexpectedly gets a part in a movie about soldiers in World War I but his famous co-star Richard Crosby keeps spitting in his face for the sake of articulation. Ross makes everybody burst into laughter by threatening Chandler physically if he ever hurts his little sister. Chandler and Monica have their rehearsal dinner and after seeing his sexy celebrity mother and drag-queen dad, Chandler suddenly freaks out thinking about becoming "Mr. and Mrs Bing." He freaks out more when he hears the new answering machine message Monica recorded, so he writes a vague apology... 乔伊竟然得到了电影中的士兵在第一次世界大战中,但他的搭档李察克罗斯比一直在他脸上吐音的缘故。罗斯让大家都哈哈大笑的威胁,如果他曾经伤害了钱德勒身体小妹妹。钱德勒和摩妮卡有彩排晚宴,在看到他的性感名人的母亲和皇后的父亲,钱德勒突然吓坏了成为“先生和夫人兵思维。”他吓坏了更多的当他听到新的答录机留言莫妮卡的记录,所以他写了一个含糊的道歉…


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Do you realize this is probably the last time we'll all be here in the coffee house
你们知道这是最后一次 我们以六个单身朋友的身分...

as six single people?

What's happening to the coffeehouse?

Oh! Okay.

From now on its gonna be the four of you guys and me and the misses
从现在开始 是你们四个好朋友 我跟我太太了

The little woman. The wife. The old ball and chain.
我的小女人 好老婆 老的羁绊

- Old? - The young, hot ball and chain.
- 老的? - 你是年轻性感的羁绊

-That's much better. - We gotta go.
- 好多了 - 我们得走了

- where are you guys going? - We're gonna pick up the wedding dress then we're gonna have lunch with mom.
- 去哪里? - 我要去拿婚纱 跟妈一起吃午餐

Joey you're-you're having lunch with my mom?
乔伊 你也要去?

No, I-I just heard lunch.

But yeah, I can go. Sure.
对 我可以去 当然

Y'know what? Actually I'm kinda glad they're leaving

Because I need to talk to you about something.

- What's up? - This may be a little awkward.
- 什么事? - 这或许会有点尴尬

Listen, if you want to borrow money, its kind of a bad time. I'm buying dinner for 128 people tomorrow night.
如果你需要钱 时机真的不太对 明天晚上我得请一百二十八个人吃晚赛

No, it's not that.
不 不是那样的

now what I'm going to say to you, I'm not saying as your friend.OK?
我不是以你朋友的身分 跟你说话...

I'm-I'm saying as it as Monica's older brother.

- But you're still my friend? - Not for the next few minutes.
- 但你还是我朋友吧? - 接下来的几分钟不是

- During this time,are you, are you still my best man?- No.
- 现在你还是我的伴郎吗? - 不是

- Do I still call you Ross? - Okay.
- 我还是可以叫你罗斯吗? - 好

Okay! You guys are getting married tomorrow and-and I couldn't be more thrilled for both of you,
你们要结婚了 我真的很高兴

But as Monica's older brother, I have to tell you this:
但身为她的大哥 我得告诉你一件事

If you ever hurt my little sister...

...if you ever cause her any unhappiness of any kind...

...I will hunt you down...

...and kick your ass.

What? I'm serious.

- Dude! Stop it! I'm not kidding. - I hear what you're saying...
- 兄弟 别闹了 我不是在开玩笑 - 我听到你的话了...

...and thanks for the warning.

No problem.

So are we friends again?

- Yeah. - Okay.
- 对 - 好

You won't believe what Monica's older brother just said to me!
你不会相信刚刚摩妮卡的 哥哥跟我说了什么!

What you doing, Mon?
你在做什么 摩妮卡?

I'm making a list of all the things that are most likely to go wrong at the wedding.
我在列出 婚礼上可能会出差错的事情

Now, that way I can be prepared.

- What are they? - Well, so far I have uh, my bride's maids dresses won't get picked up,
- 哪些事会出差错? - 目前为止有伴娘的礼服忘了拿...

my veil gets lost, or I don't have my something blue.
我的头纱不见 或是我忘了拿蓝色的东西

Those are all the things I'm responsible for.

I had to go with the odds Rach

Hey! You guys!

Remember that audition I had a while ago and didn't get the part?
你们还记得之前我去试镜 没有拿到那个角色的事吗?

- The commercial? - No.
- 那个广告? - 不是

- That play? - No.
- 那出舞台剧? - 不是

- That other play? - No.
- 另一出舞台剧? - 不是

- The movie? - Yes!
- 那部电影? - 对

- The one about the pilot and his dog who play the planes? - No.
- 那部狗会开飞机的电影? - 不是

But man, that one hurt.

- Yes that's the one about the soldiers who fight in World War I! - Oh, yeah.
- 这部电影在描述一次大战的士兵 - 喔 对喔

Back then we called it "The Great War."

It really was.

Well anyway, the guy they wanted backed out and now they want me! I start shooting today!
他们录取的那个角色不演了! 我今天就要开始拍戏!


- Wait! Wait! Wait! You can't start today! Today's the rehearsal dinner! - Oh no, I'll be done by then
- 今天有彩排晚宴 - 我- 定会赶过去的

Oh. Well then way to go you big movie star!
喔 那么太棒了 你成了电影明星!

know! All right, I'll see you guys over there! I'm off to fight the Nazis.
待会见 我要去跟纳粹作战了

Wait, Joey.
等一下 乔伊

We fought the Nazis in World War II, not World War I.
纳粹是我们 在二次大战的敌人 不是一次大战

Whoa. Okay.

Who was in WWI?

Go ahead.

- You're gonna be late! Go! Go! - Yeah, I'll see you.
- 你要迟到了!快去 - 好 晚点再见

Who did we fight in WWI?

- Mexico? - Yes. Very good.
- 墨西哥? - 对 非常棒

- Hey, Joey. We're ready. - Yeah, me too.
- 嘿 乔伊 我们准备好了 - 我也是

Richard, we're ready for you.
理查 我们准备好了

Joey Tribbiani, Richard Crosby,he is playing Vincent.
乔伊崔比亚尼 这位是理查克洛斯比 他要饰演文森

- I'm doing my scenes with you? - Nice to meet you Joey
- 我要跟你演对手戏? - 很高兴能认识你

I can't believe this! This is incredible. I mean you just won an Oscar!
我不敢相信 这太不可思议了 你刚刚拿下奥斯卡金像奖

No, I didn't.
不 我没有

I think you did.

I think I lost, three times.

- Uh, cookie? Would you? - No.
- 饼干?你要...? - 不

Okay. We're about an hour away from getting the scene lit.

- So uh, if you guys don't mind, can we run it a couple of times? - Yeah, sure.
- 你们能对- 下戏吗? - 没问题

All right. Let's do it.
好了 我们开始吧

And action!
好了 开始!

- We have to find the rest of the platoon!- Forget the platoon. The platoon is gone!
- 我们得找到其他士兵! - 算了吧 他们已经不在了!

- What? - The platoon's dead! Face facts, Tony!
- 什么? - 他们都死了!面对现实吧 东尼!

So what are we gonna do?! We have no reinforcements! No-no food!
我们该怎么办? 我们没有援兵或食物

No, we still have food in the basement! I saw potatoes and some dry pasta!
地下室有食物 有马铃薯跟一些意大利面

Hang on a minute! Joey, you keep touching your face.
等一下 乔伊 你一直在模你的脸

Is something wrong?

不 没有

I, uh...

I thought it might be kind of a cool character thing.

He's a face toucher.

I don't think so.

Let's take it back to Richard's last lines. Action!
我们从理查 最后一句台词开始 开始!

We may not have any weapons, but we still have food.
虽然我们没有武器 但我们还有食物 地下室有...

In the basement I saw potatoes and some dry pasta,

and a few tins of tuna!

- Honey, we gotta go! - Okay.
- 甜心 我们得走了! - 好

Here's a question you never have to ask.

My dad just called and wanted to know if he could borrow one of your pearl necklaces.
我爸刚打来 问能不能借用你的珍珠项链

Did he say what kind of neckline he's wearing?
他有提到 他的领口剪栽是哪一种吗?


I've only met him once but I'm guessing,
我只见过他一次 但我猜...


He is more of a "If you've got it, flaunt it" kind of father.

I don't have anything like that, but let me go see if Rachel does.
我没有那种项链 我去问问瑞秋有没有

Yes, include more people in this.
对 把更多的人扯进来

Hey. Do you realize that tomorrow we're gonna be getting married?
你知道明天这个时候 我们要结婚吗?

I have a date tomorrow night.

- I can't believe we made it. - You don't have to sound so surprised.
- 我不敢相信我们真的办到了 - 别- 副很讶异的样子

I'm sorry, but...
对不起 但是...

- Nothing. - What?
- 没事 - 什么?

Well, honestly? Ever since we got engaged...
老实说 自从我们订婚后...

I have been waiting for something to, to flip you out.
我一直在期待 发生什么事让你退缩

Honestly? Me too.

- Really? - Yeah.
- 真的吗? - 对

Y'know I keep thinking that something stupid is gonna come up and I'll
我以为会发生什么蠢事 然后我会做...

...go all Chandler.

- But nothing has. - I'm so glad.
- 但什么事都没发生 - 我很高兴

Thank you so much for staying so calm during this.
谢谢你在这段时间 一直都非常冷静

It's made me stay calm.

- I could've been worse. - Okay.
- 我可能会更差的 - 好

I'll be right there.

Hi! If you're calling before Saturday, you've reached Monica and Chandler.
如果你在星期六前打电话来 这里是摩妮卡跟钱德家

But if you're calling after Saturday, you've reached Mr. and Mrs. Bing!
但如果你在星期六后打电话来 这里就是宾氏夫妇家

Please leave a message for the Bings!

-Maureen! - Hi.
- 嘿 玛琳! - 嗨

- Gosh. Hey uh, Chandler? This is my cousin Maureen. - We're the Bings.
- 天啊 她是我表妹玛琳 - 我们是宾氏夫妇

Hi! You guys look so beautiful.
嗨 你们都很好看

Mr. And Mrs. Bing!

Wow, Monica.
哇 摩妮卡

So you know, I had my older-brother talk with Chandler.
让你知道一下 我以 "大哥的身分"跟钱德谈过

- What is that? - Well, I...
- 你说了什么? - 嗯...

I told him that if he ever hurt you...

...I would hunt him down and kick his ass.
天涯海角我都会找到他 然后痛扁他

What is the matter with everybody? I'm serious.

I would kick his ass!

Ross, please, my makeup!
罗斯 拜托 我的妆要糊掉了!

Hi. Chandler!
- 嗨 - 钱德

- Mom. Thanks for wearing something.
妈 谢谢你记得穿... 衣服来

Ohh. This is so exciting! I thought we screwed you up so bad this day would never come.
我真的很兴奋 我以为我们害得你不敢结婚

Oh and just think. Soon there'll be lots of little Bings.
你想想 很快地 就会出现很多宾氏小孩

I can't believe I have to go back to work after this and get spit on again.
我不敢相信我要回去 让人家喷口水

You're lucky. At least the people who spit on you are famous.
你很幸运 至少喷你口水的人都很有名

- Who spits on you? - I don't wanna talk about work.
- 谁对你喷口水? - 我不想谈工作的事

Mrs. Bing? These are my parents, Judy and Jack Geller.
宾太太?他们是我爸妈 茱蒂跟杰克盖勒

- It's lovely to meet you. - So are you his mother or his father?
- 很高兴能见到你 - 你是他妈妈还是他爸爸?


What? I've never seen one before.

Dad, there's Ross. why don't you go talk to him?
爸 罗斯在那边 去跟他谈一谈吧

I didn't even have a chance to act as though I'm okay with it!
我甚至没办法 假装我不会在意

Hello, all.

Hi Dad.
嗨 爸

Hi, Mr. Bing.
嗨 宾先生

- Nora. - Charles.
- 诺扛 - 查尔斯

- It's so great to see you both here. - Yes.
- 很高兴你们两个都来了 - 对

Although, I think we may be seeing a little too much of some people.

Aren't you a little old to be wearing a dress like that?
你不觉得自己太老了 不该穿那种衣服吗?

Don't you have a little too much penis to be wearing a dress like that?
你不觉得自己是个男人 不该穿那种衣服吗?

Oh, my God.
喔 我的天啊

Of course you can kick his ass, son.
你当然可以痛扁他 儿子

You could kick anyone's ass you want to.

Thanks, you guys.

- Rach, Rach? - Yeah?
- 瑞秋? - 干嘛?

could you do me a favor and would talk to Chandler's dad and try to keep him away from Chandler's mom?
帮个忙 去跟钱德的老爸聊天 别让他跟钱德的老妈杠上了

- Yeah, but I don't know what he looks like. - He is the man in a black dress.
- 好 但我不知道他长什么样子 - 他穿着黑色洋装

Hi. I'm Rachel, a friend of Monica and Chandler's.
嗨 我是瑞秋 摩妮卡跟钱德的朋友

- I'm Amanda. - Oh, I get it.
- 我是亚曼达 - 喔 我懂了

"A man, duh!"
男人 啊!

Can I have everyone's attention please?

- I'm Ross Geller. - Dr. Ross Geller.
- 我是罗斯盖勒 - 罗斯盖勒博士

Dad, please. As I was saying...
爸 拜托 我刚刚说过...

...I'm Dr. Ross Geller.

Uh, and I'm the best man.

And this marriage is doubly special for me...
这段婚姻对我来说有双重意义..., because not only is the groom my best friend...

...but, uh, the bride is my little sister.

She's the greatest sister a guy could ask for.
她是所有男人 梦寐以求的好妹妹

So if you'd all please join me in raising a glass...
请大家跟我一起举杯... the couple we're here to celebrate.

- To the Bings. -To the Bings!
- 敬宾氏夫妇 - 敬宾氏夫妇!

All right, I'm gonna go steam my wedding dress okay?

Who wants the responsibility of making sure nothing happens to it?

- I'll do it. - Who wants it? Anybody?
- 我会负责 - 谁要负责?有人愿意吗?

- I said I'll do it. -Nobody wants to do it?
- 我说我会负责 - 没有人吗?

- All right, I'll do it myself. - I'm not gonna screw it up.
- 好吧 那我就自己来 - 我不会搞砸的

You're right. I'm sorry.Actually You were a big help tonight.
你说得对 对不起 今晚你帮了大忙

Yeah, and thanks for putting my grandmother in the cab and making sure she got to the hotel safely.
谢谢你帮忙 将我奶奶安全地送回饭店

- Of course! That's what I'm here for. - Okay. Sorry.
- 当然 那就是我的工作 - 好吧 对不起

What grandmother?

- Where have you been? - taking my parents back to the hotel
- 你跑到哪里去了? - 我送我爸妈回饭店

- Going back to work? - Yeah.
- 你要回去工作了? - 对

- Nice shades. - Thanks
- 很酷的太阳眼镜 - 谢谢夸奖

Yeah, I figure if I wear these in my scenes at least I won't get spit in the eyes, y'know?
我想如果我能戴上它拍戏 我的眼睛就不会喷到口水了

And, if I remember correctly, Ray-Ban was the official sponsor of WWI.
如果我没有记错 雷朋是一次大战的正式赞助商

Great! All right!

- I'll see you later. - All right.
- 晚点见 - 好吧

- Where's Chandler? - I think he's in Rachel's room. See you.
- 钱德在哪里? - 我想他在瑞秋的房问里 再见



- Hey. - Hi.
- 嗨 - 嗨

- Is Monica here? - She's steaming her dress. Why?What's up?
- 摩妮卡在吗? - 她在熨婚纱 怎么了?

- I think Chandler's gone. - What?
- 我想钱德走了 - 什么?

- He left that. - "Tell Monica I'm sorry."
- 他留下了这个 - "告诉摩妮卡我很抱歉"

Oh, my God.
喔 我的天啊

What's up?

"Tell Monica I'm sorry."

Tell her yourself.

Oh, my God. Chandler just left, though?
喔 我的天啊 钱德走了?

Maybe it's not what we think. Maybe it's:
或许事情不是我们想的那样 或许他是说

"Tell Monica I'm sorry I drank the last of the milk."
"告诉摩妮卡我很抱歉 我把牛奶都喝光了"

Or maybe he was writing to tell her that he's changed his name:
或许他写这张字条告诉她 他改了名字

"Tell Monica, I'm Sorry."

- I think It means he freaked out and left! - Don't be so negative!
- 这表示他吓得逃跑了! - 别那么消极!

Good God, isn't it possible that "Sorry" is sitting in there right now?
天啊 有没有可能"抱歉" 现在就坐在里面

Phoebe, I think Ross is right. What are we gonna do?
菲比 我想罗斯说得对 我们该怎么办?

I'm gonna have to go find him and bring him back.
我得去找他 把他带回来

You make sure Monica does not find out, okay?
你们别让摩妮卡 发现这件事 好吗?

But, if you don't find him and bring him back...
好 但是你如果没办法找到他 把他带回来...

...I am gonna hunt you down and kick your ass!
天涯海角我都会找到你 然后痛扁你!

I will find him.

Joey? Can you go through these lines with me?
乔伊 你能跟我对一下台词吗?

Oh, man, they just re-did my makeup.
喔 天啊 他们才帮我补好妆

- Just the last two pages. - All right.
- 只要对最后两页 - 好吧

I found the picture!

Picture? What picture?

The picture of my wife! I found it in your pack!
我在你的背包袒 发现我太太的照片

Could you lower the script?-I don't want to.
- 你能把剧本放下来吗? - 我不想

I need to see your face so I can play off your reaction.
我得看到你的脸 才能依你的反应演出

Okay, look.
好吧 听我说

I know you're a great actor, okay? And you play all those Shakespeare guys and stuff...
我知道你的演技很棒 演过很多莎翁名剧...

...but you're spitting all over me, man.

- Of course I am! - You know you've been spitting on me?
- 那当然! - 你知道你会喷口水?

That's what real actors do.

Enunciation is the mark of a good actor.

And when you enunciate, you spit!

Wow. Didn't know that.

Thanks. Okay, check it out.
谢了 好吧 看我的

Picture? What picture?

- Gunther Have you seen Chandler? - No, I haven't seen him.
- 阿甘 你看到钱德了吗? - 不 我没有看到他

- Damn. - He's getting married tomorrow, right?
- 该死 - 他明天要结婚了 对吧?

Yes. Don't worry. Everything's fine.
对 别担心 一切都会没事的

- See you tomorrow at the wedding. - I wasn't invited.
- 明天婚礼上见 - 我没有被邀请

Then we'll see you the day after tomorrow.

Mom? Dad?

What are you guys doing here?

You kids talk about this place so much, we thought we'd see what the fuss is all about.
你们老是聊到这个地方 我们想看看这里有什么特别的

- I certainly see what the girls like coming here. - Why?
- 我知道为什么女孩们喜欢来这里 - 为什么?

The sexy blond behind the counter.

- Gunther? - Your Mom just added him to her list.
- 阿甘? - 她刚刚把他列入她的名单

- Your list? - Yeah, the list that - of people we're allowed to sleep...
- 什么?你的名单? - 我们可以上床的对象...

I know what the list is.

Come on Sit down, have a cup of joe.
快坐下吧 喝杯咖啡

Dad I can't, I'm sorry.
爸 我没空 抱歉

If you see Chandler, could you tell him I'm looking for him.
如果你们看到钱德 告诉他我在找他

And if you see Rita Moreno, let her know I'm looking for her.
如果你看到丽塔莫雷诺 告诉她我在找她


I found the picture!

What picture?

A picture of my wife, in your pack!
我在你的背包袒 发现我太太的照片

You went through my personal property?

Why do you have a picture of Paulette in your pack?
你的背包里 为什么会有宝丽蒂的照片?

Because, Vincent, we were lovers...
文森 因为我们...

...for two years!

Cut! Wonderful!

Great scene, huh?

You were awesome. In that last speech, you soaked me.
你真的很棒 最后那一段你喷得我的脸都湿了

- Here's your call sheet for tomorrow. - I'm not working tomorrow.
- 这是明天的通告表 - 明天我不会工作

- You are now. - No! No! I can't! You gotta get me out of it!
- 现在是了 - 不 你得帮我这个忙

I have plans. Important plans!
我已经有约了 这件事非常重要!

-Ross said there's still no word from Chandler. - Oh, man.
- 罗斯说还是没有钱德的消息 - 喔 天啊

Oh but he did say that they found the grandmother wandering down fifth avenue.
但他们发现 奶奶在第五大道上游荡

Okay, well there's one down.
好吧 至少找到一个人了

I'm getting married today!

I think I just cracked a rib. But I don't care because today's my wedding day!
我断了一根肋骨 但我不在乎 我今天要结婚了!

My day is finally here!

She might not even notice he's gone.

I'm gonna start getting ready!

We can't let her start getting ready. This is too awful!
我们不能让她开始准备 这太可怕了!

Oh God, but wait she'll be in the gown and then he won't show up
等她换上婚纱 而他又没有出现时...

Then she'll have to take off the gown...Stop it.
- 这时候她得脱掉婚纱... - 停止

Stop it Rachel! You can't do this here.
冷静点 你不能在这里抓狂

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
对不起 抱歉

It's just so sad.

Yeah, but you've got to pull yourself together! Monica can't see you like this!
振作一点 别让她看到你这个样子

- She'll know something's wrong. - I know. I know.
- 她会发现不对劲的 - 我知道 天啊!

There's no tissue.

Can you grab me some toilet paper?

Oh, that's gone too. This is Monica's bathroom, right?
喔 卫生纸也没有了 这里是摩妮卡的浴室吧?

- I found one. - Okay.
- 我找到- 张了 - 好吧

Thank you.

Oh, God.
喔 天啊

Can I have another one?


Do you need some floss?

Oh God I just can not imagine what is gonna happen if Chandler doesn't show up!
我无法想像如果他不出现 会发生什么事

Here's a whole bunch.

Oh, I mean she's gonna be at the wedding ..

...and people will be whispering, "That poor girl."
大家会窃窃私语 "喔 那个可怜的女孩"

Y'know? Then she'll have to come back here and live all alone.
然后她得回来这里 独自一个人过生活

- Oh, my God. - What?
- 喔 我的天啊 - 干嘛?

There was a pregnancy test in the garbage, and it's positive.
垃圾桶有一根验孕棒 是阳性反应

Monica's pregnant.

So I guess she won't be totally alone.

NARRATOR: Next time on Friends:

- We've gotta tell her that he's gone. - No, we can't.
- 我们得告诉她他失踪了 - 不 我们不能那么做

She's gonna start getting ready soon.

Can't you stall her a little?

I'm never gonna get married.

We've just got one short scene. It's just you and Richard, and he's a pro.
我们只拍一场戏 就你跟理查 他是职业高手

- Are you drunk? - No!
- 你喝醉了吗? - 没有

- Yes, you are! - All right.
- 你喝醉了! - 好吧

- How's Chandler? - Great!
- 钱德还好吗? - 他好极了

- Where are you? - On the set.
- 你在哪里? - 我还在片场里

This is turning into the worst wedding day ever.
这将会是有史以来 最糟糕的一场婚礼

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