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老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第十九集 S06E19 The One with Joey

老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第十九集 S06E19 The One with Joey's Fridge / 乔伊的冰箱

Joey tries to get everyone to pay for his broken fridge. Ross becomes paranoid when Elizabeth makes plans for spring break. Monica and Chandler compete against Phoebe to find Rachel a date. 我试图让每个人都支付他的坏冰箱。罗斯变得偏执当伊丽莎白使春假计划。莫妮卡和钱德竞争对菲比找到瑞秋约会。


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Well, that thing's clearly in the way.

Damn fridge!

- Hi, Joey. How you doing?
嗨 乔伊 你好吗?

- Great,roomie.
很好 室友

- Yeah, I guess we are roommates now. - I know. Now that you bring it up...
我们现在的确是室友 没错 经你提

our fridge is broken. We have to get a new one.
我们的冰箱坏了 得买台新的

I checked around and your half is $400. Thanks a lot.
我打听过 你分一半 得出四百元 威激不尽

I'm not paying for half of that.I'm only staying here until my apartment gets fixed.
我才不跟你分一半 我只住到我们那边整理好

Look, Rach, my parents bought this fridge just after I was born. Okay?
瑞秋 这台冰箱是我出生之后 我父母买的

Now, I have never had a problem with it. Then you show up and it breaks!
我用都没问题 你一来它就坏了

What does that tell you?

That refrigerators don't live as long as people?

All right, you know that the ATM only lets you take out 300 at a time...
好 你也知道自动提款机 一次只能提三百元 I'll take a check for the other 100.

Heh. You're joking, right?

Of course I'm joking. I don't take checks.
那当然 我不收支票

Thank God you're pretty.

- Hey! Hey.
嘿 嘿

Hey, do you guys know any cute guys?

Well, of course, I do. My good friend, Joey, over here.
当然有 就是我的好朋友乔伊

Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Chandler.
我忘了 谢谢你 钱德

Anyway, there's a charity ball this weekend

and Ralph Lauren bought a I kind of have to go.
罗夫罗兰买了一桌 我也得去

- What's the charity? - I don't know.
为什么慕款? 不晓得

Something, either trees or disease, I...

- Ralph mumbles a lot.

- Does Ralph mumble......when you're not paying attention?

- Yeah. It's weird.
对呀 好奇怪

But the thing is, I need to find a date.

What kind of guy are you looking for?

Someone that has his own tux or the ability to rent a tux.

So he has to be a male who has at least $50.
所以必须是男人 身家起码要有50元

Ooh, so close.

- Hey, everybody. Hey.
大家好 嗨

- Uh, this is Elizabeth. Hi, Elizabeth.
这是伊丽莎白 嗨

- I'm the student.

Isn't she cute? Nope.
真可爱对吧? 才怪

Y'know, this is probably none of my business, but weren't you guys supposed to not be seen in public together?
也许我不该多嘴 但你们在一起不是不能被看到?

- Oh, we're not together.

No. We're just two people who happen to have run into each other,here at the coffee house. Heh, this is...
没有 我们只是两个 在咖啡馆巧遇的人

Oh, sly.

I really wanted to meet you guys, but I have to run.
我很想多认识你们 但是我得走了

- I'll see you later? - Okay.
改天见 好

- Bye, Ross. - Bye. See you.
罗斯再见 再见

- Didn't mean to run into you like that, sir.- That is quite all right, ma'am.
我不是故意撞到你的 先生 没关系 女士


So why's she leaving? Is it a school night and she has a lot of homework to do?
她为什么要走? 刚放学功课一大堆?

Yes. Her molecular epidemiology paper is due tomorrow.
对 她明天要交 分子流行病学报告

Well, tell her "good luck" with that.

Anyone else, huh? Bring them on.

- Oh! When's her birthday?

- I don't know, Rachel. Why?
我不知道 瑞秋 为什么问?

Well, you know it's just been so long since I've been to Chuck E. Cheese.

- I like Elizabeth. Well, thanks.
我喜欢伊丽莎白 谢谢

In fact, I like her so much that you tell her I want my cookies early this year.
我真的很喜欢她 叫她今年早点送女童军饼干来

A box of Thin Mints and some Tagalongs.

Hey-hey come on you guys, give him a break. Ross, seriously, how's it going with her?
你们别闹他了 说真的 你们交往得怎样?

Well, it's actually been great.

She's 20, so she's not looking for anything too serious,which is perfect for me right now.
她才20岁 还不想太认真 最适合现在的我

Well, that is great. And seriously, she seems very nice.
太好了 她真的好像很不错

I know you guys like to give me a hard time,but it means a lot to me that you like her.
谢谢 我知道你们喜欢挨我 但我真的很希望你们能喜欢她

- Just knowing you guys are, like... - Okay, I got a good one.
只要知道你们 我想到个很棒的

Okay, um... Heh.What is she, like, 12?
好 她是才12岁吗?

Chandler, do you think we talk about our relationship enough?
钱德 你觉得我们的沟通够吗?

Yeah. Do we have any Fruit Roll Ups?
够 有水果卷吗?

- Hey. Hey.Okay, I just thought of the perfect guy for Rachel to take to her thing.
好 我刚想到一个人 很适合当瑞秋的男伴

That's so funny, we found someone too.
有意思 我们也找到人了

That's good. I guess she'll have a choice between my guy and your weirdo.
那好 她可以在我的人 和你们的怪胎之中选一个

- Why would our guy be a weirdo? - Because that's just your taste.
为什么我们的人是怪胎? 因为你们的品味就是那样

See, Rachel's not gonna pick your stupid guy.

- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
是吗? 没错

My guy is a lawyer who does volunteer work.
我这个是律师 还当义工

And he has one of these.

A face ass?

- A chin dimple.

- Well, uh, our guy works with Chandler.And he's really nice and smart and he's a great dresser.
我们这个是钱德的同事 人好聪明又会打扮

- Have you seen your guy's body?

- No. Our guy's just a floating head.
没有 他是一颗飘来飘去的头

Well, my guy is spectacular, okay? He's a massage client.
我这个身材很赞 他是我的按摩客人

And one time, um, when he was on the table, I looked at it. And I mean, all of it.
有一次他在按摩台上 就被我看光光了

- You're not supposed to look. - Yeah, like there are police for that.
你不是不能偷看吗? 报警来抓我啊

- What, you look? You massaged me. - I know.
你会偷看?我给你按摩过 没错

All right, your guy may have a great body, but our really funny.
好 你那个或许身材很好 但我们这个很风趣

- Chandler funny?

- Our guy's a great dancer. - My guy's well-read.
我们这个舞功高强 我这个饱读诗书

- Our guy has great hair. - My guy has great teeth.
我们这个发质很好 我这个牙齿漂亮

Our guys smells incredible.

Do you want our guy to be your guy?

- Hey. JOEY: Hey.
嘿 嘿

Well, you don't look good, Joe.
你的脸色不太好 乔伊

Well, the fridge broke, so I had to eat everything.
冰箱坏了 我得把东西都吃掉

Cold cuts, ice cream, limes.

Hey, what was in that brown jar?
嘿 咖啡色罐子里的是什么?

- That's still in there? - Not anymore.
那个还在? 已经不在了

Ahem, so, anyway, how do you want to pay me?

Is this a service you're providing me?

No, for my new fridge. For our new fridge.
不是 是我要买冰箱 我们的新冰箱

Our new fridge?- I don't live here anymore.

- So what?Look, okay, suppose we were a, uh, divorced couple.
那又怎样? 假设我们是离婚夫妻

- And I got custody of the kid. Right?

Now, suppose the kid dies and I gotta buy a new kid.
结果孩子死了 我总得买个新孩子


Give me $400!

- Professor Geller? - Hmm?

Oh, a student I don't know.
喔 一名我不认识的学生

I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?

Yes, of course. What would this be regarding?
当然可以 是哪方面的事?

- Making out in your office.

Uh, of course. Why don't we go inside.
好 我们何不先进去再说

- What? - Doorknob. Doorknob.
怎么了? 门把

Sorry. Ha-ha-ha.

- Um, I actually do need to talk to you. - Oh. Okay, what about?
我真的有事要讲 好 什么事?

- Spring vacation. - Spring vacation?
春假的事 春假的事?

Yeah, we have time off, and a lot of people are going on trips...
对 学校没课 很多人要去旅行

- Professor Geller. - Yes, Professor Fiesenstinlender?
盖勒教授 是 菲森死盯个乐教授

I'll be with you in one moment.

So I will take one box of the Thin Mints.

You don't understand. Elizabeth was about to ask me to go on a trip with her.
你们不懂 伊丽莎白想找我跟她去旅行

Is that taking it slow?

I'm not ready for this, okay?- What do I tell her?
我还没准备好 我该怎么说?

Just tell her the truth! Tell her you're not ready.
实话实说 说你还没准备好

I could do that.

- Well, what if she gets upset? - Then you distract her with a Barbie doll.
要是她不高兴呢? 你就拿芭比娃娃逗她

Or,you could just, you know, you...

What the hell are you doing?

What the hell am I doing? You just broke my fridge!

What? How do you know if... How do you know it's even broken?

Oh, you think I don't know what breaks my fridge?

Excuse me.

Well, what do you know? Broken!
看吧 坏了

That'll be $400.

Joey, I saw you push him.
乔伊 我看见你推他了

You pushed him.

Joey, I did not break this. Okay? That has been broken for a while.
乔伊 我没把它弄坏 它已经坏一阵子了

- Remember I told you about our fridge?
钱德 我不是提过我们的冰箱的事?

I still haven't gotten the check for your half yet.

Do not give him any money.I'm not talking to you! You broke my fridge!
不要给他钱 你少插嘴 你撞坏我的冰箱

- You wanted to see me, Professor Geller? - Yes. Yes. Please come in.
盖勒教授 你找我? 是的 请进

- Doorknob? - Yeah. It kind of grows on you.
门把? 对 有点玩上瘾了

Actually, I wanted to finish talking to you about spring vacation.Oh, good.
我想继续上次春假的话题 喔 好

Look, I...
听我说 我

Look, I've been having a great time with you.
听着 我跟你在一起很开心

And I just don't want us to move too fast or put too much pressure on us.
我不想进展得太快 或是给我们太多压力

So I'm sorry, I just don't think we should go away together yet.It's too soon.
所以很抱歉 我们还不能一起旅行 太快了

Uh, Ross, I think you misunderstood what I was saying.
罗斯 你误会我的意思了

I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to Florida for a couple weeks.
我只是想告诉你 我要去佛罗里达两星期

No.I think you misunderstood what I was saying.
不 是你误会我的意思了

- What I meant was... - You are so adorable.
我的意思是 你好可爱

That. Let's talk about that.
这个 我们来讨论这个

- Hey. Hey.
嘿 嘿

- How did it go with Elizabeth?

Fine. It was just a misunderstanding.
喔 没事 只是一场误会

She didn't want me to go with her.She just wanted to let me know that she's going to Florida for spring vacation.
她没有要找我去 她只是要告诉我她要去放春假

Wait a minute, is she going for spring vacation or is she going for spring break?
等等 她是去放春假 还是去春游 呼呼?

What's the difference?

A spring vacation, you're doing nice things with your grandparents.

Spring break, you're doing frat guys.

Hey, you know what? Not all spring breaks are like that.

- What did you do on yours? - I went to Egypt with my dad.
那你做了什么? 我跟我爸去埃及

I can see it now. "Look, Dad, it's the Sphinx."
我可以想像 "爸 是人面狮身像 呼呼"

I think Elizabeth is a little more serious than, "Spring break!"
我想伊丽莎白那么正经 不会去"春游 呼呼"

All right? Come on, she's taking my class.

- And slept with the professor. - I'm gonna call her.
还跟教授上床 我要去打给她

Hey, you guys, I want you to meet Sebastian.
各位 这是赛巴斯钦

- Hi. - We just, uh...We just met at the newsstand. We both grabbed for the last Field and Stream. Ha!
我们刚刚在报摊认识 我们都买了《原野与河流》

What, I read that.

- Can I get you a cup of coffee? - Oh, yes. Thank you.
你要咖啡吗? 要 谢谢

- Rachel, what the hell is this?
瑞秋 你这是什么意思?

- What?You ask us to find you a guy
什么? 你叫我们帮你找人

and you come traipsing in here with your own!

- You found me a guy? - Yes.

We found you a really cute, funny guy from Chandler's work.
对 我们在钱德的公司 相中一个可爱风趣的人

Yeah, and I found you one, too, who is not a weirdo.

You know what though, guys, I really appreciate that,but I'm just gonna take Sebastian to the charity.
你们知道吗?真是谢谢你们 不过我带赛巴斯钦去就好了

Are you sure? Because our guy smells incredible.

Would you stop it with that already?

- Here you go. Sure. - Oh, thank you.
你的咖啡 谢谢

So, Sebastian, do you do any volunteer work?
赛巴斯钦 你有在当义工吗?

- Uh, no, not really. Why?

It's just I know a single guy who does care about other people.
没有 我只是认识一个 心别人的单身汉 事关 没

Are you funny?

- Excuse me? - What are you guys doing?
什么? 你们在干什么?

Are you funny? Tell us a joke!

Look, I just wanted to have coffee with Rachel.

Well, so do a lot of people.

- Actually, uh, I gotta get going.
说实话 我该走了

- Give me a call sometime. - But you didn't give me your number.
有空打电话给我 你没给我电话号码

Okay, see you later.
好 那就改天见

Turns out he is kind of funny.

I cannot believe you guys!He was really nice and he just left because of you!
你们真是太扯了 他人很好 却被你们赶走了

Yeah, but, "Sebastian"? What is that, a cat's name?
"赛巴斯钦"耶? 那是猫的名字吗?

You know what I noticed, Rachel, he scares easy.
你知道我骚现什么? 他很容易被吓到

Now, is that the kind of guy you want to take to a ball?

"Sebastian, would you like to dance?"
"赛巴斯钦 要不要跳舞

"Uh, okay. I gotta go. Aah!"
"好 我得走了"

All right, guys stop it.

Rachel, we're very sorry.That is a very insensitive thing for us to do.
瑞秋 对不起 我们太过分了

You know what? Let us make it up to you. We've two really great guys for you.
这样吧 让我们补偿你 我们有两个好男人让你挑

Yeah, what have you got to lose?You might even end up with someone really special
对啊 你有什么损失? 搞不好会认识让你心动的人

. If you pick my guy.

- All right.

- Okay. So you will meet our guys?Yes, I'll meet them
好 你愿意见我们找的人? 我愿意

Okay now it doesn't matter which one you choose, y'know? It's completely up to you.
你要选谁都行 由你自己决定

Our guy is perfect.

Or you could go out with the guy Phoebe deemed,not good enough to go out with herself.
或者你也可以选 菲比自己看不上眼的人

Phoebe, there you are! Okay, you broke my fridge.You owe me 400 bucks.
菲比 你在这里 你弄坏我的冰箱 欠我四百元

- Okay, sure. - Really?
好吧 真的?

Ooh, technically, you owe me $600 for sending out happy thoughts,on your last 10 auditions.
技术上来说你欠我六百元 你最近十次试镜我都有祝祷

Call it even?


There you are. So, what did Elizabeth say?
回来了 伊丽莎白怎么说?

Well, turns out she is going to Daytona for "spring break, woo-hoo."
她真的是要去德通纳春游 呼呼

That means wet T-shirt contests, guys doing shots off of girls' bodies...
也就是有湿了恤美女选拔赛 男生朝女生身上扔水球

...waking up next to people you don't even know.

Man, she is gonna have a great time!

Is she staying at the Hotel Corona?

- You know the hotels? - I was there, Spring Break '81!
你熟那里的饭店? 当然 我参加过81年春游 呼呼

In 1981, you were 13.

So what? I drove down, sold T-shirts. I had a blast.
那又怎样?我开车去卖了恤 玩得好开心

You know who knows how to party? Drunk college chicks.
你们知道谁最会疯? 酒醉的大学女生

Okay, she can't go.
好 她不准去

You can't tell her not to go. You just started dating.
罗斯 你不能叫她不准去 你们才交往没多久

- Then what am I supposed to do?

- Nothing. Just be cool with it.
不怎么办 你只能接受

What if she goes down there and sleeps with a bunch of guys?

Well, maybe you don't marry this one.

I'm so glad you're going on this trip.Yeah, I've been working so hard this semester.
你能去旅行真是好事 就是啊 我这学期那么用功

I really need to go crazy, you know? Blow off some steam.Sure. Sure.
很需要疯狂下 好解压力 当然

Look, I don't know if your plans are finalized yet...

...but I know another great way to blow off steam.
但我知道 还有一个办法可以好解压力

- What? - Are you into crafts at all?
什么办法? 你喜欢做手工艺吗?

- Ross, are you okay?
罗斯 你还好吗?

- Uh, yeah. Of course I'm okay.Heh, I'm just being, uh, supportive.
我当然很好 我只是在表示支持

Supportive of you and this whole trip,and what... What is, uh...? What's this?
支持你和这次旅行 还有这是什么?

- It's a bathing suit? - To wear in front of people?
那是泳衣 你要穿它去见人?

- Is that supportive? - Is this?
这样叫支持吗? 这样是吗?

- Hey. - Good, good, good.
嘿 太好了

Hey. - Hi.
嘿 嗨

- We're really glad you decided to meet our guy. - Oh.You're gonna like him so much.
很高兴你答应见我们找的人 你一定会很喜欢他

- Uh, when do you want to meet him?

I don't know. I know I don't work late tomorrow night.
不晓得 我知道我明晚不用加班

- Tomorrow night is good.

but uh, y'know what? Why put off something till tomorrow that you can do right now?
不过现在能做的事 为什么要拖到明天?

- Eldad, come here! What?
艾达 过来

- Eldad, this is Rachel. - How are you?
艾达 这位是瑞秋 你好吗?

A little blind-sided, but, you know, good.
有点措手不及 不过我很好

Eldad, sit down. Move over. Move over now.
艾达 坐 你坐过去

There you go. There you are.

- Okay, we can take a hint! - Ha-ha-ha.
好 我们知道了

- Wait. What are you doing here? - This is Patrick.
等等 你来干什么? 这位是派屈克

- Hi. - Hi.
嗨 嗨

Okay, you're too late okay? Because she's already with our guy.
你来晚了 她跟我们那个在一起了

Oh, my God, you're right, I am too late. They're sitting on the couch and talking.
天哪 我是来晚了 他们正坐在沙发上聊天


This is Patrick.

- Oh. Hi. Hi.
喔 嗨 嗨

This is the guy I was telling you about.

Believe me, this suit does not do justice to what's underneath it.
相信我 这套西装 太委屈底下的身材了

Okay.But Pheebs,
好 但是菲比

I'm just sort of in the middle of something.

Oh, okay. That's okay. Have a seat.
好 没关系 你坐

- You can't do that!

- Maybe I should go.Just sit down, we're winning.
我走好了 坐下 我们占上风

Okay, you know what? Maybe I should go.No, no! Have a seat!
也许我才应该走 不要 坐下

Rachel, you haven't touched Eldad's hair.
瑞秋 你还没模过艾达的头发

- It is the softest hair. Touch it. I'm good.
超柔顺的 你模模看 不必了

Rachel, Patrick is really rich. Give her some money.
瑞秋 派屈克很有钱 拿钱给她

Phoebe, this isn't really worth the free massage.
菲比 这个免费按摩的代价太高了

That's right, Patrick. Bye-bye.
没错 派屈克 再见

Eldad is much more cooperative and he can dance.
艾达合作多了 而且很会跳舞

You dance for Rachel.

No, don't dance for me, please!
不 拜托不要

What is the matter with you guys?

Yeah, okay, let's talk it out.
没错 大家来说清楚 我

Am I the only one that this is embarrassing for?

- I'm a little embarrassed.

I'll tell you who should be embarrassed. It's you guys. Come on.This is ridiculous!
该尴尬的是你们 这实在是太扯了

Thank you very much, but I do not need you to get me a date.
很谢谢你们 但我不需要你们帮我找人

- Then why did she ask us to help... - I am still talking!
那你为什么叫我们 我还没说完

Then you chase away the one guy that I actually liked.

No offense to you guys. Really, congratulations on,all the cash.
我没有冒犯的意思 真的 恭喜你有那么多现金

And you really... Wow, you do have very soft hair.
还有你 你的头发真的很柔顺

But I would much rather go to the ball all by myself than go through anymore of this! Good-bye!
但我宁可自己一人参加晚会 也不要再受这种气 再见

Now, do you use some sort of special conditioner on that hair?

- Yes, papaya extract. - Thank you.
有 木瓜粹取液 谢谢

- So, uh, have a great time down there. - I will.
好好去玩吧 我会的

- Did you pack that bathing suit? - Yeah.
你有带那套泳衣吗? 有

It was pretty funny when I hid it for a while, huh?
我刚才把它藏起来 实在蛮好玩的

Anyway. Um...

I am worried about that bathing suit.Not because it's revealing, which I'm fine with.
我不是担心那套泳装太曝露 这一点我不在意

No, I'm concerned about your health.Um, sun exposure.
我是关心你的健康 怕你晒到

Oh, don't worry, I have plenty of sun block.- It's SPF 30.
放心 我带了一大堆防晒油 防晒系数30

Well, if what's in the bottle is actually 30.

I mean, sometimes you get 30, sometimes it's 4, and I swear,more often than not, it's just milk.
有时候是30 有时候只有4 我发誓有很多都只是牛奶

Ross, it's gonna be okay.I'm not going down there to hook up with a bunch of guys.
罗斯 你放心 我不是要去跟一堆男生鬼混

I really like you. I like how things are going between us.
我真的很喜欢你 我喜欢我们的关系

- Really? - Yeah.I'm just going down there to relax and hang out with my friends.
真的? 对 我只是跟朋友们去玩玩

Okay. Cool. Heh.

- Oh, here they are. - Hey, Elizabeth!Bye!
喔 嘿 他们来了 伊丽莎白

Call me!

Rachel, we're sorry for pushing those guys on you.
瑞秋 抱歉把那些人硬塞给你

That's all right. I ended up having a really good time.
没关系 结果我玩得很开心

The charity was a big success, they raised a lot of money and awareness.
晚会很成功 募到很多款 引起很多重视

So, what was it for, anyway?

I wanna say a disease.

- Hey. Hey.
嘿 嘿

I just got this weird message from Ross. He said turn on MTV. I don't know.
罗斯留了奇怪的留言 叫我们看M了V台

- Oh, my God, look! That's Elizabeth! Ha-ha-ha.
看 是伊丽莎白

Oh, oh, Professor Geller.
喔 盖勒教授

Ah, to be 13 again.
重温13岁旧梦 是啊

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